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"Expansion" Character Moveset Speculation 
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Shine wrote:
I was going to review Blanca but Mage already got that covered and I have no clue about anything related to Street Fighter lol.

Ayumi Tachibana Solves the Case!
[ Image ]
Source Game:Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir (NES/Famicom)
[ Image ]
Palettes: show
[ Image ]
Description: Ayumi's the heroine of the Detective Club games, which were made for the Famicom Disk System. In the first installment of the series, Ayumi solved the murder of one of her friends, and shortly thereafter, she opened her own investigative agency. Since those early days, she's proven to be a daring and peerless crime solver.

Since Ayumi is a normal teenage girl her stats are average across the board. Ayumi's a very shy girl and uses an unorthodox fighting style. She's similar to Pheonix Wright in concept. Since they use mundane actions for some of their attacks.

*An NES/Famicom retro representative.
*Fills in the Average Human and the Schoolgirl character archtypes. The latter being desperately needed in SSF2.
*Female Diversity
*Unique Moveset & character not seen playable on other iterations of Smash.
*Who wouldn't want to play as a kawaii schoolgirl?

Weight: 100
Height: Medium
Dash Speed: Average
Air Speed: Average
Jump Height: Average
Fall Speed: Slow

Standard Attacks
Jab1: Shy Punch
Range: Medium
Damage: 2%
Knockback: Very Low
Description: Ayumi closes her eyes and turns her head as she delivers a straight punch.

Jab2: School Bag Bash
Range: Medium
Damage: 4%
Knockback: High
Description: After delivering a punch, a scared Ayumi lifts her schoolbag overhead and swats it downwards. Has surprisingly high knockback and can actually KO around 140%.

Forward Tilt: Gentle Kick
Range: Medium
Damage: 9%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi delivers a weak straight kick. It's a very fast tilt and since Ayumi kicks at a low angle it's good at disrupting enemy attacks.

Up Tilt: Paper Throw
Range: Long
Damage: 8%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi throws a sheet of paper overhead. A fast disjointed up tilt, though it doesn't deal much damage or knockback it's a great overhead anti-air.

Down Tilt: Detect
Range: Short
Damage: 6%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi leans forward while analyzing the ground infront of her with a magnifying glass.

Dash Attack: Scared Shove
Range: Medium
Damage: 10%
Knockback: Medium
Description: Ayumi turns her head while closing her eyes as she thrusts her arms forward, shoving anyone in her way. Unlike most dash attacks Ayumi's sends the opponent at a semi-spike angle. Allowing it to set up tech chases and put the opponent in an edgegaurd situation.

Smash Attacks
Forward Smash: School Bag Flail
Range: Medium
Damage: 11%
Knockback: High
Description: Ayumi stretches her arm back while holding her school bag. She then swings her school bag with mighty force, causing her to spin in place. A relatively plain side smash. Can KO above 120%.

Up Smash: Paper Rain
Range: Long
Damage: 15%
Knockback: High
Description: Ayumi thrusts her school bag above her head. Causing a cloud of papers to appear overhead, the papers then fade away after a second. A large circular hitbox with decent horizontal reach. One of Ayumi's better KO options. KOing above 100%.

Down Smash: Trip
Range: Short
Damage: 10%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi sticks her leg outwards while spinning in place. Similar to Zelda's down smash. Except Ayumi's doesn't have massive knockback. Instead Ayumi has the fastest down smash in SSF2(coming out on frame 2). Making it an excellent GTFO move.

Neutral Air: School Bag Smack
Range: Medium
Damage: 11%
Knockback: Medium
Description: Similar to ZSS' neutral air Ayumi swings her school bag in front of her. Has a slight back hitbox. Good for combos.

Forward Air: Zoom In
Range: Short
Damage: 9%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi holds a magnifying glass to her eye but quickly extends her arm forward. A weak forward air but good for combos.

Back Air: Cautious Kick
Range: Medium
Damage: 12%
Knockback: High
Description: While using both her hands to hold onto her bag, Ayumi cautiously thrusts her right leg behind her. A decent KO move at high percents. Similar to ZSS' back air.

