Thread to discuss Hyper Light Drifter, or as you may know it, the faux-retro indie darling of 2016.
I backed this when it was on Kickstarter, so I got a key on release, and I gotta say, it's pretty nice-looking. There's a huge open world that used to be full of giants but is now full of derelict and death, and the hyper light drifter's slicing and shooting monsters on the way to find a cure for their hyper light cancer or something. Apparently it involves collecting triangles and killing bird people.
-Good art style
-Cool atmosphere and world building
-Gameplay is responsive and feels pretty good
-Runs at 30fps, which sucks for an action RPG
-When it's not fast-paced combat, it's long cutscenes, slow atmospheric walking moments, slow tedious respawn animation
-Game journalists will talk about it long enough for it to get annoying, but not long enough for us to actually learn something interesting