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Project: Pantheon - Episode Three 
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The man seemed confused at the sudden appearance of a smaller version of himself, in fact, it was quite disturbing to the creature. It turned its attention away from the illusion and immediately fixed its sights upon Austin. Within a split second it had lunged towards the young man, its thick gorilla-like fingers outstretched to grasp his body and snap it like a meagre twig; only to be slammed into by a bus and pushed a considerable distance away into a pile of rubble.

As the sound of groaning metal stopped, Abi landed on the ground, her heels clicking lightly as they touched the pavement, and she rushed over to her brother's side. "Austin, are you alright?!"

Before he could answer however, they all heard the groaning of the bus that had slammed into the creature earlier as it began to move. Gradually it shifted, was lifted off of the ground, and was thrown into the side of another building with ease. By this time, Mike had also arrived at Heroes' Square, just in time to witness the man take a deep breath and roar violently in their direction.

Up close, the roar was quite a sight to behold. Not only was it profoundly loud and disorienting, but the sound waves literally packed quite a punch. The very ground in front of him was torn up by the sound waves, sending dirt, debris and shattered glass flying. While the team itself was knocked backwards off of their feet and flung against the surrounding infrastructure. They were bruised, but they were far from being knocked down for the count.


Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:15 pm

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Austin caught his breath after the bus hit the man. If it wasn't for Abigail, he'd be a goner right now. It was clear to him now that the target really was a violent and dangerous man. Before he could say anything in return, the bus was thrown off and a powerful roar sent him and the rest of the team flying. He peeled himself off the wall of a building and stood facing the target. "Thanks for your help back there," he finally said to his sister. "If there's anything else you'd like to try, now would be a good time. The target seems to be invincible, though. Let me try something." He focused all of his thoughts on manipulating the complicated net of electronic signals in the man's brain. He knew he had to stop the guy somehow, and his only trick was to try and give him a seizure, so he tried just that.

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Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:59 am
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Immediately as the bus struck the monster, Bertók sent his illusion at the monster. The clone should be around the same strength as the original, so even though it wouldn't be able to fight the target alone, if combined with the other members skills at the same time the clone should still be a perfect distraction. He flew back as the sound wave struck him, but the clone, unmoved, raised a fist and attempted to plant a punch square on the monster's temple.


Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:57 pm
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OOC: Imma have to discuss the nuances of both of your powers.

As the illusion threw its fist at the creature, just as Austin made an attempt on its mind, the man was thrown off guard and allowed the illusion to land a square punch. The creature was knocked backwards, nearly flying into the bronze memorial statues of their parents. Getting up from the ground, it ran towards the illusion, locking its hands with it. The two creatures wrestled back and forth, though the illusion was no match for the original.

Suddenly, there was a large cracking sound, sounding much like glass, and the illusion shattered. The beast turned angrily toward the group and snarled.


Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:56 pm

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Natalie looked on, admittedly impressed, as her teammates went to work on the beast. First the bus, then the strange duplicate. It was honestly difficult to place exactly who was doing what, and the creature's explosive cry had done little to help that. Austin seemed to be exerting himself, so perhaps he had gone back on his earlier statement. However, the monster was hardly fazed by the onslaught, tossing aside the vehicle and destroying its copy with ease.

Natalie's trance was shattered along with Bertók's construct, and she quickly retrieved her crystal.
Try shrugging this off. She thought as she reshaped the salt into a disk and hurled it toward the enemy. The small blade cut through the air between Natalie and her target, swerving around erratically before circling around behind it and diving straight toward its achilles tendon.

Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:10 am

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"Dammit!" Austin said. "We need to get coordinated! He's nearly invincible. If we're going to disable him we need some sort of plan. Is there any weakness we've seen so far?" Without a plan, this would surely be a very rough fight. Just then, he saw another girl hurl some sort of disc towards the enemy, and it arced in midair straight towards the Achilles tendon. Hoping to disable it long enough to keep it from dodging, he tried once more to cause a seizure, focusing harder, blocking out everything besides the man's mind. He tore through it like paper, rearranging things haphazardly and causing neurons to fire in odd ways.