Up Air: Overhead Swing
Range: Medium
Damage: 10%
Knockback: Medium
Description: Ayumi waves her school bag overhead. A relatively slow move compared to most other attacks. Has a nice lingering hitbox, can also set up for juggles at mid percents.

Down Air: Sneeze
Range: Short
Damage: 10%
Knockback: Medium
Description: Ayumi's aerial momentum halts as she snaps back and sneezes. This move will always meteor smash the opponent, though landing this move would be tricky.

Neutral Special: Evidence
Description: Ayumi searches the ground infront of her and finds a piece of evidence. A bar of images will appear over Ayumi as she uses Evidence. To indicate how many pieces of evidence Ayumi currently has. Evidence completely effects Ayumi's Side Special and how effective Down Special is.
Evidence can't be used midair.
5 Tiers of Evidence: show
No Evidence/Tier 1: Ayumi starts every match without evidence.

Tattered Shoe/Tier 2: Ayumi finds a tattered shoe near the crime scene.

A Weird Note/Tier 3: A weird note is found near the crime scene, It's connected with the crime.

A Bloodied Spoon/Tier 4: A mangled, bloodied spoon. Clearly the weapon used to perpetrate the crime.

Incriminating Photo/Tier 5: A photo depicting of the crime. Indisputable proof.

Side Special: Accusation
Description: Ayumi throws a sheet of paper from her school bag. The propeties of this projectile change with Ayumi's Evidence.
Side Special has 5 variations depending on the Tier of Evidence Ayumi has gathered. In all variations Ayumi throws a sheet of paper, the paper is surrounded by a light blue aura.
Ayumi can continuously use the same Accusation, except she can't use them repeatedly as she has to wait 2 second intervals. Except for Accusation3 which has a 7 second interval.

Accusation Variants: show
Accusation1/No Evidence
Range: Long
Damage: 5%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi throws a sheet of paper from her school bag. Due to lack of evidence this projectile is very weak in damage and knockback , though it is fast.

Accusation2/Tattered Shoe
Range: Medium
Damage: 7%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi throws a sheet of paper from her school bag. This variant travels similar to Mario's Fireball in that it bounces in low arcs off the ground. Accusation2 doesn't travel as far however since it has a pretty big hitbox.

Accusation3/A Weird Note
Range: Medium
Damage: 9%
Knockback: High
Description: Ayumi throws a sheet of paper from her school bag. This projectile travels very, very slowly, similar to Ichigo's neutral special. Ayumi has to wait 7 seconds before she can use her side special again.

Accusation4/A Bloodied Spoon
Range: Long
Damage: 11%
Knockback: Medium
Description: Ayumi throws a sheet of paper from her school bag. This variation travels in a single high arc. Allowing Ayumi to put pressure on aerial opponents or use as a basic anti-air.

Accusation5/Incriminating Photo
Range: Long
Damage: 13%
Knockback: Very High
Description: Ayumi throws a photo from her school bag. It's indisputable proof of the crime. It has a golden aura unlike the other Accusation variants. It travels on a thin staight path similar to Accusation1.
Due to having gathered all 5 Tiers of Evidence Accusation5 is Ayumi's strongest KO option. KOing above 50%. Using Accusation5 also resets the Tier of Evidence back to 1.

Up Special: Triple Jump
Range: Medium
Description: Ayumi twirls midair, using her momentum to gain vertical height.
Triple Jump travels a smidge higher than her normal midair jump. Ayumi can act out of Triple Jump almost immediately after use, allowing her to extend aerial combos. She can even use Triple Jump in place of her midair jump and save her midair jump for later. Triple Jump does not  put Ayumi into Helpless state, and like all other up specials is regained on flinch.

