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Story Mode (Working on Arc 1) 
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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
I’m not sure if this belongs here or in SSF2 discussion. I’ll let a mod move it if they deem it appropriate.

Wait, why did I use the word ‘let’? If they think it doesn’t belong here, they’ll move it whether I like it or not.

Anyway, this is where I make little “story arcs” for SSF2 (other than, of course, whatever stories they include within SSF2).


At the beginning of each story, there will be two attributes. These attributes tell of the playable characters and how many players the game is designed to support. After that, between battles, and after the final boss, there will be story text that may be ignored if you so decide (it won’t help you in the battle itself, it’s just there to entertain and to explain the situation).

The battles themselves will have quite a few categories. It will tell of the combatants and their intelligence levels (or, as the case may be, who controls them), the battle conditions, and how much EXP is gained for victory and additional conditions met. Note that in some cases, there might be non-melee conditions (such as a target test or a multi-man melee).

Each playable character (even if players trade-off characters, that character, not the player, will retain its stats) has its own EXP and level. Each character starts at Lv.1. When a character gains enough EXP to level up, the character (surprise, surprise) levels up. The amount of EXP required to level up is ten times the next level plus all the levels before it (if a character is at Lv.1, they will need 30EXP, then 60 at the next level, then 100, then 150, and so on). This will determine your handicap level, when Cleod puts those in. If a character’s level exceeds 9, then the amount over 9 you have will be subtracted from the levels of all the other combatants, friend or foe. Essentially, the higher your level, the easier your foe will be to dispatch.

Now for stages. You may play any stage you wish any time you wish, provided that you have already completed all the stages before it. If you play a stage that you have played before, you may only do so with the EXP gained in the previous stages. That means that if you were to play stage two and got ten points on the first stage, you would be level one when playing stage two reagardless of how much EXP you got in level two, three, et cetera. If you gain more EXP in a replay than you originally gained, you may play as if you had gotten that much EXP from that stage in the first place. If you have trouble on a late stage, you may wish to replay earlier stages to try to gain more EXP from them. Because of this, it is important to keep track of how much EXP you got on each stage and update whenever you beat that score.

Finally, we move to parties. Parties are another term for teams. Thus, if a party of one goes against a party of three, it becomes a one-on-three match. However, it must be noted that the number of total characters in a battle may exceed four (this only occurs in stock battles). In this case, only a limited amount of people per party may be in a battle at one time. If there are three teams in the battle, one person fights from each team. The exception to that rule is when there is more people on one team than there are on the other two teams combined, in which case, the larger party gets an extra member in the fight. In a two-party battle, both teams get two members in the fight. The exception to this rule is when one team has twice as many members as the other, in which case, the fight is three-on-one in the larger party’s favor. All player-controlled parties go in the order of the players choosing. However, unless noted otherwise, computer enemies fight in the order that they are listed in.

I hope this illuminates the rules well. Oh, and a few more things must be noted. First, characters will not always be represented by themselves in this. A key example is the use of, oh, Mr. Incredible as a random thug or something like that (which is actually an outdated example, but you get the point). Second, stories may cross over into each-other at times, including the other’s character, challenge, or antagonist. Third, these challenges assume that you have unlocked all the characters and stages. You may need to do so before playing most of these stages.


As you know, SSF2 does not yet have handicaps. As such, they will thus far be ignored. Also, SSF2 does not yet have teams. Until they are added, only one person from each team will be allowed to fight at a time.

Story I: Rising Tide
Players: 1
Characters: You (as any character you choose)


In the land of Teryanu, there are legends of an artifact of great power, shrouded in mystery. Some say it is a gem, with a great mystical property that will grant the user strength beyond imagination. Others say it is a sword, so mighty that none can defeat those who wield it. Some say it is a blessed and holy relic. Others say it simply grants its power to anyone, good or evil, who has it. Many seek this artifact, but none have yet found it. Despite the odds, you are one of those who seek this artifact.

You are a young warrior from Kalum. You have been chosen for your skill in fighting to be trained at the Kalum Militia Castle. This is your tale…

Chapter I: Kalum

You step into the training room. This is your first training session in the Kalum Militia Castle. You look around at all the fine decor in the room, but you know you cannot stand and look for long, and turn your gaze toward your trainer, Kolm.

“I see there’s a certain fire in your eyes. I can see why they chose you for me to train. Alright, let’s start with the basics, then,” Kolm says, getting out his two swords. You get into a fighting stance, ready for your first lesson.

