for those who had downloaded the game (like me
) I've been kinda lazy going onto the Mcleodgaming website to look at the latest news
which is why I had a pretty good Idea
a "what's new" tab on the main menu (or Online Mode, if main menu isn't possible)
mainly for news and info on SSF2 or Mcleodgaming in general for people who do not know about certain things, after pressing A on the what's new tab, a list of titles containing articles of news/info of Mcleodgaming and SSF2 will show up (of course, internet is required)
if you click on a title of an article from the game, either one of the following could be possible:
1. A short version of the article views on the game, and will have a "read more" button to click on at the bottom, this will open up your default browser to that specified article on Mcleodgaming's website
2. clicking on the article will open up your default browser lead directly to that article on Mcleodgaming's website without prompting you to do so
a few examples on titles:
"New Character Coming Soon: Pichu"
"Go Try out our new game, Yeah Jam Fury"
you get my point