Down Special: Evidence Counter
Range: Medium
Damage: 13%
Knockback: Varies
Description: Ayumi clutches her school bag close to her chest and embraces for an attack. On a successful counter a large cloud of papers will erupt from Ayumi as she falls onto her behind. The opponent is also launched.
The knockback of this counter depends on the current Tier of Evidence. With Tier 1 having little to no knockback and Tier 5 being able to KO around 80%.
Also on a succesful counter Ayumi will lose evidence and drop 1 Tier of Evidence.

Grab & Throws
Grab: Scared Hold
Range: Average
Description: Ayumi grabs her opponent with her hands and holds them. Though she's scared of them.

Pummel: Shake
Damage: 1%
Description: Ayumi panics and shakes her opponent.

Forward Throw: Slap
Damage: 12%
Knockback: Medium
Description: Ayumi panics and slaps her opponent in the face. An average throw.

Back Throw: Back Shove
Damage: 10%
Knockback: Medium
Description: Ayumi forces her opponent behind her and shoves them away by their back.

Up Throw: Bag Uppercut
Damage: 11%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi uppercuts her opponent with her school bag. Low knockback allowing for chaingrabs and platform setups.

Down Throw: Bag Smash
Damage: 10%
Knockback: Low
Description: Ayumi raises her schoolbag overhead and slams it onto her opponent. Similar looking to her Jab2. Except this slams her opponent onto the stage. Decent combo starter at very low %.

Final Smash
Mystery Solved!
Range: Medium
Damage: 40%
Knockback: Very High
Description: Ayumi throws a single sheet of golden paper. Any opponents who come into contact with it are sent to a cinematic scene.

Ayumi and her opponent are in a black void. The camera turns to Ayumi who then shouts in Japanese.
The camera turns the opponent as they take damage and flinch. The camera turns back to Ayumi, who says.
"Dakara, sore wa anata gamas.hita!"("It WAS you all along!")
The camera then turns back to opponent who takes more damage. It turns back to Ayumi who says.
"Sore wa sore o kessai!"("So that settles it!") Ayumi then points directly at the player and shouts.
"Nazo ga kaiketsu shiyou!"("MYSTERY SOLVED!") Mystery Solved is also spelled out in the black background behind Ayumi.
The camera goes back to the match and the opponent takes another 20% and is launched with very powerful knockback.

Entrance: Ayumi rides in on her bycicle.

Taunt: Ayumi stomps her foot and pouts "Baka!"

Victory Pose: Ayumi holds her free hand to her heart and nods assuringly in typical anime fashion. She also says "Yatta yo!"("I did it!")

Lol, you must have really enjoyed that speculation Mage. I had actually planned on making a moveset that had her using items from other classic NES/Famicom games and had her Nspec be a camera that stuns opponents.

Literally Nothing to see here

Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:50 pm
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Well here is 2/3 Phoenix Wright.
From Ace Attorney
------------Jabs and Tilts-------------------
Jab - Badge - Phoenix Wright Presents his badge, similar to ganondorf's, not good for combos, but okay for knockback and damage.
F-Tilt - Slip Up - Based from The MvC move, phoenix wright slips on a peel, reaches overhead so i can be used as a anti-aerial.
D-Tilt - Phoenix Wright examines the ground, muti-hits, based off mvc moveset he has.
U-Tilt - Papers - Phoenix wright throws sheets of papers overhead above him, [Yes lots of mvc i know >.<] since they are projectiles, makes it a great anti aerial as well.
Dash Attack - YesYesYes - Based off another mvc move, phoenix walks into the enemy while holding and present a document, mutihits and super armor on start up.

N-Air - Air Pointer - Phoenix Wright points in the air, basic n-air.
F-Air - Air Objection - Phoenix Wright Shouts "OBJECTION", huge range, disjointed, and great damage, but it is a horizontal launcher and has minor start up lag.
B-Air - Air Badge - Phoenix Wright Holds and presents his badge backwards, similar to his jab.
U-Air - Phoenix Scratches his head in mid-air, another mvc move, single hitting.
D-Air - Sneeze - Phoenix sneezes, disjointed meteor.

