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Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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I don't actually remember T&T's 3rd case so it can't have been great so I guess 3 is just a s*** number
Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:49 pm |
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:16 pm Posts: 1583 Country:
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Kingdom Hearts 3D : Dream Drop Distance (3 D's... coincidence I THINK NOT!) Review Story: I actually quite enjoyed the story switching between Sora and Riku was a great memory of playing Birth By Sleep... but really repetitive. (Just go buy a lot of Drop Me Nots from the Moogles. The best way to play the story is play the world as Sora then Riku. But in The World That Never Was it pushes you out as Sora but go back in. You will be good.) I don't want to get to deep into the Story but it brings info from all games. (Even that Re:Coded game) Gameplay: Like I said in story you switch between Sora and Riku. And you are most likely wondering how it is repetitive. Well like Super Mario Bros 2 (USA) it is a dream... but it becomes REALITY! But the gameplay is very similar to Birth By Sleep with the commands you set yourself. Example: Balloonga Fira (Triangle) Meteor But now in this Kingdom Hearts game.... it meets Pokemon. Your partners aren't Kairi or anyone cool. Just little monsters called Dream Eaters. (Which are also your enemies) I really hate the concept but at the same time I like it. I like how it brings back Limits in a small way. Music: o mey gurd dat musac is the best! Music From The Three Musketeers World: Overworld: Battle: Graphics: I am going to steal something from JonTron here..... O MY GOD DEM GRAFFICS! Extra: The best way to play this game is watch the movie THEN play the world. Final Grade: 8/10 Everything is really good but Dropping can be really repetitive. The Dream Eaters are dumb. I don't want my Pokemans in my Kingdom Hearts.
Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:22 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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wow that was a terrible review
Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:52 pm |
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i have no idea what birth by sleep plays like
Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:02 pm |
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Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:13 pm Posts: 7252 Country:
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One of the best parts about Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance (3 D's, coincidence? I think not!! King DeDeDe confirmed for Smash 4!) is the gameplay mechanic of flowmotion. This element adds a really fluid mechanic to battle, and you didn't even mention that in your review. You only mention the Dream Eaters, telling us 'it's pokémon' (it's not) but you don't eleborate on why you 'hate them but like them' (meaning the reader of your review can't draw his or her own conclusions based on your opinion). You also don't go into the new mechanic on how Sora can equip certain power-ups or attacks like Ragnarok when he equips a certain dream eater, which adds quite a bit of depth to the system. Overall KH 3D stands out as one of the most fleshed out KH games in therms of gameplay, to me.
I do agree that the switching mechanic between sora and Riku was very hindring. More often then not, I found myself in the middle of completing a task and being forced to switch to another character. Unlike Pikmin, the game does not feel designed around the gimmick and it feels really awkward.
I found the Dimmension Shift a really useless gimmick, since the game forces you to do a little mini game that interupts the flow of action, and you can usually accomplish the same by using flowmotion. During the game it was only used creatively once, I felt like if it had been more like the Reaction Command from KH 2, it could've been better.
I personally felt that the dream eaters were a bit tedious, but I never really like 'synthesize quests' with random drops. Effective dream eaters also require a bit of time spend playing with them and what not, which leads to a longer preparation time when compared to other KH's (equip a good moveset, go). As with all Kingdom Hearts games though, Sora can buttom mash the s*** out of his enemies by himself if he tries hard enough, so for the hardcore speedrunners among us, it's possible to avoid the sidequesting for dream eater materials.
It's good that you take story and music into account, but again you don't really eleborate on why you like/don't like the story (did it have good writing, good voice acting? was it understandable? was it complex?) which leads to a superficial review that is awkward to read. I also don't get why you mentioned Super Mario Bros II, since it doesn't really contribute to anything. I personally felt that the story dealt with the usual KH problems; the plot has become so thick and confusing you can cut it with a knife, and more often then not you'll have to pay attention to every damn bit of dialogue in a cutscene to find out what the hell is going on. Luckily, KH introduces Memoirs, which give you a small overview of the plot points of earlier KH games. That was really nice to have.
The world selection and depictions thereof was great, but the game felt short. Playing the same world with Riku didn't add much content to the game either, overall it's very short compared to earlier titles in the series. I'm a sucker for Tron stuff though.
as you said; the music was top notch. Every track fit the overall atmosphere of the game/level.
On the overview though, the good points outweight the bad points. The battle system is very fleshed out and fun to use (luckily you have the option of ignoring the useless Dimmensional Shift) and the presentation and 3D are great. It's a fun KH game to play, although I'm fairly certain it won't appeal much to people outside of the Kingdom Hearts fanbase (or people who haven't played a Kingdom Hearts game before) because of the aforementioned confusing plot.
Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:18 pm |
Joined: Mon May 30, 2011 10:54 am Posts: 223 Location: Sitting... Country:
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I was really glad I found my eShop card I got for Christmas. I thought I lost it, but it was just with my other 3DS games. While a lot of people have been complaining and lamenting about the fact that Pokemon Bank hasn't been released in the Americas and Europe, I've been patient, and browsing the eshop for something to play. Normally I would just download the demos and later play them, ultimately deleting afterwards. Although this time, since I had plenty of money on me, I decided I should buy something from the eShop. So, I went into the Price drop section. I was looking around, noticing that Super Street Fighter IV 3D was only $9.99 which is pretty cheap for a game available at a local retailer, and then I found a game that caught my eye; Vector Racing.
I decided to download the game because hey, why not? The game looked interesting. I also had a little racing game rush going on since I recently got off of Mario Kart 7 online. So, it finishes downloading, and I launch the software.
In this game, you start out with six vehicles (there are 3 to unlock): Usual Steady: A vehicle with balanced stats Flat Beetle: A vehicle with great handling, decent acceleration, but poor max speed Axel Bit: A vehicle with excellent acceleration but poor speed Rapid Hurry: A vehicle with high max speed but poor in acceleration and handling Twin Shell: A vehicle based around defense Assault Stinger: A vehicle specialized for attacking Ripping Star: A machine with high speed and handling, decent acceleration, but weak in offense and defense Disturb Unloader: A vehicle all about attack and defense Unknown: A vehicle with balanced stats A majority of the machines design wise look very similar to something you would see in F-Zero. The roster is balanced except for one of the vehicles. One of the machines you unlock is so broken that you will pretty much be using it the entire time and leaving your opponents in the dust.
The controls are fairly simple: A is for menu confirmation B is for accelerating your vehicle Y is to brake X changes view in the race Circle Pad is for steering (When racing, you'll never use the A button)
Graphics wise, there isn't that much to say. Everything is pretty much polygons and lines, and it all looks like it was an unreleased game for the Virtual Boy, except with better sound quality and the graphics aren't seizure and headache inducing (fun fact: one of the options allows you to make all solid objects red. Combined with the black background and 3D perspective, you pretty much are playing a Virtual Boy game without the goggle console). Another thing to mention about the 3D slider, I don't recommend using it for those who actually use it. The feeling of depth isn't really done well and you can get disoriented when racing. I will say though I did enjoy the style it has.
The game play is simple. You race around courses for 3 laps (some of them have 2) and will be racing against 5 other opponents. You have an energy meter which is pretty much a health meter for your vehicle. You are able to attack your opponents, but it isn't really worth it other than to slow down your opponents. There are four game modes; Grand Prix, Simple Race, Time Trial, and Vs Battle. Grand Prix's point system is pretty much Mario Kart. Unfortunately, the game's only form of VS is local wireless, so there is no online racing you can do, which is a huge downer. One big problem I have with this game is that if you fall behind, you get left behind. There's absolutely no real way to catch up. There is no boost like in F-Zero, so you have to rely on boost panels and even if you hit them all when you are far behind, you have no chance of catching up.
Difficulty wise, the game is really easy. Even the most "challenging" difficulty is easy to beat. The AI honestly pose no threat whatsoever. They are more passive than they are aggressive, so they pretty much will almost never attack you unless you make the first move. Like I said about falling behind, when you are far ahead of your opponents, they have almost no chance of catching up.
The music is really monotonous. There are like maybe 2 or 3 different music tracks but they are slow electronic music tracks. I want to listen to fast paced, adrenaline pumping music like in F-Zero or even Mario Kart when I'm racing. Here, the music makes everything feel so boring and slow.
The tracks themselves are uneventful and feel pretty repetitive. There are no hazards and despite the scenery changes (some of the tracks have cows), there really is nothing different about them. What makes it worse is the fact that the same music track plays through the race. It's so boooring.
Final Verdict of this game: 5.8/10 Just Shy of Average. While I did enjoy the art style and game play for the most part and also appreciated the roster of having different vehicles to choose from with different stats so that they aren't re-skins of each other, the game offers very little to do and isn't really satisfying. The tracks are boring, uneventful, and repetive. It feels slow and boring, the music and difficulty don't help this game much at all, the AI is pitiful, and the lack of online multiplayer (despite the fact that it wouldn't help considering it is an eShop title) really makes me want more out of this game. It really makes me want a new F-Zero even more. Please Nintendo, I hope you're making one. Although the game itself is fairly mediocre, I enjoyed it and if the developers of Vector Racing make a sequel (which is highly unlikely), I might check it out.
Come to think of it, it really seems like an unreleased Virtual Boy game. Eh, oh well. I am glad I got it on sale though.
Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:55 am |
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So I got this as soon as it came out on PC, just beat the main story and the two DLCs it came with. Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceHoly s*** this game is fun. Have you ever wanted to actually cut your enemies into hundreds of tiny f*** bits? HAVE f*** AT IT. The combat in this game is ridiculously fluid and constantly fun while remaining challenging. You get experience as you slice the absolute f*** out of everything that level up your health, FC (a meter for your Blade Mode), weapons, and you can even buy different skins, most of which are purely cosmetic but some actually have extra effects. When you beat certain bosses, you get their weapons which can replace your heavy attacks if you so choose to equip them (I never did so I can't comment on their quality). After each battle, you get a rating depending on how well you did in that fight, with an overall rating at the end of the level. There's a tremendous amount of replayability, with multiple difficulty levels, using the different subweapons, always trying to beat your previous scores on levels, and getting all of the collectibles (some are actually ARMS that you CUT OFF OF PEOPLE WOW). The story of the game is incredibly dull but you really shouldn't go into a game about cyborg ninjas and expect an amazing narrative. The voice acting fluctuates in quality, with some pretty good and others hilariously terrible. But no matter the voice actor, the dialogue in this game is some of the corniest s*** I've ever heard, but I consider it a plus to this game for just being so f*** hilarious ("Is your cause just? Or is that "just" what you tell yourself?"). I'd say the biggest downside to the game is how much it takes you out of the action, at least on your first playthrough when you probably don't want to skip anything. In true Metal Gear fashion, the cutscenes are super long. Although unlike Metal Gear, the story in this isn't worth watching the cutscenes (although you can skip most of them). There are points spread throughout levels, mostly after you've just finished ripping spines out of people, that someone will contact you on your communicator and it makes you moves super slow (you can also skip this). The camera is also pretty s***. For whatever reason, it defaults to a low-position-looking-up view at almost all times. During battle, it can get all finicky and make you take some cheap hits, especially when fighting big enemies/bosses. I'd say the biggest pull of the game, aside from it being fun as s***, is the soundtrack. It has one of the greatest soundtracks in recent memory. It always kicks on during battle and makes you even more pumped while slice'n'dicing. There wasn't a single song on it that I didn't like. This is probably my favorite: conclusion: fantastic gameplay, boring story (but that really shouldn't deter you), hilarious voice acting and dialogue, occasionally slows down, pretty bad camera, amazing soundtrack. I didn't include graphics because I played on medium settings with low shadows and no anti-aliasing, so I feel I'm not exactly qualified to rate them. 9/10
_________________MAFIA'S BACK COME JOINAMA
Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:51 am |
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I've seen a lot of people complaining about the camera, but I never had any problems
Either way, it's up there for one of my favourite games of 2013 and it's neat that PCbros can enjoy it too now
Also yes Raiden's voice straddles the line between "actually badass" and "hilariously ridiculous"
Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:44 am |
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I didn't either during my first play, but when I did the Jetstream chapter it really became a problem. Maybe I just didn't notice it the first time or something, I dunno. AND IT WILL FLOW
Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:11 pm |
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tbh I think that goes for most of the diologue in the game, special award goes to the Raiden vs Steven Armstrong dialogues. CANT MAKE AN OMELETTE WITHOUT BREAKING A FEW EGGS, JACK
Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:58 pm |
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I've said my sword is used for justice, not revenge... BUT THIS ISN'T MY SWORD
_________________MAFIA'S BACK COME JOINAMA
Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:46 pm |
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I meant the voice acting specifically And then I go play Kingdom Hearts and every time I hear Axel's voice I expect him to tear somebody's spine out
Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:22 am |
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I just beat Mistral, the music
Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:48 pm |
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Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Please note; I am still playing this game.
Well; for people who have played Animal Crossing before, you might assume it's just AC for 3DS, with very little changed. And you'd be wrong.
In this game, a number of things have changed. First and foremost, you get to become the mayor of your town. What's so great about that? Well, you get a large level of freedom, and you can build your town your way. It allows you to make the decisions of whether or not to put in one thing (such as a police station) or another (a new bridge across the river). Next, Tom Nook, the infamous raccoon businessman, no longer runs the store in your town. He now sells and builds your house for you, and is a full time realtor. He has passed the torch of the store to his children, Timmy and Tommy. There's also a large cast of lovable character, whether they be grumpy or uchi (a new personality) or whatever. Most characters otherwise reprise their roles from their previous games.
One thing that I loved when I first got the game was the Fortune Cookie, which gives you Nintendo-themed items such as Mushrooms, Master Sword, Metroids and more to decorate your home with. I myself have the entire collection, which i proudly display. Thousands of steps with your 3DS on is worth it!
Then, as always, nothing is more satisfying after a week of hard work in Animal Crossing than getting to curl up and listen to K.K. Slider jam out some tunes on his guitar. Very sweet indeed. Then there's the hilarious speeches by Mr. Resetti when you reset ("This here's Animal Crossing: New Leaf. We STRONGLY suggest you play this without that resettin' nonsense, ya little twerp! This ain't no other game!") and the occassional shift for Brewster at the Roost, and the inevitable frustration compared to telling Blathers that Redd sold you a Da Vinci, only to find it's a fake (although, there are now ways to notice the fakes, making for an easier time).
Lots of content, which is ever growing, as Nintendo releases DLC every so often as well.
Gameplay: 9/10 Music: 10/10 Graphics: 7/10
Overall Rating: 9.5/10
Pick this up sometime. It's a great masterpiece.
_________________"Remember, believing in yourself is your magic."
Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:29 am |
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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"a great masterpiece"
when did we start getting bad masterpieces?
Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:16 am |
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