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Omnivident - Book 1: A War of Souls 
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As pleased and excited as he was with his potential, the library was no place to test his abilities. He felt he needed rest regardless so he exited the library and strode over to his dorm room. As much as he'd like to possibly train with others, it would be far better if he rested for tomorrow. Upon reaching his room, he let himself collapse over his bed. He lay there sprawled, imagining what he was capable of and what dreams would come over him in his slumber. He had dreamt of accomplishing mundane feats with his power, but it was time to dream bigger. He was positive he'd dream of fighting for something more important than the admiration of others. He would learn soon, as his eyes had shut and sleep overcame him.


Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:45 am
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Johnathan was amazed yet again. Upon looking at himself close up and inspecting his weapons, not surprisingly, they seemed to fit him. Having dual weapons he was finding out were almost impractical, but yet it took a special kind of training to master having two weapons, since it was near impossible to swing both at a time. He only knew a couple of things about it, like one weapon was supposed to be used offensively, while the other was on defense. And to even strike twice, or with the defensive blade, he needed to perform a separate and distinct action. Instead he found himself either using them both on offense or defense. Also having dual weapons lowered the chance of landing a powerful finishing blow that was sufficient, compared to someone who opted for one weapon who could focus all their energy on one instead of having to worry about two. Thus, it made him weaker, as he was the only one, besides Carter who even then rarely used his twin daggers, who dual wielded. The only main advantage he had was that he could use one as a holding weapon and strike the open area. 

He had to admit his sigils weren't the best power either, and with all the action he was experiencing so far, it would take too long to write and execute a sigil. So what would be the best solution he couldn't help but wonder. Carry post-it notes? Which actually didn't seem like such a bad idea. It sounded good on paper, no pun intended, but it seemed like the only thing that was holding him back was impracticality. If he could get past that, he could prove himself to be better and on par with the rest of his group.

As he stood there, Tsubaki spoke. "Wow, the best human I can make looks something like this." She then moved her fingers and a stick figure appeared before shortly disappearing. 

With a twinkle in his blue eye and a smile he was trying to hide, he couldn't help himself as he spoke, "Aw, they don't look so bad, but I could give you a few drawing lessons sometime if you don't mind."

Suddenly Lotus came and fell, but quickly shrugged it off. He had been trying to avoid her ever since the whole demon incident because he attacked her without reason. But surely she couldn't blame him for that right? It wasn't his fault, he was possessed. 

"Actually, I'll let him introduce himself." He said, signaling the clone to speak. He was going to test every feature. 


Lloyd's eyes followed Paolo as he ran into the convince store. It only took him a split-second to make his choice. It was an interesting character trait he thought he possessed. And for that he had to thank Grayson. Even though he caused all sorts of trouble in the past, he had also caused some good things to happen. Like lending him strength, even though he hadn't managed to get the flag back he thought it was a pretty decent battle between Phora. That, and the fact that Lloyd had a very regal, "king-like" appearance. So in itself it managed to balance things out. Or maybe that was Grayson's way of apologizing. 

Since the arcade was about to close, by the time they really got into it, it would be time to leave. Plus it never hurt to have candy once in a while. Running after Paolo, Lloyd turned back to the three still standing. "We can go some other time!" He then focused his attention towards the store. "Wait up! And don't even think about taking all the good candy, I don't want to be stuck with the disgusting, bland leftovers!" Even though he knew the store would have more than plenty of a selection to choose from.

Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:18 pm
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Ooc: It was brought to my attention that you may be waiting on me if so sorry.

Lotus stared at the other boy. She waited a bit before looking at the small girl. " Hey can one of you guys teach me the adding Nora spell?" she asked as she held up her sword. She gave them a big smile one could practically see fangs.


Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:03 pm

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Logan donned a triumphant grin as the form of his ancestor began to manifest before him. As the apparition came into focus, the Scot could make out more and more details. There, clad in full celtic armor, stood

"Allan." Logan breathed, barely containing his excitement. After all these years, he would finally be able to meet the legend in person.

"Hmm?" The spirit grunted and looked down at the junior, seeming perplexed. Then, in a notably high voice, it spoke. "Awright, Allan."

The figure removed its helmet, revealing the face of a woman. "The name's Aileana. Nou wid ye be sae kind as tae tell me whaur th' hell I am!?"
Logan stood agape, a single question burning in his mind.

"Who are you?" He blurted before he could stop himself.