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Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:29 pm
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Bertók shook his head, unsure whether it would be worth sending another clone of the monster out. Odds are it wasn't going to be worth it because there was no way it would fall for the same trick twice. Not that it looked smart, but it did seem aware. He glanced around for something else to copy and noticed several unscathed vehicles around the UN grounds, heading over to take a look at them. He rotated the mirror on its side to catch a vehicle, leaving out the roof to get a bigger clone.

A makeshift convertible roared out from the mirror and barreled toward the monster from behind. If he timed this perfectly, it would strike the monster after it was already hit by the barrage from the others, catching it off guard and at its weakest.


Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:18 pm
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OOC: This is just a notice. As this is a fast-paced RP, I hope to continually update as quickly as I can. However, I will not be waiting for people to post (say, days to a full week) as I do in The Omnivident.

The beast attempted to watch the approaching disk closely, though suddenly its eyes crossed and a great shiver shook through its entire being as it convulsed once. Staggering onto the ground, though catching itself with its hands, all the while causing the ground around him to tremble. He shook his head, and used his right hand to smack his head as if there was something within it, though this allowed Natalie the perfect opportunity for her disk to slice into its Achilles tendon with ease.

He stood up with his eyes dilated and howled in pain. It was a sharp and powerful roar, that caused those closest to him to grab their ears in pain. The sound waves caused a shower of glass to fall as the skyscrapers were hit with the concussive blast of sound energy.

Abi stood up mildly disoriented and shook the dirt and debris from her hair. As she looked up, she could see the shards of glass falling dangerously from above. While they were more impervious than the average human being, glass falling from such a height would be quite dangerous even for them. She raised her hands, and the sound of groaning could be heard as the top of a bus shelter was ripped off, glass shattering onto the ground, and raised it over their heads as the glass came crashing down. Startlingly, one piece embedded itself into the top, nearly penetrating the shelter.

It was then that Bertók's illusion came screeching from behind the creature and slammed into his back with a loud thump. The car shattered as it hit the beast, but its impact had a significant effect. Overwhelmed by the strange buzzing in his head and the pain that seared through its body it slumped to the ground with a sigh, shaking the ground as he made contact with the torn pavement.

"We did it?" said Abi incredulously as she broke the silence.

In the distance the sound of helicopter blades could be heard as they descended upon ruined Manhattan.

"This is command," crackled the communication line "There has been a report of loud roaring in your vicinity. What is your status?"


Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:39 pm
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"I didn't get a chance to do anything." Mike muttered almost inaudibly, which was uncharacteristic of him. Most of this was because he arrived late. At least whoever this person, or monster, was didn't resemble his father in anyway, and some part was relieved. He spoke into the communication line cautiously, eyeing the thing on the ground as he began. "It came from the target. I think it's finally down."

Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:09 pm

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OOC: I'll wait until Kiki and I solve the conundrum of my character's powers before posting again.

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Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:33 pm

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Partially for the sake of safety, but more to avoid any conceivable victory celebration, Natalie made her way over to the seemingly unconscious form of their opponent once the fighting had ended. As she approached, she was careful to maintain a safe distance, though she wasn't terribly worried. Even if the creature did wake up, it wouldn't be going very far with a cut that size on the back of its leg. The girl raised a hand over her mouth as she observed her own handiwork. It really was a nasty wound. Rather than dwell on it, though, she decided to take a closer look at the rest of the thing's body, hoping to find something interesting.

Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:16 am
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Bertók relaxed as the monster finally fell. He walked toward a pile of rubble and, placing his mirror along the concrete, sat down against it and closed his eyes. He wasn't too shocked by the events or how they might have affected the people, though he was wondering who would foot the bill for fixing everything. The aftermath was probably the most disheartening thing to him. No more did these buildings exist. Where would the people go? And though he tried not to care too much about others, he couldn't help but feel some sort of distress with the whole situation. He had to release his feelings before they drove him mad, but he had no pen or paper. Searching around, he found a piece of concrete that he used as a chisel to crudely write a eulogy in the rubble.

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sed vivoj



Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:01 pm
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The aftermath of the situation seemed to pass by them in a blur. The military immediately descended on the city to stabilize the damaged buildings and rescue civilians. The body of the crazed man was removed from the premises by a black jet with a tractor beam while Abigail, Austin, Mike, Natalie and Bertok were escorted in another military jet to an undisclosed location.

Upon landing, they found themselves on a green grassy plain surrounded by mountains and clear blue skies overhead. Upon closer inspection, the entire area was covered by some sort of invisible dome, had they looked out the window from the jet earlier, all they would have seen was the continuous chain of mountains that comprised the rocky mountains, their location masked by some sort of cloaking technology.

In front of them stood a large three-storey building of a fairly modern design. Comprised of sharp angles, and mostly rectangular windowpanes, every exterior wall facing them was made of glass. At the very front the doors slid open as two individuals walked out towards the group.

The first was a man approximately 28 years old, with curly brown hair, bright green eyes and a sharp nose while alongside him walked a woman who was probably 30 years old with red wavy hair that rested on her shoulders and simple oval rimmed glasses over inquisitive brown eyes. The man wore a green and brown camouflage military uniform, while the woman wore a sharp a pastel-grey blazer over a business formal sky blue dress and held a clipboard.

"Congratulations to the five of you," spoke the woman formally "You have all been approved to officially join Pantheon. You may call me Delphi, I will be your handler, and Mercury over her is in charge of communications."

"As members of Pantheon, you will no longer report to command, your base of operations is referred to as Olympus. This" she paused while raising her hand to the building behind them "Is Olympus. Your personal items have been relocated to this location and you will no longer be living in the residences provided by the military."

"You will find Olympus quite expansive. On the main floor you will find the Lobby, the Library, and the Kitchen. On the second floor is the Gym, the Recreation Room, the Crime Lab, the Infirmary, the Global Surveillance Room and the Debriefing Room. On the third floor is where all of your personal bedrooms are located; each room has their own bathroom; and you will also find that there is a common area which you may choose to use as you see fit. At the very top is the rooftop patio with a pool as well as a greenhouse, and in the s**** is the Virtual Reality Simulator and the General Lab. There is one elevator, though there are two spiral staircases on either side of it, should you prefer to walk. Lastly, to the left you will find a garage and an airplane hangar."

"Debriefing will occur in one hour, feel free to explore your new home in the meantime." Delphi turned on her heels and walked back towards the building, while Mercury followed shortly after waving quickly at the group before catching up to the woman.


Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:03 pm
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The first goal Bertók set to accomplish in Olympus was to find his room and change out of the suit, no doubt that the others might have had in mind as well. He wandered through the building without a desire to look around and marvel at the space. It was large and foreign and uncomfortable. It seemed like to sterile an environment, everything designed as it should, nothing out of place and that somewhat bothered him.
He found his way to the third floor and found his own room, all his possessions placed inside just as they were told. He changed quickly from the old suit into his own suit, picked up his poetry notebook and a pen and left the room in search of somewhere to go to pass the time.


Last edited by Whimzer on Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:13 pm

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Austin quickly found his room and changed into a pair of blue jeans and a dark t-shirt. He looked around his room, where all of his personal belongings were neatly organized. It bothered him a little bit that the government seemed to know a lot about his personal effects, but it was sort of what he expected nonetheless. He had to admit, it was cool knowing that he now lived in a superlair like the heroes on tv, but it was rare that he felt like one of them, considering his strange powers. With all that out of the way, he left the room. Austin considered his options and decided to take a closer look at the virtual reality simulator.

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Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:52 pm
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