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War of the Black Flames 
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Tekun, Rana and Tania entered the bar just as the other group was leaving. As the rest of the group met up, that hooded man approached Rana again. The same one from the inn.

"It is time. Follow." The man said to Rana. There was dead silence, the path the man walked seemed eerily empty, almost callling out to the group to trail after the man.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:37 pm
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J turned around, following the hooded man quickly. Euphemia still lay unconscious in his arms.

Serene followed the man as well, struggling with the mallet. "This is heavy..." she muttered.

OOC: A little short eh? Not much to work with.

spring break go shove it troll

Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:20 pm
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OOC: Eh, if there's nothing to say, what's one to do?

Rana stared at the man approaching him. It was the seer from the other inn. His hand twitched and shadows around him vibrated and darkened. "For what?"

Gabriel wiped a tear from his eye. He was sitting in a pile of mud, all alone. Lucifer had left to clean up the blood back at the inn. He was alone... He looked down at the head sitting next to him. It smiled he picked it up and threw it, angry. He felt like eating, but the mud tasted funny and Lucifer had said eating the head's body was a bad idea. He sighed and laid down.

Suddenly there was a loud banging coming from behind him. He turned and saw nothing, only a few trees and some shadows. He looked up. He thought he saw some wyverns, like little dots, so far away. He grumbled and pulled his knees to his chest, only to hear the sound again. He shot to his feet, drawing his dagger and the staff with the smashed head in either hand. He crouched, ready.

The sound came again, like a sudden rush, then a crack. Gabriel whimpered. Again he heard it. And again. The shadows behind the trees began to bend, folding in on themselves and lifting into the air. Gabriel squinted, confused, then glanced around for Lucifer. He sat down again to watch the scene comfortably.

The shape being formed by the darkness continued to grow, until it was a great sphere a foot off the ground and five feet high. The trees around it groaned and swayed, as if something was trying to pull them apart. The sphere stretched in one direction, then another. The crackling sound was earsplitting, but Gabriel didn't mind. The sphere again stretched and kept on doing so until there was a vague shape a a foot, barely touching the ground. Another limb formed, this time gripping one of the trees which in response quickly turned black and shriveled. Its leaves, still mostly green fell to the earth as the plant bent and snapped before the arm let go. At that moment the sphere convulsed, vibrating intensely. In less than a second there was a giant, ten feet tall and thicker than any man, standing before Gabriel. Its skin glowed red in some places but was utter black in others, with streaks of pale white going up its back and one of its arms. Its hands were great and its claws vicious. Its neck curved unnaturally, ending in a massive beak-like head with a deep groove that held two shimmering red eyes.

The Cyclopean Demon stepped forward and grunted as the life around it withered. Its eyes met Gabriel's. Such.... A thing.... It stepped forward again. Its soul.... So much.... Like.... My own.... It mused silently. Gabriel watched with stupefaction as the creature's hand reached out and wrapped around his head, absorbed everything it considered worthwhile, and crushed it like nothing.

Join us. We're lonely ='[

Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:16 am
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Anna entered the filthy bar, watching the contents of her bag constantly. They were approached by a mysterious man with an unusual aura. They followed him like sheep...perhaps to the slaughter.

Tania felt the strong presence of the man, it was the man Rana had mentioned earlier. The man who had warned Rana about the danger her life was in previously. She wilfully followed the man leaving Windy outside of the bar, who now trotted along various rooftops. She could feel that Rana did not like the man, for the shadows thickened, as they usually did. She placed her hand on his shoulder lightly. "Rana, we must trust him."


Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:36 am
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Rana's eyes narrowed. "He's playing with me. I'll listen, I won't trust him. The man doesn't even know most of what he says." Rana sighed and waited for a response from the seer. Without a clear answer he saw no reason to do what the man wanted.

Join us. We're lonely ='[

Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:36 am
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Eton approached Serene and took the hammer from her. It was heavy, but he could tolerate it, he took it by the handle and rested it on his shoulder using that and his right arm to support he weight.

"It the hell does he use this damn thing as a weapon." Eton muttered to Serene annoyed by the weight as well as why they were following this stranger. As they continued walking down the allyway, he took a turn into another cooridor and entered a doorway, making sure the rest of the group was following. The group entered the doorway and followed a flight of stairs upwards into a dimly lit hallway that lead to a brightly lit room. In it already were four people. ( Lex, Violet, Leon and Adélaïde) Each sitting their paitently, having already been confronted. As everyone entered, the door behind them closed. The man they had followed had stood there, waiting for someone to speak up.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:13 pm
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Rana sat tiredly. He tugged down on his hood and shadows spat from under it and faded into the air like smoke. "Go on." He whispered, barely loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. He drew his legs to his chest and hugged them, looking like a frightened child save for his frighteningly pale hands which spasmed every minute or so.