"I'm th' woman who's aff tae kick yer arse if ye dinnae answer her quaistion, ye dafty!"
The junior was entirely unprepared for this turn of events. He had no idea who this woman was, but she clearly had to be one of his ancestors. That being the case, he decided that it would probably be best to humor her for the time being.

"Well, I dinnae really know how tae put this gently, but ye're dead."

"Och, Ah'm deid am ah? Gee, ah hadn't noticed!"

"Well, what dae ye want me tae say!?"

"Mibbie ye cuid stairt wi' whit manner o' sorcery brought me back back tae th' land o' th' living. Actually, nevermind that. Instead, ye kin tell me whit's wrong wi' yer voice!"

"What dae ye mean? This is just how I talk."

"Na it isnae. Ye're pretending, 'n' ye're nae daein' it weil either."
Logan's already ruddy face was visibly reddening as the conversation went on. This isn't at all how he imagined the first meeting with his ancestor would go.

"I brought you here, alright?" He conceded, hoping to change the subject.

"How come wid ye dae something lik' that?"

"It was a mistake. I was trying to get Allan McWilliam." He sighed. Aileana scowled.

"Weil, sorry ah coudnae live up tae yer expectations. Kin ah go nou?"

With a dismissive wave, Logan dispatched the ghost back to wherever it had come from. Lowering himself to the floor, he sat with his face resting in his hands as the day's events began to catch up with him. Disappointed and exhausted, he fell asleep on the cold stone floor.

Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:34 pm
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OOC: Yay for some of y'all heading to bed already! The next post made by me will be for the next day.

Amy giggled and gave Harpreet a very knowing look, despite not knowing anything at all. She began to braid the girl's hair while Harpreet opened up an extremely large case filled with an assortment of nail polishes with a wide variety of colours.

"I think I'll choose red, the colour of love" mused Harpreet out loud while raising her eyebrows comically.

"You have 250 different nail polishes and you choose red?" laughed Amy "Why not coral? Or tangerine!"

The girls laughed.


"I think that'd be really nice" said Evelyn thoughtfully, "I haven't actually had the opportunity to simply look at the city from a good vantage point. All my flying around today has been more of a quick travelling thing really. Come on, let's go!"

As they walked, Evelyn found herself smiling; the day seemed to have really turned itself on its head. She had woken up this morning feeling apprehensive, anxious and conflicted with her place in the world, yet now she felt quite the opposite. She could truly say she had made a great friend, the type of friend that you saw on TV and read in books, who picked you up off of the ground and made you feel better when your world seemed to be falling apart. It was the first "peaceful" day that they had had in a while, and she felt ready to take on what the world and beyond had to throw at her.

They had walked into one of the towers and walked up the spiral stairs until they made it to the top, which allowed them to gain access to the wall. All the while they continued talking about the mundane thing in their lives, though they grew silent as they stood on the wall and looked over the city. Apollon was as beautiful to admire from above, as it was to walk through it. The sea of roofs made of marble, and stone were bleached white by the sun after years of neglect. In the distance they could see the layered roof of the Senate building, and the dome of the Academia. The sole roofs that had maintained some sort of colour were those on the Palace of Seers, in marvellous blues, reds, and greens.

"To think, an entire city of people like us. It must have been something" spoke Evelyn in a soft voice.


The clone stared at Johnny with a blank expression on its face. "Master, what is your command?" It said with a very plain voice. It sounded like Johnny, yet at the same time it did not. It was a very perplexing situation, as the clone seemed to have not even noticed Johnny's invitation to introduce itself.

When Lotus spoke, the clone turned to the girl with the same blank expression. "Add Nora. Command cannot be completed. Johnathan does not know Nora. Cannot add Nora." Johnny began to feel a slight pressure in his head as the time continued to pass by.


Jerome and Peter chuckled as Lloyd ran ahead after Paolo and the group followed the boys into the candy store. There was an extremely wide selection of product that they could choose from. They even had candies from other countries. As Paolo spotted Lloyd enter the store he stuffed a candy into the boy's hand.

"Try it!" he exclaimed "It tastes exactly like my Nonna's caramelle! So good!" Even though he had been in the store for only a few minutes, he already had various bags of candy in a cart in front of himself. "I have a tab here, so don't worry about paying, my friend!" The bell above the door rang as the other three boys entered the store and began to go through the various aisles looking for candy for themselves.


Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:19 pm
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"Add Nora. Command cannot be completed. Johnathan does not know Nora. Cannot add Nora." The way the clone spoke it sounded like a robot, who takes everything literally. Johnathan knew that it would take a while to get used to it, but how did the clone know if he knew anyone named Nora? If he guessed correctly, it looked like the clone knew everything Johnny knew. Suddenly he felt a slight pressure build up and immediately began to panic, he bent over slightly and his eyes began to close as his right hand grabbed the top of his head. Almost the exact same thing happened to his sigils shortly after Derrek attacked him, except it felt like he was going to explode. Uh-oh.

What was happening? It hadn't happened anytime between using the sigils to create clone Johnny and now. Was it because the clone was speaking? Or was it because the sigils were starting to wear off? He promised himself he wouldn't overexert his sigils in case that was going to happen again. He wasn't going to take any risks. "I-I thinks she means... 'ad arma'." As he said this to his clone, his own billhooks appeared in his hands in a flash of light, but dispelled them. That wouldn't do him any good to bring his reserves back up, if he wanted to use his energy abilities. "It's getting pretty late, you can go now." He said as he began to dispel the sigils that created the clone, he didn't want that slight pressure becoming a problem, or worse. "The weapons vault is over there to get a weapon," He said as he pointed in said direction, "Since you hadn't used one during the game, I'm assuming you don't have one." He voice wasn't showing a particular trait, he was speaking normally. "As you take one you can use said spell to summon it and to dispel it say 'eolwa'. Or you can simply will it to summon like most of us do." With that, he started to leave, but he wasn't extremely looking forward to sleeping as he was suffering from nightmares ever since the demon incident.

Before he left, Johnny stopped right in front of Tsubaki and looked her dead in her eyes. He spoke low, so only the two could hear it. "Thank you. If I don't see you good luck with Ms. Sullivan." And left.


"At this rate you're going to clean the whole store out." Lloyd joked as he saw how much Paolo had in such a short time. He had to admit he was pretty fun to be around, not that he'd say it to his face though. He tried the candy he shoved in his hand. He nodded, It was good, and Lloyd decided he had to come here more. He could see why Paolo liked this store. Shortly after, he began to go through the aisles himself to look for some candy. Archlight wasn't a bad place at all.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:27 pm

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Alice watched her two friends laughing and giggling. They were always so blissfully clueless of the dangers of the senior's hidden life. For a moment, she considered telling them her secret, but no, they would think she was insane, and God forbid Miss Rachel had a problem with it. There was no one around whom she could truly call her equal. Her eyes began to tear up as she wished her friends were still alive. Now she was stuck as the leader of a squad of untrained military potential. She thought about the peaceful days spent stalking prey on solo witch-hunts, of the times she was called "the pinball queen" on the s**** tables, of the time she convinced Basil to show her some records. For once, in front of these two, she let the tears flow. Her face was flushed and the tears ran in streams down her cheeks, but she was not sobbing. Alice sat there silently and watched her two friends, her eyes a mix of love, grief, misery, and despair. Phora tugged gently on the back of her shirt.

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Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:55 pm

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Daniel opened his eyes to see a handful of some sort of moss laying in his hand in a large clump. For a second he tried dwelling on why simply saying that word produced this specific amount of this specific plant in this specific place, but he quickly dismissed the thought so he wouldn't blow a gasket.
"Kakendare!" He shouted, and it turned to fire. He panicked at having a fire in his hand, but when he internally visualized it moving in a stream away from him, it did so. In his heart, he felt something he hadn't felt since the time he discovered he was Omnivident. Putting it out, his eyes glanced toward the book on the altar, but he shook his head. Not today.

He left the book inside the room and stood outside the door. Ashley was one of the few people who talked to him, and even though she dashed off right afterwards, it would've be nice to see her again. Slowly the freshman stepped down the hallway.

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Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:40 pm
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"O-okay," Tsubaki waved to Johnny as he departed.

The whole clone thing was a bit weird considering. Tsubaki wasn't sure that the clone should have been able do such things as do magic with out a spirit, little lone talk. And before he dismissed the second him, Johnny seemed to swoon, was he alright? He told Lotus where to get a weapon even though she clearly had a katana with her. Getting some rest was probably all he needed.

Now with Lotus, Tsubaki was once again in one of those situations where she didn't know how to act. Lotus was like two sides as a coin. On one side she was a naive kitten, but on the other side she was a savage killer. Though Lotus might have some Japanese features and was in possession of an authentic katana, maybe they shared a common heritage?

"Well, Johnathan pretty much covered it, 'eolwa' will bind your weapon to you and store it away, while 'ad arma' will call your weapon to you." Unlike Johnathan, the mere uttering of these words didn't not force anything into Tsubaki's hands. "Even if it's knocked out of your hands or away from you."