“Alright, first come at me with all you have. And show me all your moves,” Kolm says.

Stage I
- [P1]
- Kolm (Lloyd) [Skl 1, Han 1]
Battle Conditions
- 2 minutes
- Infinite Stock
- Normal damage ratio
- 0% respawn
- No items
- Test Stage 1
Victory Conditions
- You use at least one throw, one smash, one guard (you must guard against at least one attack), one double-jump, one up+B (recovery move), and one crouch. You must knock out Kolm at least once. You yourself cannot let yourself be knocked out, and you cannot let time run out before you meet all these requirements.
Special Bonuses
- Completion: +3EXP
- Kolm KO: +1EXP each (max 5)


“Excellent. You are taking quite well to this,” Kolm says, putting away his blades. “Maybe you would like to spar with another one of my students. He, too, shows promise.”

As if cued, a young man in a black cloak steps out of the corner of the room, and into the ring. Wordlessly, he pulls out his sword and glares at you. You feel almost as if those eyes are gazing into your very soul. Youshift your focus from his eyes to is blade.

Kolm exits the ring. “This is Marcus. He hails from the distant town of Swale. He is the silent type, but his skills are remarkable. Now… begin!”

Stage II
- [P1]
- Marcus (Ichigo) [Skl 3, Han 2]
Battle Conditions
- 2 minutes
- Infinite Stock
- Normal damage ratio
- 0% respawn
- No items
- Test Stage 1
Victory Conditions
- Win the match. Remember that in normal matches, each KO counts as +1 point, while each time you are KO’d or SD, you lose 1 point.
Special Bonuses
- Completion: +3EXP
- KOs dealt: +1EXP each (max 5)
- KOs recieved: -1EXP each (max 5)
- SDs: -2EXP each (max 5)


“Hmph,” Marcus says. He walks away and exits the room, sheathing his sword.

“Well done. Let us do some further training before you rest,” Kolm says, “This will be a different sort of training, to test your speed.”

You follow Kolm to another room. This room holds several targets hanging about. “See those targets? You are to hit all of them, before two minutes is up. Ready? Begin!”

Stage III
- [P1]
Battle Conditions
- Target Test
Victory Conditions
- Since SSF2 doesn’t have a target test yet, just skip this stage for now.
Special Bonuses
- Just Skip This Stage: +5EXP


Kolm nods his approval. “Very good. Go to the dining hall for some food. You have earned it.”

You head over to the dining hall and sit down at a table. You don’t feel very hungry. You’re too excited to be hungry. Instead, you merely take a sip at your wine. It seems that the rest of the students got here before you, other than Marcus. There aren’t many students here, because this is a rather eclusive training facility.

Suddenly, one of the students drops to the floor dead, drawing the attention of the other students in the room. The student had died so suddenly, and without warning. Alarmed you rush over to examine the body. But just when you reach the body, another student drops dead, then another. What could be happening?

As one more student drops to the floor dead, you feel a tremendous weakness course through your body. As you struggle to keep on your feet, you hear a student laughing maliciously. “I see you guys arent very good at holding your alcohol!”

Then it comes to you. This man must have poisoned the wine! Glad you had only taken a small sip, you ready yourself and leap at the assassin. Another student, the only one (other than the assassin himself) who didn’t drink any poison, gets the same idea and lunges at the man. You’d better defeat this man and get the antidote before the poison takes its full effect!

Stage IV
- [P1] (team 1)
- Student (Sonic) [Skl 2, Han 1] (team 1)
- Assassin (Mario) [Skl 3, Han 3] (team 2)
Battle Conditions
- 3 minutes
- 3 stock
- Normal damage ratio
- 0% respawn
- No items
- Battlefield
Victory Conditions
- The poison has weakened your body, preventing you from using double jumps or throws. In addition, you can feel the poison worsening as time goes on. If you don’t finish this guy off before three minutes are up, you will surely die!
Special Bonuses
- Completion: +5EXP
- Each life remaining at match’s end: +1EXP
- Finish match with 30 seconds remaining: +3EXP
- Ally survives: +3EXP


You rifle through the unconscious assassin’s pack and come across a small vial. This could either be the antidote, or the poison. There’s no time to think it over and figure it out, though. You’re mere seconds away from falling to the ground motionless, so you have nothing to lose. You drink the contents of the vial, your heart pounding from suspense.

