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Game Master 
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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
Style and Rules

This is a bit of an experiment for me. The first thing about this RP that I should point out is that it is rather silly and casual. This RP is more about generally having fun than telling an epic tale (though there will likely be some epic parts to it). Because there are different “sections” for different “games” in this RP, temporary plot powers will be given to players, who will then be in control of what happens in that “room” (essentially, they will temporarily become the DM, though make no mistake, I will still be the one truly in control). This temporary granting of power will only be given to those who display expertise.

This is not a stat RP.

There are a maximum of three characters per person. NPCs do not count toward this limit. This limit may go up as the RP progresses, or it may not. We shall see.

All characters must either originate from the native setting of this RP (which is much like the real world) or from a cartoon, video game, comic series, or other type of media. The cartoon, video game, or whatever may be made-up.

In this RP, there are six power-ups: Light Coins, Dark Coins, Energy Coins, Heat Coins, Cold Coins, and Weird Coins. Each of these six coins have a temporary effect on the character, which varies between characters. The effects must be stated in your bio.


Meet Julian, a little girl on the outskirts of a small town. For her and her family, everything was normal until Julian decided to sneak out to see the stars one morning. While gazing at the stars, Julian noticed a glowing in the distance. She ran out to find out what it was. She found a portal. In front of the portal was something unlike anything she knew could exist: It looked animated rather than real, and reminded her of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Instead of being frightened by this strange sight, Julian was intrigued, and went to meet this strange cartoonish being. The being looked at Julian and smiled a big, goofy smile. He waved hello and identified himself as Twippy. He said that he should be heading back through the portal, but Julian liked this strange cartoon and convinced Twippy to stay. Twippy went home with the girl, and the two became the best of friends, Julian’s parents were… understandably unnerved by someone whose very existence defied all logic existing in their very house.

In retrospect, that might not have been a very good idea, for you see, by not going back through, Twippy left the portal open. Beings from other universes, not just from the cartoon Twippy was from, came into this world. One of these beings was the Game Master, a dark and mysterious being whose very appearance could bring ordinary people to their knees.

This Game Master waved his hand, and his castle magically appeared in what was once an empty field. The Game Master went into his castle, and from that castle came many terrifying enemies from various video games, which then proceeded to terrorize the townsfolk. There is only one hope for this town, nay, the world, and that is to confront the Game Master in his castle and stop this threat once and for all.

Oh, and closing that big, gaping portal somehow might be a good idea, too.

Character Sheet

Class: Optional.
Race: If human, you may optionally state the ethnicity here, or just include it in appearance.
Origin: Where does the character come from?
Abilities: List what the character can do well.
Physical Traits: Things such as strength and weight.
Weaknesses: List any weaknesses or flaws.
Appearance: How does the character look?
Backstory: Stating this in your bio is optional, since some may wish to keep that a secret or, like me, develop it along the way. It is highly advised, though, that you have something in mind.
Power-Up Powers: What does each coin do for you?


Joat wrote:
Played by Joat
Class: None
Race: Human
Origin: Normal World
- Open-Minded: It takes a lot to faze Julian.
Physical Traits: Julian is small and light.
Weaknesses: Julian is weak and unskilled. In addition, power-ups do nothing for her.
Appearance: 2’3” with long, brown hair. Quite thin. Wears a green shirt, a white jacket, white shoes, and jeans. She typically has a flower in her hair.
Power-Up Powers: None.