Tsubaki shifted around a little. She wasn't one to toot her own horn, but being a second year she had at least a little more experience than Lotus, even if she hadn't really done anything of merit yet. "If you have any other questions that I might be able to answer, feel free to ask me. But if you wouldn't mind, could you do so as we walked to our rooms?"


Derrek was already in deep slumber at this point. He was snoring a bit, but it wasn't bothering him any.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:56 am
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Lotus looked at the girl and listened intently. Afterwards she looked at her sword. "eolwa" she stared at her sword. She looked at the little girl. "Of course we can walk to our rooms, I could use a cat nap. By the way I'm Lotus if you didn't know." she spoke completely changing gears. She began to walk in front of tsubaki. Leading tsubaki to the rooms.


Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:49 am
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Maximilian simply stood in silence as he watched over the entirety of Apollon. The ancient city evoked a slew of emotions which immediately welled up inside him and drowned away his conscious mind. Feelings of forlornness, longing, ardency, affection, and infatuation, it all boiled within his body and released a steam of aloofness which left no physical change upon his person, he simply remained staring into a place that only he could see.

"It's gorgeous." Words eventually slipped quietly from his lips. His senses had returned, for the most part, as he spoke out in a somewhat lost or monotonous tone. "Absolutely gorgeous..." He turned his attention towards Evelyn after a brief moment of suppressing whatever feelings had attempted to surface in him earlier. "It's getting late, we should probably start heading back. We probably both have things we have to take care of back at the school." He wasn't actually ready to the leave the city for good, but he didn't want to force Evelyn to stay on account of him. So for now he would accept the idea of departure.


Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:12 pm
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Autumn/Winter Tuesday 9:00

The day started like any other for the children; those that lived on campus made their way to the cafeteria for breakfast after getting dressed, while those who did not made their commute to school.

After Alice's breakdown the night before, Ami and Harpreet worked hard to console the girl, but to no avail; they could not find out what was troubling her. Their night came to a bitter end, as Alice sobbed herself to sleep, while Harpreet passed out on the floor from exhaustion. Ami however, was greatly disturbed by her best friend's deep sadness, and frankly she had been waiting for Alice to break down for a long time. Ever since the bus explosion, Alice had been greatly changed. She barely slept that night.

Johnny did sleep on the other hand, however his night was just as disturbed if not more so. As usual, his frightening nightmares of being tortured in a hellish torture chamber haunted him. He woke up covered in sweat and breathing heavily, as if he had been running a marathon.

Logan's dreams were of a very different nature. He found himself in the very same library that he had fallen asleep in, yet it did not seem as abandoned as he had found it. The first indicator of this was that it was much brighter inside the library than when he had been in it earlier. Near where the ceiling and the wall met, a rut had been cut into all the walls, in which fire burned, illuminating every room brilliantly.

There was a slight continuous murmur all about him, as if many low voices were speaking in the distance. His curiosity piqued, Logan walked towards the sound, and was startled by a robed boy that ran directly through him with a collection of scrolls under his arms. It was quite unnerving, yet he continued onwards, and found himself in a large circular chamber. There, many young robed individuals sat looking onto the platform where Logan stood. A scantily dressed woman with bright red hair stood in the very centre of the platform beside an older man in robes. The woman looked at Logan, and before his eyes, her entire being burst into flames. Logan awoke with a start.


As the students assembled in the s****, Sir William appeared before them with the usual jingling of his armour. He unraveled a scroll that materialized in his hands with a cloud of dust. He coughed theatrically, and then began;

"Lady Dawn has business to attend to regarding her daytime job...In that she is actually going to be counselling students as she was hired to do. In her absence, I will be directing the educational activity for the day," He slid the visor of his helmet up and placed tiny spectacles onto his nose and squinted as he read his scroll.

"In light of recent events, Lady Dawn has asked that I educate you all in the practice of exorcism. Of course, there is the typical means of exorcising a demon through causing them enough harm until they are spiritually overwhelmed. However, there are other, much more efficient means of dealing with them. Today we shall look at the crucifix and incantation, which Lady St. Augustine is already acquainted with, and ofuda and its accompanying incantation, which I'm sure Lady Yamikatsu knows quite well.

For those who don't know, a crucifix is well, a cross. Those that tend to be most effective on our present enemies are made of gold, silver, or iron. Over the centuries, demon hunters have gotten creative with these to make them much more," Sir William paused "effective. An example being how the young mistress has hers fashioned into a dagger as well. What is important is the accompanying incantation that should be recited while performing an exorcism. – Patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti. Revertere ad abyssum. – That should do the trick.

