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Treasure of the Sands 
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(Activity of the section has been slowly rising, might as well write something)

They say that the one who is most determined will succeed. They say the one who perseveres until the end will be the most wealthy, be it knowledge or money. Now, it's not saying that all who try their hardest will always come on top, but rather those who can overcome all obstacles in their path. Many believed they were ones who could beat all others. Those people were foolish in thinking such.

Many years ago, there was a great thief. He was rumored to be able to break into anywhere, and usually this was the truth. Kingdoms all across the land had their most valued treasures gone in an instant. Even when word gets out he was arriving at a certain castle, and all guards are put on duty in an instant, it would just vanish. No one knew how he did it, or even if he was human. And even with all the security and preparation, not a single trance was left behind.

Kingdom by kingdom, great treasures were vanishing. Every royal family was worried, that is if their treasures hadn't already been taken. Even as the word of the great thief spread, more and more people were greater prepared, yet his robberies did not come to a halt. With such a reputation, the thief eventually coined the nickname "The Sand" by how he seemingly slips through everything, just like sand does.

Slowly but surely, the frequency of the thefts diminished, and many people took note. You would think this was just a plan to create easier security to pass through, but it was not. As the weeks went by, the thefts eventually stopped. No one knew what happened to The Sand or what he did with the treasures he had stolen. All they knew was that he had disappeared. People were relieved by this news while others were curious on what happened.

Years and years went by, and The Sand had just become a legend. Some people still believed that he was an actual person, and that his treasure was hidden somewhere. And where those people right.

On the Day of the Sun, the day when people celebrate the creation of this land, a howling wind got heard everywhere. A malevolent sandstorm started to wind up in this desert land, and a voice was carried through it. It said: "Go to the place of birth, the place where it all began, and you will find a place where the truth will be found in gold." Many people believed this to be The Sand speaking, telling the location of his treasure.

People started analyzing where the message may have been referring to. Through the collective efforts of determined minds, it had been deduced to on specific place, the Tower of Aliyy. Legends says that it's where the god of all creation, Bari, created everything, and that this was his home. Only few have actually seen the tower, and very few have returned to tell about it, as it was placed very deep and isolated in the desert. Surely enough, people everywhere started heading to the tower, be it adventurers, thieves, archeologists, wanderers, or people just wanting a story of their own.

Nasir had been walking for miles in the desert. His scarf wrapped his faced and hair while his worn out leather sandals brushed against the sand. The violent torrent of wind blew with all it's might endlessly. His water canteen had been empty to the last drop. Although things looked bad, a light appeared at the end of this tunnel. A small village appeared in the distance. Nasir gathered what energy he had left, and started speeding up towards the village, in hopes of getting some water. His scimitar bounced up and down by his side, in which he put with gloved palm on the hilt to still it's movement.

When Nasir finally reached the village, he entered a fairly full candle lit tavern.

"Can you fill this up as much as possible" handing over his empty canteen to the bartender.

Looking around, the bar, there seemed to be many travelers collecting their supplies for a trip, most likely searching for all the same thing. If a table wasn't filled with travelers looking over a map, it was filled with drunken gamblers trying to win more than they could bet on.

(Freeform RP. Post whenever you want)

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:23 pm
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Elednor was flying all over the desert to improve his endurance in all enviorments. He heard that a treasure was at a tower so he chose this location. Soon enough, Elednor tired with his hat and landed in a what he thought peculiar village. He went into a tavern nearby to find it bustling with activity. There was a man who looked like he had little energy who needed water.
Elednor walked upped to where he sat and sat next to him. "Hi there"Elednor started, "Would you like some refreshments to help ease the body?" he then offered him his second bottle full of water. While doing this, Elednor's covered with a red contact lens, yellow eyes starex at this stranger. "This man is special"he thought,"Maybe I will journey with him.

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Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:31 pm
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As Nasir sat down, another man sat down beside him. This man turned to Nasir and offered him some refreshments. Nasir looked up to the man's face and noticed one distinctive feature, blood red eyes. Intimidated, Nasir declined his offer.

"No thanks, I'm fine." As he handed some gold coins to the bartender while receiving his canteen, now full, back.

As Nasir got up off of his stool, he bumped into a fairly large man. The man, not so pleased by this, shoved Nasir on his back to the ground with mighty force.

"Who do you think you are, roaming around this town acting like you're all that!"

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:27 pm
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As The man he tried to help got pushed down, Elednor got angered by the man who caused this. "Who are you to hurt a friend of mine?" Elednor coldley questioned the other stranger. He grbbed the man who pushed that other person down to the floor and held hi up in the air in which they were flying. "Leavenow and I will not cut you up and feed you to a stray animal" Elednor threatened with force. To Create conformation, he got two knives out ready to chop the stupid person who happened to get in Elednor's way.