---------------------Smash Attacks-----------
F-Smash - OBJECTION - Phoenix Shouts iconicly, great disjointed smash, great damage as well.
D-Smash - Pressing Pursuit - Phoenix wright materializes a desk from nowhere and slams down on it, meteoring anyone within a small range.
U-Smash - Pointer - Phoenix Wright points similar to turnabout mode in mvc3, since it goes upwards and forward, it will miss small characters and most crouching characters. Edit: It also produces a shine spark under the hand like in the ace attorney covers.

S-Spec - HOLD IT! - Phoenix Wright shouts hold it, similar to objection both ground and air, but does much less damage and stuns foes in place for a short duration, even in air.
U-Spec - Step Ladder - Phoenix Wright pulls a ladder out of nowhere and walks up it, the walking animation of wright it mutihitting and the ladder blocks projectiles and players, and similar to sonics spring it falls if used in air, but much more damaging and more knockback, while on the ground, it's similar to pac-mans so other players and knock it over, however if phoenix wright is still walking on it, he will fall forward, meteoring anyone below him[So its better to attack from behind the ladder] and if he falls in mid air, he will bounce off the foe and be launched [Though it won't ko him until about 160%] and meteors the foe. Despite how it seems, it's not as good recovary since it doesn't move phoenix futher then a step ladder vertially and some terrible horizontal movement, so it can be used twice without landing.
N-Spec - Present Evidense - Phoenix presents the evidence he currently has, explained in d-spec.
D-Spec - Court Record - Phoenix Wright Switches evidence he is currently using from the court record. How does he get evidence, but 2 methods, koing foes or using hold it and objection.
The evidence is collected automaticly upon every 2-4 hold it/objections and every single ko up to a max of 4 pieces of evidence, they can be collected in any random order. All are lost upon being ko'ed himself.
Evidence 1 - Blue Badger Plushie - Can be thrown in a arc, so it's a good anti aerial.
Evidence 2 - Photo - Phoenix Wright holds up a photo of the crime in front of him, summons a bunch of small muti-hitting lasers and don't do much, but have great shield damage.
Evidence 3 - Grape Juice - Phoenix Wright chugs a bottle of grape juice or 5 seconds, if he is allowed to drink for those 5 seconds he will recover 7% back.
Evidence 4 - Cell Phone - Phoenix holds a cell phone that summons 3 orbs around in front of him that home in a short distance to nearby players.

Final Smash - Turnabout - Phoenix Starts to glow and becomes a invincible, All aerials become objections, and his specials are super powered, and much less lag on all his attacks.
The final winner, ryu will be made later.

Discord ID: #6110 (If you want to question something about me more quickly then on the forums, or if you have beef with me)
Mains: :blackmage: :ichigo:
Secondaries: :sora: :chibirobo:
Awesome Images in Sig and avatar made by Ssf2 Dev Steven :)

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kb wrote:
Seriously, stop &$^#ing harassing me. I'm not some Terrible Evil Overlord Of The Forums you have to vanquish or anything like that.

Last edited by Mage on Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:14 pm
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Fiora(Xenoblade Chronicles)


Physical Description: show
Fiora is best called a cyborg. Half mechon and half homs. This may not seem like a spoiler, but if you play the beginning of Xenoblade Chronicles it will be.
Also, she attacks with twin knives.

Physics: show
All values will be using ssf2
Weight:(mario is 100) 105(slightly heavier than :link: )
Dash:(mario is 10)10
Fall:(mario is 13)14.1(tiny bit faster than :lloyd: )
FastFall:(mario is 16) 15.9(tiny bit slower than :chibirobo: )

Normal: Below average
DJ: above average
SH:(in terms of lowness)Higher than average
Running Start:below average

Standard Attacks: show
Jab:2 quick slashes.
F-tilt:Twin slash much like pits.
D-tilt:A blast of ether energy at her feet. Can lead into grab and other followups.
U-Tilt:Basicly her F-Tilt upwards.
Dash Attack:A lunge. Decent knockback that is perpendicular to the ground.