In regards to ofuda, an ofuda is a paper charm used for purification and exorcism. It is typically inscribed with wards in Kanji. Typically the charm is attached to the demon, and then the incantation that follows is – Oni tachisare – Which will have a similar result as the crucifix.

Now, for the rest of the day, Lady Dawn has said that it would be beneficial for you all to return to Apollon, as you can see the gateway remains open. She did instruct me to tell you that you would be sticking in pairs today. However what you choose to do, be it sparring, exploring, sharing experiences, or knowledge, is up to you. The pairs are: Lloyd, and Lotus, Evelyn, Damian and Johnny, Jin and Tsubaki, Maximilian and Dom, Daniel and Logan, and Alice and Derrek." With his last words spoken, he disappeared though they could all sense that Sir William was still watching.


Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:00 pm
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Being ever quick to react, Tsubaki, while jumping up and down, exclaimed, "I do know know about ofuda! My mom makes them!" After being uncharacteristically loud Tsubaki went back to being very small. "I'm not good at making them though..."

Trying to drop any attention she may have brought on herself, Tsubaki quickly went to find Li and start anything he might have wanted to do, stating so in a manner such as, "Um, so, what would you like to do?


Derrek couldn't believe the gall of that woman. So he had to make every club meeting but she could just skip out when ever. Eh, whatever, at least she paired him with Alice, which was a visual bonus. But then again she would probably make him do something he rather wouldn't, such as anything. Rather then waiting for what was surely to come, Derrek moved as close as was needed to talk to her and said, "Hey." As he did he tried to blow the hair from his face, but it was kept in place by his hat.

OoC: I was actually going to bring up sealing talismans with the Johnathan situation, but I didn't want to add unnecessary lore into the game. Ironic.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:14 pm
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Lotus had woke up and life decided it was going to be one of "those" days. Lotus experienced sharp pain in her stomach all night causing her to be unable to sleep. She forced herself to get dressed and head to breakfast. She eat the meal before she lost it in the nearest restroom. After vomiting, she exited the stall only to realize she ran into the men's room. She blushed and dashed out, only to smash into some kid. As she slammed into him, his food landed all over lotus. Lotus, angry at life, finally gave up and went to her room. She changed back into her pj's, after a warm shower, and got back into bed. She was just about to fall asleep, when her PDA went off. Lotus just wanted to cry. She got dressed again and slowly walked to the club room. She walked in only to have everyone stare at her unusually messy composure. She finally, after the ghost was done, summoned Dot. Lotus sat down and leaned on Dot, she remained there just wanting to sleep.


Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:30 pm

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Alice laid in bed while her friends slept, pondering her feelings. Beyond grief, and dread, there was something else... Guilt. She'd been cursing, and letting anger and mischief get a hold of her. Possibly even lust. She sat up and looked at Phora. The pixie was messing with her tablet, an annoying habit. "You're starting to wear me down, missie," she said to her totem.
With a shrug, she loaded up a social network app to pester one of Alice's admirers. Oh well.
Getting up, Alice threw on a coat and some shoes and sneakily exited the room. There was a flock of sheep not too far from here...


Alice stood proudly, seemingly renewed, as Sir William addressed the students. "Good morning to you all." She said gently, before turning to look at Derrek. "I'm paired with you? Very well then. I know just the thing. How'd you like to be an enchanted weapons specialist like myself? Follow me. Watch out for the cat," She said with a giggle, as she rubbed Lotus behind the ears, and walked towards the weapon vault, to which she had a key. "Now to the back~" She sang out, as the back section of the room was perhaps her favorite place in the world. Opening a small door they came into a room that seemed much larger on the inside then it did on the map.
"Welcome to my treasure chest!" Inside were all sorts of items. A row of strange guns, a huge battleaxe in a case on the wall, a few longswords, shortswords, greatswords and daggers, some staves and wands, armors, and even a mysterious toy box in a corner. Alice scampered about cheerfully, and with a few words in latin her eyes began to glow and she picked objects left and right. They disappeared in a flash of light. Snagging a blanket off the table, she exited the room and shouted to Derrek. "To Appollon!" She opened the door and stood waiting for him.

Daniel watched Alice leave with Derrek. That poor soul was about to go through hell, he would bet.
He looked around. Logan was the Scott, if he remembered correctly. Quietly he walked up next to Logan and simply waited for him to speak.

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:20 pm
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