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Mon May 02, 2011 3:34 pm

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Kaisenraiyok stood up off his chair, almost jumping off it. "Stay your knives!" Kaisenraiyok shouted. "Or I will not stay mine." He walked towards Elednor, hand ready on the hilt of his sword, and slightly unsheated it, the blade glinting in the candle's light.

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Tue May 03, 2011 12:50 pm
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"Fine" Elednor reluctantly told the other man who threatened him with a sword. "Just know that this man was causing harm" Elednor put back his knives where they belong and walked to the new man who challenged him. "Now may I ask who you are?" Elednor questioned with curiosity.

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Tue May 03, 2011 3:24 pm
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Calvyn Jeffreys was fixated around a table alongside several men, concentrating deeply on the faces of his fellow gamblers. These were trying times for him, though the surge in popularity of his local bar had certainly brought in many new faces - most of which were treasure hunters attempting to make themselves legendary. As a man who had been down on his luck in the past, Calvyn was more than familiar with such get-rich-quick schemes, as he had had many of his own dreams as a treasure hunter… However, all of them had failed, and gambling quickly became a pastime that stole away his attention - and much of his remaining money.

Presently, however, his attention was briefly taken away from gambling as he noticed a disturbance in the room. Two men had recently entered the bar, and one had the misfortune of bumping into a gentleman of a much larger build. The other recent entrant to the bar - an unusually short and youthful chap with strangely-coloured eyes - had easily taken the large man out in a way which Calvyn was astonished by. Still another short man had commanded the release of the burly man from his youthful assailant.

Calvyn left his table in order to engage these strange people. He was aware that they were armed, and was more than willing to take a risk with the short-tempered youth with his strange eyes and stranger methods of attack. As they say, curiosity killed the cat… Calvyn thought to himself as he strolled over to the strange mess which had stolen his attention from his favourite activity.

"Is there a problem over here, gentlemen?" the man spoke with a tone that was a far cry from his appearance - worn-out clothing, stormy-grey eyes which had deep lines from obvious sleep deprivation, and a stubble of chestnut brown facial hair which had been left unchecked for more than a few days. "I would certainly hate to see newcomers evicted for a simple fight."

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Subconscious Rorschach in Danmaku

Tue May 03, 2011 4:14 pm
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"Friend of mine?" Nasir thought to himself in his head. "Who does this guy think he is?". Baffled by this stranger's odd take on kindness, Nasir got up off his back from the ground. As he got back on his feet, a man approached towards the scene. Speaking in a strong, powerful, tone, he asked what was going on here.

"Nothing at all, just an accident," Nasir said tossing his scarf back in place while slowly walking towards the exit. "I best be leaving this place right now. Before I go, does anyone know any good inns I could stay at here?"

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Tue May 03, 2011 4:52 pm

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Kaisenraiyok faced Elednor. "My name is Kaisenraiyok," he said politely. "It's good to see you can calm down quickly." Kaisenraiyok walked towards the exit.
"I better look for a place to stay as well," Kaisenraiyok thought. "I might as well stay here if I want to."

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Wed May 04, 2011 10:01 am
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Now that both people were gone from the quite loud moment, Elednor was left alone. He left the building to go find a place to stay. "Who were those who happened to notice me" Elednor asked to the sky. "And why did I show them that I can fly?"

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Wed May 04, 2011 2:44 pm

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Outside, Kaisenraiyok took in a deep breath, calming himself. "I should keep out of fights I don't need to get involved in," Kaisenraiyok thought once he was calm. "Otherwise I might actually kill someone." He started to walk, looking for a place to stay.

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Thu May 05, 2011 12:50 pm
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Elednor found a place to stay and was bored in staying in one place. He walked around and found Kaisenraiyok. "Hi. Thank you for stopping me from killing that man" Elednor said, Eyes now a forest green. "If you had not challenged me, I would have killed another person that doesn't need to lose his life. Sometimes I cannot control the devil inside me and he weakens the angel and lashes out. But when someone shows a light to stop him, the angel gains power. I heard there is a treasure out here, and I think you are searching for that treasure. May I ask to acommpany you on your journey? I don't want a part of the treasure, I just want to go on the adventure. So do you accept, Kaisenraiyok?"

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Thu May 05, 2011 4:06 pm

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Kaisenraiyok was surprised. "This treasure is on my mind," he replied. "Sure. You can come," he told Elednor with a nod. "You know there's strength in numbers."

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Fri May 06, 2011 11:44 am
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"Wonderful" Elednor exclaimed, "I now have someone I can help into the desert. If you want we can fly into there tommorrow on my wings if you like"

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Fri May 13, 2011 4:01 pm

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"No thanks," Kaisenraiyok replied. "I'd rather get there on foot, save you some energy. Let's find somewhere to rest." Kaisenraiyok held out his hand, offering Elednor a handshake.

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Fri May 13, 2011 4:08 pm
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