Join us. We're lonely ='[

Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:48 am
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Tania, entered the room, her eyes glanced over the other four people who already were in the room. She noted that one of the men appeared to have a playful look in his eyes. She saw where Rana had sat, and while pulling her dress around her legs she sat down beside him with her legs to the side of her and her head resting on Rana's shoulder. She waited for what would happen next, she thought she heard the "clip clop" of Windy's hooves on the roof and she looked up briefly before returning her attention to the room in front of her.

Anna, after travelling in the dimly lit halls was pleased when they reemerged into the room bathed in light. It made her feel safe and in her own element. Darkness always hid things. She sat down away from the others who were already in the room, she was quite shy and the large group was making her feel like she should withdraw into herself.


Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:56 pm
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Balakai found himself walking into a dark and, honestly, unfriendly looking alley, for no reason other than he was asked to come here. The backpack slung over one shoulder gently shook as he made his way into the darkness. While some of the more careful men would expect an ambush, the martial artist wasn't even paying attention of his surroundings. He was rather naive at times, even after all those years of traveling. He found the door that he had been told to enter, and slowly made his way up the staircase that followed. Although he had not expected anything bad to happen to him, he was glad when he saw the light at the end of the hallway, increasing his walking pace just slightly until he flung the door open, immediately feeling out of place. He spoke not as his eyes ran over the other people present, and more importantly, their weapons. Finally, he silently slid over to the corner. If they weren't going to address him, he wasn't going to go out of his way to find trouble by moving his jaws.

Play Smite with me? (It's like LoL or Dota, but less frustrating)


"Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. Odin promised the end of all ice giants. I don't see many ice giants around."

Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:07 pm
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The figure remained still, quiet once Balakai had entered. His arms were at his side until he crossed them, keeping them low still, he held both his hands, interlocking his fingers.

"You've all been summoned here for one reason and one reason only. You are what you may call the chosen. This is a typical cliche of course. They do happen. You see, in about two weeks from now, the bells of war will be rang. The country of Seloi will mount a full scale invasion into the country of Ari. Within a week, it will be taken. From there, it will move into this country and then slowly move into the others. Many will die. This is one of several futures I have foreseen. There are other ones, one impaticularly involves a group of adventurers, stopping this invasion from even begining. You are the ones I have forseen."

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:23 pm
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"That is not seeing the future." Rana muttered. "I've had this discussion with you before... That's simply having intuition. If you're omniscient, or at least partially so, tell us what we do to stop this war." He paused, wrung his hands, and felt somewhat disturbed that most everyone was looking at him. He took a breath and continued, but only mentally to the man. "Or at least tell me what you are that lets you have such command."

Join us. We're lonely ='[

Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:41 pm
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"Other forces are at work, it is pointless for me to tell you what I am. I transcend time and space, where I'm from, what I am has no meaning."

"In order for the events I have forseen to be changed to another more desired path. You all must travel to the Hill of swords. It is a graveyard of warriors located to the west. I'm sure you all have heard of such a place. There you will find the answers you seek. Before you set out, I have a gift." He raised his hand, as he did, everyone began to feel more skilled with their weapon of choice.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:51 pm
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Balakai blinked, raising his knuckles, staring at them in confusion. Unlike most of the fighters present, his weapons were a part of his body, so to feel them brimming with energy was not only a strange and rare sensation, it got him to glance up at the man in... Admiration, of all things. "You can make me stronger just like that!?" He exclaimed, rising to his feet. "That's so cool!" It was clear that the simple minded fool had missed the bigger picture.

Play Smite with me? (It's like LoL or Dota, but less frustrating)


"Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. Odin promised the end of all ice giants. I don't see many ice giants around."

Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:58 pm
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Rana's shoulders shuddered. Shadows swarmed viciously around Tania and he for a moment, before he forced them away. It had felt like the man had torn the hole to the void inside of him wider, in a terribly violent fashion. His hands pulled apart, one clenching into a fist that pulsed with blackness and the other resting on one of Tania's hands. "I'm sorry," He whispered, hoping he hadn't frightened her.

"You intervene. This makes it important. But I will listen, for the moment." Rana replied silently.

Join us. We're lonely ='[

Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:07 pm
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Serene was begining to grow tired of watching these three converse over something she didn't get. "What's this s*** I'm hearing?!" She butted in in an annoyed tone. "Explain yourself before you explain this 'war'!" She was releasing pent up stress from earlier and seemed to be focusing it on this very conversation.

The sudden outburst startled J, and he dropped Euphemia, who hit the ground with a loud thump. He quickly glanced about the room in an almost erratic manner, as if he wasn't sure of what to do yet.
Euphemia, now awake after the drop, stared up at him with piercing eyes and pulled herself up, holding the sword close to her through every movement she made.

spring break go shove it troll

Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:46 pm
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