Smashes: show
F-Smash:Cannon drones. A slow smash with great launching power but low damage.
D-Smash:Sword drones. 10 swords circle around her. This attack has 10 hitboxes(duh) 5 per side. It works a lot like Soras D-smash but launches upward.
U-smash:Mag Storm. A vortex of ether energy above fiora. enemies it hits on the ground get stunned for a low amount of time.

Aerials: show
N-Air: two inward stabs. has weak hitboxes around Fiora and a powerful hitbox in the epicenter.
F-Air:Final Cross. Four hits in a frontal cone. The longer the game has been going on, the more damage dealt.
B-Air:A twisting stab behind her, similiar to black mages bair.
D-Air:A stab and a slash below fiora. the stab spikes and the slash knocks up.
U-Air:Classic Flip Kick

Throws: show
Grab:stabs the opponent then witches them to her grip.
Pummel:Stabs with her free hand
F-Throw:Speed Shift. Throws forward, runs after them and slashes them forward.
D-Throw:Zero Gravity. Uses ether to trip the opponent. techable.
B-Throw:Basicly shulks b-throw
U-Throw:Lock on. Throws up and leaps into the air after them, the kicking them to the ground.

Specials: show
N-Special:Healing Energy.Stands there arms spread out, healing 10 damage over 5 seconds. Uncancellable
S-Special:Ether Drain. A projectile similair to goku's, but slower, more powerful, and only one at a time.
U-Special:Air Fang. Jumps upwards holding her blades above her. Vertical knockback
D-Special:Shield Drones. Gains an aura that allows her to take a hit and take no knockback. Almost no endlag.

Miscellaneous: show
Entrance:Falls out of the sky in Face Nemesis, gets out when its in wreckage.
Victory Pose:Slices in front of her, then smiles
Victory Theme: Shulk's from Sm4sh
Taunt:Miniature Affinity Chart shows up with white connection innbetween her and shulk.

Finally got this out. YUSS!

I think I'm gonna main luffy and isaac.

Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:31 pm
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Well heres the next poll i already made hte ryu moveset, will be posted not tonight cause i'm tired.

Discord ID: #6110 (If you want to question something about me more quickly then on the forums, or if you have beef with me)
Mains: :blackmage: :ichigo:
Secondaries: :sora: :chibirobo:
Awesome Images in Sig and avatar made by Ssf2 Dev Steven :)

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kb wrote:
Seriously, stop &$^#ing harassing me. I'm not some Terrible Evil Overlord Of The Forums you have to vanquish or anything like that.

Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:14 am
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Note: Veemon is able to Digivolve into Raidramon, Flamedramon and XV-MON.

I'm using my phone for this, will update with stats later:


Moveset: show
Basic Combo

Jab 1
A simple jab

Jab 2
Same thing as the first jab, but with the other hand

Side Smash- Gyro Punch
Veemon winds up both of his fist then releasing them simultaneously

Down Smash
Pulls both his arms towards him then extends them forward

Up Smash
Jumps and punches upwards

Side Tilt- Wind-Up Punch
Quickly winds up his fist and punches the opponent

Down Tilt
Sweep kick

Up Tilt
Same as his Up Smash but without the jump

Dash Attack- Vee Punch
Lunges forward and punches the opponent

Neutral Special- Vee Shot
Fires a small energy blast at the opponent

Side Special- Vee Headbut
Slightly dashes forward and headbutts the opponent

Down Special- Digivolve
Holding the down special will allow Veemon to Digivolve into XV-mon; pressing one of the side Directional buttons while Digivolving will allow him to Digivolve into Flamedramon; pressing the up directional button while Digivolving will allow him to Digivolve into Raidramon.