Your efforts have paid off. You feel the weakness fade from your body. The creature who helped you falls on his knees, panting. “Boy am I glad I wasn’t thirsty,” he says. You are also glad he didn’t drink any of the poison. Without his help, you might not have survived.

Just then, Marcus and Kolm arrive. Kolm looks around, awestruck. “What has happened here? What is going on?”

Marcus draws his sword and looks at you with a menacing gaze. The creature who helped you fight steps forward. “Wait, it wasn’t us! One of the students poisoned the wine, honest!”

“Put down your blade. I can see it in their eyes. They are not lying,” Kolm says. Reluctantly, Marcus sheathes his blade. Kolm continues. “We must travel east, to the capital city of Galdon. There, we might find out the cause of this attack. Rest up tonight, and eat a hardy breakfast, for tomorrow we shall make the journey.” With that, Kolm leaves the room, shortly followed by Marcus.

“Wow, this is a lot to take in.” The creature looks at you. “I’m Edge, by the way. Anyway, I guess we’d better go get rested and ready.”

And so, the next day, you, Kolm, Marcus, and Edge head out on the journey to Galdon. On the road, however, you are accosted by five men. “Stand and deliver!” the leader demands.

Kolm steps back. “Consider this part of your training. With your skill, you should be able to easily dispatch these hooligans.”

Stage V
- [P1] (team 1)
- Edge (Sonic) [Skl 2, Han 1] (team 1)
- Marcus (Ichigo) [Skl 3, Han 2] (team 1)
- Attack Monster (Kirby) [Skl 1, Han 3] (team 2)
- Bandit (Mario) [Skl 2, Han 2] (team 2)
- Thug (Ichigo) [Skl 1, Han 3] (team 2)
- Rogue Fencer (Lloyd) [Skl 3, Han 1] (team 2)
- Bandit Leader (Mario) [Skl 3, Han 3] (team 2)
Battle Conditions
- 3 minutes
- 3 stock
- Normal damage ratio
- 0% respawn
- Low items
- Test Stage 2
Victory Conditions
- Win the fight. All your allies must survive.
Special Bonuses
- Completion: +8EXP
- Finish within 5 rounds: +3EXP

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Last edited by Joat on Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:53 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:07 pm
Posts: 73
hey my fan character's name is Ark (it might sound like i stoled from u so i just had to say that)

peace im out
maddhatterGUZ wrote:
just don't worry about it its ok dont worry


Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:03 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
Actually, ‘arc’ as I use it is short for ‘story arc’, so the term does not belong to me. You’ve nothing to fear.

Anyway, I added three new stages.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:29 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:07 pm
Posts: 73
:oh: misunderstood

peace im out
maddhatterGUZ wrote:
just don't worry about it its ok dont worry


Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:13 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
I changed stage IV a bit, and added stage V.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:10 pm
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Erm.... this has nothing to do with SSF2 at all... I think this would belong in literature unless you're planning on making a game like this...

3DS FC: 5026-4428-6076

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:14 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
You misunderstand what this is. It’s sort of a series of challenges with story behind it. If this were a simple bit of prose, it wouldn’t have the ‘rules’ section. You are meant to play those little challenges in SSF2.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:19 pm
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Joat wrote:
You misunderstand what this is. It’s sort of a series of challenges with story behind it. If this were a simple bit of prose, it wouldn’t have the ‘rules’ section. You are meant to play those little challenges in SSF2.

Well, I'm 99.99999% sure it's not going into SSF2...

3DS FC: 5026-4428-6076

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:24 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
And I’m 100.9999% sure of that. That’s not what this is. This is a more manual thing, where you read the story (or not, if you’re lazy), set the conditions as listed in the stage description, do the challenge, figure up your EXP gained by what bonuses you met, then repeat the process for the next stage. This is not a part of SSF2 in itself. It’s not a proposed addition, merely a set of challenges with a story behind it.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:35 pm
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Oh... I did these all the time in SSBM.

Eh... doesn't deserve to be moved.

3DS FC: 5026-4428-6076

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:37 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:35 am
Posts: 858
Heh. You’re not alone. In the original Story Mode thread (for SSF1, back on the old board), several people commented that they did the same thing.

My forums

{Draco} the Veron (fire-breathing blink fox)
[[Sylver]] the Robotic Dog

Story Mode (not to be confused with official SSF2 story mode)
Rising Tide: 4 stages complete

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:39 pm
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