Played by Joat
Class: Twippy has never been accused of having any class, good dog though he is.
Race: Cartoon Canine
Origin: Fine Tooning (cartoon)
- Tongue: Twippy may have the countenance of a dog, but he has the tongue of a frog. He can whip out his tongue and snatch things, or use it for more creative purposes. His saliva is also somewhat sticky when Twippy chooses for it to be, though not a huge threat to most enemies.
- Train of Thought: Coins give Twippy abilities, which can be used until either Twippy sleeps or he takes significant damage.
Physical Traits: Twippy is very big, both tall and wide. Thus, he is fairly strong and somewhat heavy (though mercifully lighter than he looks), but not very fast. He is fairly resilient.
Weaknesses: Twippy is a large target and not very agile. In addition, though he is a cartoon, he does not take wounds like one.
Appearance: Yellow fur, 6’4” tall, fairly wide. He can fit through doors fairly well, at least, so he is, as Gabriel Iglesias would put it, “fluffy”. He has floppy ears and usually a somewhat silly expression on his face (usually a smile), which makes him look dopey. Fortunately, looks are deceiving here, as Twippy is actually quite competent.
Power-Up Powers:
- Light Coins: Dog Tired ability, which causes Twippy to fall asleep. When he wakes, he will be fully restored.
- Dark Coins: Ninja Dog ability, which grants Twippy with stealth, agility, kunai, and a katana. While this ability is active, Twippy wears a hat made out of bendy-straws.
- Energy Coins: Tae-Kwon-Dog ability, which grants Twippy with knowledge of martial arts. While this ability is active, Twippy wears a white bathrobe with a bone pattern.
- Heat Coins: Hot Dog ability, which grants Twippy with fire breath and the ability to propel himself forward as a fireball. While this ability is acitve, Twippy is fiery red.
- Cold Coins: Chilly Dog Ability, which grants Twippy with icy breath and the ability to freeze himself solid (and thaw, of course).While this ability is active, Twippy is icy blue.
- Weird Coins: Party Animal ability, which grants Twippy the ability to dance. Somehow, this manages to become a useful fighting style. While this ability is active, Twippy wears sunglasses.

Played by Joat
Class: None.
Race: Cartoon Bird
Origin: Fine Tooning (cartoon)
- Flight: Of course. Considering his acrophobia, though, it does him little good.
- Karaoke: His singing voice can actually be projected to deal damage to whoever he is facing. It isn’t lethal, but if you hear his singing voice, you’ll wish it was lethal.
- Regen: Eddie slowly regenerates over time.
Physical Traits: Eddie is light and fragile. His bones mend quickly, but they are relatively easy to break in the first place. May use his wings as hands.
Weaknesses: Fragile, acrophobic.
Appearance: About 1’5” tall, with green feathers matching his eyes.
Power-Up Powers:
- Light Coins: Heals Eddie.
- Dark Coins: Temporary invisibility.
- Energy Coins: Grants immunity to electricity and a small boost to speed.
- Heat Coins: Grants immunity to fire and a small boost to offense.
- Cold Coins: Grants immunity to cold and a small boost to defense.
- Weird Coins: Creates 2 decoy images of Eddie which dissipate when attacked. These images cannot stray far from the original. They are also intangible.

pimp_named_slinkback wrote:
Class: None
Race: Ice Fairy
Origin: Touhou Project
Abilities: Cirno's main abilities are manipulation of cold and flight. She can also fire energy bullets.
Physical Traits: Cirno is about 4 feet 2 inches (~1.27 m). She's also pretty light and not very strong, physically.
  • Doesn't do well in warm or hot areas.
  • Isn't very intelligent, easily outsmarted.
  • Her overconfidence gets her into trouble.
Appearance: Click -->
Backstory: Due to Cirno being from an existing series, I shall take the incredibly lazy way out and link you to information about her. Cirno's Touhou Wiki Article
Power-Up Powers/Abilities:
  • Light Coins - Cirno, after coating her body in a minuscule layer of ice, reflects intense light off of herself. This can be used to blind enemies.
  • Dark Coins - The room Cirno is in grows darker, all heat and light sources going out temporarily. As a result, the room gets much colder. This gives a tiny boost to Cirno's abilities, as well as coating the floor of the room with ice.
  • Energy Coins - Cirno gains the ability to fire more energy bullets quicker, and in different directions.
  • Heat Coins - Very dangerous to Cirno. They cause her to heat up too much and melt. Cirno is very lucky to live if she gets one of these.
  • Cold Coins - Gives Cirno an amazing boost to her abilities. She does much more damage, and her ice projectiles grow in size.
  • Weird Coins - Cirno bulges with muscles, becoming a hulking powerhouse at least twice as big as she was before.

WarPandaXI wrote:
Sabastian Richards
Class: Mailman/Martial Artist
Race: Human (cartoon)
Origin: Mailforce 13 (anime/manga of my own creation, for the use of this character only)
Strength: He is quite capable of lifting heavy objects, and his punches/kicks are quite strong as well.
Endurance: He can take a hit quite well, the boxing champion that he is.
Combo Stringer: As said, he is quite the boxer, and thus he knows how to combo.
Train of Thought: Coins give Sabastian abilities, which can be used until either Sabastian sleeps or he takes significant damage (I assume this is used for all coin users. Please correct me if I'm wrong).
Physical Traits: His strength is quite well, as he is quite a bit stronger than the common man. In fact, he could probably wrestle a bear and win. As for his weight, due to muscle mass he is slightly heavier than the avarage human.
Weaknesses: He is rather... over-emotional, and often cries anime tears when announcing how he developed a wrestling technique or the like. Also, he has a slight tendency to underestimate opponents (either that or he simply doesn't care how strong they are).
Power-Up Abilities:
Light: Mailman Memories: He remembers all the people from the town he gre up in, strengthening his willpower.
Dark: Customer Service: Only usable if the opponent has hurt his freinds. He, with revenge in his mind, vents his rage on his opponent. Not a pretty sight.
Energy: Boxing Mailman: He envisions the good ol' boxing days, and goes into a trance that happens to make his combos much, much faster. However, he can only use punches.