Up Special- Hopping Kick
Leaps into the air and kicks the opponent

Neutral Air- Volley Kick
A generic sex kick, moves slightly upwards just before use

Forward Air- Aerial V-Headbut
Slams his head downwards. A short range Attack with a devastating hit, meteor Smash hitbox during end of the attack

Down Air- V-mon Head Drop
Dives diagonally downwards, works like Capt. Falcons Falcon Kick in midair but the first few frames have a meoter smash sweetspot

Back Air
Clasps both fists together and swings them behind him

Up Air
Bites upwards, moves upward while attacking

Grabs the opponent and bites them

Forward Throw
Swings the opponent over his head then leaps hitting the opponent forward

Down Throw
Slams his head into the opponent making them dizzy

Back Throw
Throws the opponent behind him then dusts off his hands

Up Throw
Tosses the opponent upwards

Taunt 1
Balls his fists and says "Let Me at 'em"

Taunt 2
Eats a Chocolate Bar

Taunt 3
Points and laughs while holding his stomach

Flamedramon: show

Basic Combo

A simple one-two jab combo

Side Smash- Fiery Fist
Hits the opponent with a flamming fist

Down Smash- Flame Shield
Burns opponents on contact and obsorbs projectiles

Up Smash
Does a backflip

Side Tilt
Swipes forward

Down Tilt
Sweep Kick

Up Tilt
Punches upwards

Dash Attack
Rams into the opponent

Neutral Special- Claw Express
A counter attack

Side Special- Fire Rocket
Engulfs himself in flames and shoots towards the opponent

Down Special- De-Digivolve
Reverts back to Veemon

Up Special- Flame Shot
Engulfed in flames, Flamedramon shoots himself diagonally upwards, using the blade on his helmet as a sweetspot

Neutral Air
Spins while a trail of fire comes from his hands

Forward Air
Slashes Forwards

Down Air
Shoots himself downward pushing himself into the opponent spiking them; short range, pushes upward after hitting the opponent; but if Flamedramon lands on the stage while using the attack, he will turn the surrounding area into magma, almost exactly like Wario's Down Smash.

Back Air
Spins around and slashes the opponent twice

Up Air
Does a backflip

Shoots himself forward and latches onto the opponent, then begins to burn the opponent

Forward Throw
Shoots the opponent forward

Back Throw
Slams the opponent down

Back Throw
Swings the opponent behind him

Up Throw
Shoots the opponent upwards

Taunt 1
Engulfs himself in flames and roars

Taunt 2
Slams his fist into the ground and says "Oh Yeah"

Taunt 3
Poses and Says: "Is that all you've got!?"

Raidramon: show

Basic Combo

Slash Attack
Slashes the opponent twice with the horn on his head

Side Smash- Electric Bite
Bites the opponent, has electric properties

Down Smash
Swings his head behind him then swings his head downwards infront of him

Up Smash
Leaps upward using the spikes on his back to hit the opponent

Side Tilt
Bites the opponent

Down Tilt
Sweeps the opponent with his tail

Up Tilt
Stands on his hind legs and bites opponent

Dash Attack
Pushes the opponent backwards with his head

Neutral Special- Thunderbolt
Shoots a bolt of lightning from his mouth

Side Special- Lightning Blade
Lightning Blade
Shoots the opponent with a powerful low range lightning bolt from his horn

Down Special- Blue Thunder
Emits blue lightning from the spikes on his back

Up Special
Jumps high into the air at a quick speed, his horns have hit boxes but only during the begging if the attack

Neutral Air
Spins into a ball hitting the opponent with his spikes.

Forward Air
Slashes downward with his claws

Down Air
Emits electricity around his body hitting opponent in the area

Back Air
Similar to Browser's Back Air

Up Air
Bites upward

Leaps forward and grabs the opponent with his jaw, then claws the opponent

Forward Throw
Swings the opponent forward

Down Throw
Drags the opponent across the stage and throws them forward

Back Throw
Throws him behind him and kicks him with his hind legs

Up Throw
Tosses the opponent upwards and then stabs them with the horn on his head

Taunt 1
Charges his electricity

Taunt 2
Moves backwards and says: "here we go!"

