Hi, welcome to the music section!
Firstly, if you're interested in music and the like I would recommend making an account at
Last.fm. It's got a tool you can download and attach to most music playing software, such as itunes or foobar, called a scrobbler. This tool keeps track of the music you listen to and recommends more bands and artists based on said music. It's neat!

Secondly, here are some guidelines to keep stuff in order and cool and not lame for everyone!
-If you are working on your own music and want to showcase it,
this is the thread to do so! It'll keep the section less cluttered if we keep music that is created by the users in one general thread.
-You are free to make threads based around a singular artist/album/genre, and are encouraged to do so. If you want to make a thread to discuss, say, Radiohead, you can do that as long as there isn't already a general Radiohead thread. If there's a thread for an artist that you'd like to discuss but it's inactive, just bump it.
Please do not post illegal download links and fileshares in threads. It could get MG shut down and that would suck.
-This also pretty much goes without saying, but keep flamebaiting and trolling and other stuff that isn't allowed in the other sections to a minimum as well. Don't be a butt, OK?
That's all for now, If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the section, please shoot me a PM. I'm more than willing to listen to ideas that others have.