Appearance: Apparently he thinks mailmen wear police uniforms, because that's just what he wears. The hat slightly hides his almost-buzzcut orange hair, while his dark eyebrows contradict the color. His eyes are always in a squint, but despite this he can see perfectly well. On his hands are black gloves with iron, ovaly knuckles, powering his punches up quite a bit. On his back is a large brown sack, holding most of his trap envelopes, while at his hip is a small case that holds the real ones. It is to be noted that his upper body is quite large, almost in a superman like manner.
Backstory: This will be revealed during the RP, but I most certainly DO have something in mind.

Class: Sniper
Race: Human (toon)
Origin: One Piece (Anime/Manga)
Aim: Usopp is a very, very good sniper, and despite the fact that his weapon is a slingshot, he practically never misses.
Running: He, due to many years of practice, is very, very good at running, usually in an away manner.
Endurance: He is very pain resistant. Trust me (a great example would be when Mr. 4 hit him with a four-hundred pound bat while Usopp was moving at a rather fast pace. He got up (barely), and with Chopper's help managed to win the fight).
Carpentry: Though nowhere near the level of Franky (their shipwright), Usopp is capable of patching things up, as well as inventing things (Nami's Climatact is a prime example of this).
Physical Traits: He isn't very physically strong compared to the rest of the crew, and it can be assumed that he's just as strong as the avarage person. His weight is normal as well.
Weaknesses: Usopp is a coward. Period. Although he can at times stand in the face of danger he is quite often (if not always) reluctant.
Appearance: Although, his slingshot has been lengthened to that of a staff with several rubberbands to increase the range.
Backstory: <Please refer there for details on that and the like.
Power up powers:
Light: Usopp turns into Sogeking, his much braver personality. He also dresses like this: ... ng2fq7.jpg
Dark: Usopp thinks about the enemy in comparison with him and, depending on his enemy, either faints with fear or gains courage.
Energy: Usopp's legs become very powerful and his running skills are increased further.
Heat: His explosive and fiery attacks become much more explosive and fiery.
Cold: Usopp freezes up with fear.
Weird: Usopp's eyes become huge, allowing him to see much further and increasing accuracy.

Cup of Joe wrote:
Marvin the martian
Race: Alien
Origin: Mars, the only planet redder than rust!
Abilities: Good at distracting people, and can aim fairly well with a lazor gun.
Physical Traits: Not too strong. Very slender.
Weaknesses: Easily intimidated, fairly easy to fight off. For now.
Appearance: Slim body, big feet. Imagine an ant put with Mars' armor (a spartan helmet and skirt), and that's what it is.
Backstory: Knows little about himself. The farthest memory he has is of him finding his lazor gun at around five years old. (build up as story goes along)
Power-Up Powers:
Light Coins- Make him weak, almost to the point of him not moving. Avoid at all costs.
Dark Coins- Give him more strength and replenish health.
Energy Coins- Transforms his lazor gun into a mega lazor; can shoot a very powerful beam of energy (not unlike Samus' super missile from MP series)
Heat Coins- Give him a super-adrenaline rush (going against what adrenaline really does, here) that gives him more stamina and strength.
Cold Coins- Slows him down, also makes his lazor gun surround enemies in ice.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Last edited by Joat on Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:52 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:04 pm
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Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:05 pm
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Location: in your heart all along
Gender: Female
Sabastian Richards
Class: Mailman/Martial Artist
Race: Human (cartoon)
Origin: Mailforce 13 (anime/manga of my own creation, for the use of this character only)
Strength: He is quite capable of lifting heavy objects, and his punches/kicks are quite strong as well.
Endurance: He can take a hit quite well, the boxing champion that he is.
Combo Stringer: As said, he is quite the boxer, and thus he knows how to combo.
Train of Thought: Coins give Sabastian abilities, which can be used until either Sabastian sleeps or he takes significant damage (I assume this is used for all coin users. Please correct me if I'm wrong).
Physical Traits: His strength is quite well, as he is quite a bit stronger than the common man. In fact, he could probably wrestle a bear and win. As for his weight, due to muscle mass he is slightly heavier than the avarage human.
Weaknesses: He is rather... over-emotional, and often cries anime tears when announcing how he developed a wrestling technique or the like. Also, he has a slight tendency to underestimate opponents (either that or he simply doesn't care how strong they are).
Power-Up Abilities:
Light: Mailman Memories: He remembers all the people from the town he gre up in, strengthening his willpower.
Dark: Customer Service: Only usable if the opponent has hurt his freinds. He, with revenge in his mind, vents his rage on his opponent. Not a pretty sight.
Energy: Boxing Mailman: He envisions the good ol' boxing days, and goes into a trance that happens to make his combos much, much faster. However, he can only use punches.