Taunt 3
Hopps around and laughs

XV-Mon: show
Basic Combo

Jab Combo
Same as Veemon's

Side Smash- Critical Crunch
Dashes forward and Bite the opponent

Down Smash
Crouches into a ball, then extends his arms

Up Smash
Jumps and slams his head into the opponent hitting the opponent with his horn

Side Tilt
Kicks the opponent, similar to Ganon's Side Tilt

Down Tilt
Sweeps the opponent with his tail

Up Tilt
Stabs the opponent above him with his horn

Dash Attack
Runs forward and slams the opponent with both fists

Neutral Special- X-Laser
Shoots an "X" shaped beam from his chest

Side Special
Leaps forward with his wings and punches the opponent

Down Special- Hearty Shatter
Using his wings to leap diagonally backwards and shoots a fireball diagonally downwards

Up Special
Uses his wings to launch himself upwards while punching

Neutral Air- Sex Kick
A generic sex kick

Forward Air-
Uses his wings to lift himself diagonally upwards while clasping his hands together swinging his fists upwards

Down Air
Extends his legs downward while using his wing to launch him upwards, makes for a devastating meteor Smash

Back Air
Flaps his wings behind him blowing the opponent (and any projectiles) away, also propelling him diagonally upwards

Up Air
Flyies upwards while doing a headbut upwards, hitting the opponent with his horn

Grabs the opponent and punches them

Forward Throw
Tosses the opponent directly in front of him, then Headbuts the opponent

Down Throw
Leaps in the air using his wings, slams the opponent down, and then body slams the opponent

Back Throw
Slams the opponent on the ground behind him

Up Throw
Stabs the opponent with his horn and then slings the opponent upwards

Taunt 1
Roars, similar to Bowsers

Taunt 2- Digivolve/De-Digivolve
Holding the down special will allow XV-mon to De-Digivolve into Veemon; pressing one of the side Directional buttons while De-Digivolving will allow him to Digivolve into Flamedramon; pressing the up directional button while De-Digivolving will allow him to Digivolve into Raidramon

Taunt 3
Pumps his fists and says: "Lets go!"

Literally Nothing to see here

Last edited by blackking1700 on Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:13 pm, edited 8 times in total.

Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:08 pm
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You have to put a name after the equals in box you know.

I think I'm gonna main luffy and isaac.

Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:29 pm
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RagnorokX wrote:
You have to put a name after the equals in box you know.

No, I didn't, thanks for telling me. I fixed it

Literally Nothing to see here

Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:10 pm
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your welcome.

I think I'm gonna main luffy and isaac.

Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:33 pm
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Making a Dr. Mario moveset (I know spidey already made one, but this one is different and more expansive).

i just wanna see a hot nickel ball on a

Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:52 pm
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nobodies paying attention to my fiora moveset.... :(

I think I'm gonna main luffy and isaac.

Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:05 pm
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i did, but i didn't post about it.
by that logic, nobody paid attention to my Pocky and Rocky moveset.
You guys read that, right?


Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:00 pm
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>.< Okay ill review everyone, i already reviewed Pocky/Rocky, does no one noticed me review >,<
Fiora - Required taunt no exceptions - Let's press on and on and on
Normals - She was my 2nd favorite character to use in xenoblade, and we need more twin sword users are aren't :lloyd: [Can't get into his play style]
Smashes - Liked how you used drones for the smash attacks, would the u-smash be similar to mewtwos with :zerosuitsamus: down smash status?
Aerials - That f-air needs a limit for those 30 min games >.<, not much else to say since i usually like most sword user's aerials [Hard to go wrong with them]
Throws - This may sound odd, but i'm actually not too big on throws[Unless its my smash 4 main lucas], though these are nicely made.
N-Spec - Lack of healing moves in smash overall [Wii Fit doesn't count since it garbage] we need more of these in game.
S-Spec - So will it do downward in air, or straight, otherwise like goku's, great move overall.
D-Spec - Is it like smash 4 pits or super armor?
U-Spec - Required recovery move, i assume it's purely vertial recovery?
No final smash aww oh well.
The veemon [More transforming characters :P]
Veemon - Mostly punches, so it feels like a boxer fighter almost, but with some minor biting and kicking and a projectile thrown in.
Flamedramon - Fire based with counters and a recovery mostly meant for combat, interesting down smash though.
Raidramon - 4 legged combat with electric and horn, this would be the fasted one? All the specials seem similar but with range, angle and damage differences.[Not that its a bad thing]
ExVeemon [Proper name :P] - This one is my favorite, not sure why this one gets a extra move, though i like the d-spec, allows for some interesting set ups, would he still jump back if he is in the air, if so that could also be a great reverse recovary move :P
Ryu - I made this one before sm4sh, so yeah, though ryu is pretty solid and i like his moveset, i do still want to do a major overhaul to his specials and final smash.
New system for ryu and other smash moveset i make for sf characters, in game hyper meter, similar to little mac it can charge by dealing and taking damage, but instead it has 3 levels {much like in most fighting games], these will allow ryu and others to have more advance special set ups.
F-Smash - If you hold back while using it, ryu will preform a ex version which uses 1/2 of 1 level, makes it do extra damage, and reduced lag.
****N-Spec - Hadoken will have several varations depending on meter level and inputs.
Ex-Hadoken - Pressing forward quickly after using it will comsume 1/2 of a level and make ryu hadoken hit 3 times for slighty more damage and staling the foe.
Shakunetsu Hadoken - Same as sm4sh's, though ex is stronger, shakunetsu cost no meter.
Ren Hadoken - If you mash the spec button very quickly, ryu will instead release a super short range barrage of 5 hadokens, each doing 1-2%, end lag and less range then any other hadoken.
Denjin Hadoken - By quickly pressing down, ryu can move slowly by walking while charging up a hadoken, damange speed range and knockback are increased for each 1/2 of a meter is used while charging, level 3 will almost ko most characters at around 20%, though since it takes forever you might not get to.
Shinku Hadoken - Holding up while firing will comsume 1 meter and fire a powerful mutihitting hadoken that does around 12-16%.
Baku Hadoken - Holding down will cause Ryu to release a Hadoken that vanishes from sight, reappearing a split second in front of the opponent, and promptly detonates with explosive force, goes slightly downward and goes much faster, but no extra range, comsumes 1 meter and does explosive damage around 10-12%
*****S-Spec - Tatsumaki Senpukyaku only has one extra varation.
Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku - By pressing down while using this move, ryu will stay in place and spin, causing a powerful, vortex, mutihitting move that does great damage and knockback for 1 meter.
*****U-Spec - the Shoryuken has 2 new varients.
Hado Shoryuken - Ryu comsumes 1/2 of a meter to charge up his fist with hado energy before preforming a slightly more powerful Shoryuken with super armor on start-up.
Shin Shoryuken - By pressing down while using this move, ryu does a 3 hit Shoryuken that does amazing damage, uses 3 meter.
*****D-Spec - If focus attack is used like a smash attack, ryu will consume 1 meter and gain super armor that doesn't go away and go a slightly more damaging attack.
Final Smash - Same as sm4sh, but now called metsu Hadoken/Shoryuken.

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kb wrote:
Seriously, stop &$^#ing harassing me. I'm not some Terrible Evil Overlord Of The Forums you have to vanquish or anything like that.

Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:39 pm
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oh wow, i didnt even notice.
and about the f- smash hitbox, remember this is smash bros. hitboxes don't need to make sense.


Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:05 pm
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i like that Phoenix Wright moveset but i have a cuestion
how kirby use the n special?

you can see my progres here: ... 9&start=90

Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:13 pm
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yamnow wrote:
i like that Phoenix Wright moveset but i have a cuestion
how kirby use the n special?

He would instead get HOLD IT.

Discord ID: #6110 (If you want to question something about me more quickly then on the forums, or if you have beef with me)
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Awesome Images in Sig and avatar made by Ssf2 Dev Steven :)

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kb wrote:
Seriously, stop &$^#ing harassing me. I'm not some Terrible Evil Overlord Of The Forums you have to vanquish or anything like that.

Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:20 pm
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