Appearance: Apparently he thinks mailmen wear police uniforms, because that's just what he wears. The hat slightly hides his almost-buzzcut orange hair, while his dark eyebrows contradict the color. His eyes are always in a squint, but despite this he can see perfectly well. On his hands are black gloves with iron, ovaly knuckles, powering his punches up quite a bit. On his back is a large brown sack, holding most of his trap envelopes, while at his hip is a small case that holds the real ones. It is to be noted that his upper body is quite large, almost in a superman like manner.
Backstory: This will be revealed during the RP, but I most certainly DO have something in mind.
Power-Up Powers: What does each power-up do for you?


Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:03 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
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The presence of both “Power-Up Powers” and “Power-Up Abilities” was a silly mistake on my part. They mean the same thing.

You are missing three of the coins. You are not required to have abilities for all coins, but I just want to make sure this was no accident.

This bio is accepted, though I shall not add it until either you add the missing coin abilities or confirm that you indeed do not want to have them.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:11 pm
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I have no need for them, so no, I'm not forgetting anything.


Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:18 pm

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Hm… I am not sure when to start this RP up. I am thinking mayhaps tomorrow or later this evening.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:23 pm

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I know what I'm going to do, I'll write it in a bit.

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:57 pm
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Oh and I also felt like having a character that I didn't make up so...

Class: Sniper
Race: Human (toon)
Origin: One Piece (Anime/Manga)
Aim: Usopp is a very, very good sniper, and despite the fact that his weapon is a slingshot, he practically never misses.
Running: He, due to many years of practice, is very, very good at running, usually in an away manner.
Endurance: He is very pain resistant. Trust me (a great example would be when Mr. 4 hit him with a four-hundred pound bat while Usopp was moving at a rather fast pace. He got up (barely), and with Chopper's help managed to win the fight).
Carpentry: Though nowhere near the level of Franky (their shipwright), Usopp is capable of patching things up, as well as inventing things (Nami's Climatact is a prime example of this).
Physical Traits: He isn't very physically strong compared to the rest of the crew, and it can be assumed that he's just as strong as the avarage person. His weight is normal as well.
Weaknesses: Usopp is a coward. Period. Although he can at times stand in the face of danger he is quite often (if not always) reluctant.
Appearance: Although, his slingshot has been lengthened to that of a staff with several rubberbands to increase the range.
Backstory: <Please refer there for details on that and the like.
Power up powers:
Light: Usopp turns into Sogeking, his much braver personality. He also dresses like this:
Dark: Usopp thinks about the enemy in comparison with him and, depending on his enemy, either faints with fear or gains courage.
Energy: Usopp's legs become very powerful and his running skills are increased further.
Heat: His explosive and fiery attacks become much more explosive and fiery.
Cold: Usopp freezes up with fear.
Weird: Usopp's eyes become huge, allowing him to see much further and increasing accuracy.


Last edited by War P. Anda on Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:00 pm
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It's called the Kabuto.

Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:46 pm
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Eh, Cirno could kick his a**.

[11:08:57 PM] Luke:
[11:09:42 PM] Luke: like ok if it was something funny
[11:09:44 PM] Luke: but
[11:09:50 PM] Luke: really
[11:15:07 PM] Super High School Level Shut-in: lol sigged xD

Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:01 pm
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It's called the Kabuto.

I know, just didn't feel the need to say that.

Oh and I forgot his power up powers or whatever. Editing.


Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:10 pm

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*OOC: It now begins.*

News Studio

“And so we are back from our commercial break. Welcome to the Channel 49 News, I am your host, Mike Lancer. The situation with the ‘Toons’, as they are collectively called, is becoming more widespread. Joining us live today is Lara Sentry, down at Town Square. Lara, tell us a bit about what has happened these past few hours.

Town Square

“Mike, as you can see here, the Toon population of the town is steadily rising, while the normal human population has positively boomed. Yes, even despite the constant looming threat of Enemy Toons from the Game Master’s castle, this place has become a real site of interest. Everyone from scientists to thrill-seekers to the just plain curious, people from all over the country are coming to see this place which, not even a week ago, was but a small, quiet town surrounded by grassy fields.” Lara turns toward a nearby Toon, a young man from a manga with spiky, yellow hair, a rather interesting blue jacket, jeans, and spiked shoes. “Tell me, sir, what do you think of this town, since you’ve been here?”

“I’ll tell ya, lady, it’s a far trip from anything I’d seen before. Everything around here looks so different from what I’ve seen before. Not as much color, for one thing. Everyone’s hair is such a dull color: Brown, black, maybe blonde. Get with the times, get red, blue, purple, something! I always liked those ladies with the pink hair where I come from. Anyway, it’s a real drag that everything around here is so stringent, with all those army guys around. I guess it’s not your fault you have an evil castle on your town’s front porch.”

“I see. And what about you, little boy?” Lara says, pointing the microphone toward a little cartoon boy.

“Ohmigod, ohmigod, OHMIGOD! I am on TV! HI MOM!”

“I’m right here, dear.”

“Oh, um, hi mom!”

Julian’s House

“Well, on the bright side, honey, at least Julian is willing to watch the news with us now that it has cartoons,” Julian’s father says.

“Yeah, but I’m not sure this is for the better,” Julian’s father says. Twippy tilts his head, a frown forming on his face.

“But mommy, what about Twippy?” Julian asks.

Resisting the urge to verbally define Twippy as a garbage disposal on legs, which is what the food bills defined him as, Julian’s mother simply said, “It’s the monsters I’m worried about.”

“I’m not scared. Twippy would protect us from those mean ol’ monsters if any of them get past the army people,” Julian says.

“Let’s pray that the army people are competent, then,” Julian’s mother sighs.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:17 pm
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Marvin the martian
Race: Alien
Origin: Mars, the only planet redder than rust!
Abilities: Good at distracting people, and can aim fairly well with a lazor gun.
Physical Traits: Not too strong. Very slender.
Weaknesses: Easily intimidated, fairly easy to fight off. For now.
Appearance: Slim body, big feet. Imagine an ant put with Mars' armor (a spartan helmet and skirt), and that's what it is.
Backstory: Knows little about himself. The farthest memory he has is of him finding his lazor gun at around five years old. (build up as story goes along)
Power-Up Powers:
Light Coins- Make him weak, almost to the point of him not moving. Avoid at all costs.
Dark Coins- Give him more strength and replenish health.
Energy Coins- Transforms his lazor gun into a mega lazor; can shoot a very powerful beam of energy (not unlike Samus' super missile from MP series)
Heat Coins- Give him a super-adrenaline rush (going against what adrenaline really does, here) that gives him more stamina and strength.
Cold Coins- Slows him down, also makes his lazor gun surround enemies in ice.
Weird coins do nothing.

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?

Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:50 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
*OOC: And so it be, I have confirmed thee.*

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:53 pm
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MGN Username: Hadou
Currently Playing: Hella rpgs
OOC:This looks fun. I think I might join.

smesh heel

Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:05 pm
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Joat wrote:
This is a bit of an experiment for me. The first thing about this RP that I should point out is that it is rather silly and casual. This RP is more about generally having fun than telling an epic tale (though there will likely be some epic parts to it). Because there are different “sections” for different “games” in this RP, temporary plot powers will be given to players, who will then be in control of what happens in that “room” (essentially, they will temporarily become the DM, though make no mistake, I will still be the one truly in control). This temporary granting of power will only be given to those who display expertise.

I don't quite understand this part, with the rooms and such. And how are we really supposed to start out, exactly?

[11:08:57 PM] Luke:
[11:09:42 PM] Luke: like ok if it was something funny
[11:09:44 PM] Luke: but
[11:09:50 PM] Luke: really
[11:15:07 PM] Super High School Level Shut-in: lol sigged xD

Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:11 pm
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