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Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:46 pm Posts: 1883 Country:
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I'd rent it rather than buy it for it's length.
Still, those five hours were crazy.
Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:59 pm |
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Can't sleep am bored review time
Gone Home This game is terrible and pissed me off because even though it was on sale for like $11 I feel like I was conned. Now here's why it's terrible: This game was heavily acclaimed for it's story, which is the most generic lesbian love story you could ask for. Girls get together, parents don't approve, they stick together anyway. Now, if the game was just this, it might have been slightly better. The voice acting (the only voice you hear in the entire game) is pretty good. BUT, the game as well as all the ads for the game and every single reviewer also adds that the game includes "horror" and "mystery" elements.
The horror is a red herring the entire game, promising to be something better than false advertising. The only scares are the jumpscares when the lightning strikes outside. You learn early that the house you're in is the house of your psycho uncle who was doing some crazy demon s*** or something and then he killed himself so you inherited the house. This plot goes nowhere. It has little hints of it throughout the game (which btw is less than 2 hours long) but there is absolutely zero payoff. To go more in depth I should put spoiler tags here but this explains a key part of what pissed me off and tbh the spoiler is for a terrible ending anyway: very beginning of the game you find a note from your sister saying "don't come looking for me" or something. Naturally you ignore this. Early on, it plants a hint that whenever the attic is closed with red lights on, your sister is up there and wants to be left alone. So you find the attic with the red lights on. At the very end of the game, after you find out she and her girlfriend were experimenting with the crazy demonic s*** just for fun and also the girlfriend is going into the army and your sister is depressed, you gain access to the attic. Fully expecting a corpse of some kind, you only find the diary you've been hearing the narration of. So that note at the beginning was a lie and your sister actually DID want you to look for her. Great.
The "mystery" is even worse, since there pretty much isn't one. You try to find out where everyone in your house is, they've been expecting you home from your year long trip, and no one is there. You get home early, without telling anyone, so I guess no one could possibly be out getting milk or out to dinner or late at work or at a party or whatever. Nope, GOTTA BE MYSTERY. The answer is once again stupidly disappointing: your parents are on vacation and your sister ran away to be with her girlfriend. The first part you read on a f*** calandar and the second part is the ENDING OF THE GAME.
Gameplay is walking around the house and occasionally picking things up or reading things. As you explore you hear the narration of your sister telling you about her relationship. Sometimes you have to solve simple combination puzzles. That's it.
I don't think there is sound other than JUMP LIGHTNING and narration, but if there was music obviously it wasn't good enough for me to remember any.
Graphics are ok but it's just walking around a house so there's nothing spectacular visually.
Pros/Cons +Voice acting is pretty good -Everything else about it
I'd recommend buying it if it ever drops below $5 just to see how terrible reviewers are with giving the absolute highest praise to indie games with #deep stories. wait what am I saying, don't give these people your money
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Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:58 am |
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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You just didn't get it bro
Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:20 am |
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:16 pm Posts: 1583 Country:
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Skyward Review Logo: show SPOILERS WILL HAVE SPOILERS! What is a spoiler? This: this is a spoiler guysI finished Skyward Sword awhile ago. It is actually much better than I expected. It is in my Top Five for sure. Probably Number Two or Number One. But I guess I should explain why I love it so much. Story : The story is actually really well thought out. It does start the Zelda timeline for a reason. There is are two main villains. Ghirahim and Demise. Ghirahim's main mission is to resurrect Demise. What will Demise do? Try to get the triforce of course! But in the SKKY! Yes the story in the sky. But it was used really well. Sorta the Wind Waker feel. But we will get there soon in Gameplay. Gameplay : The gameplay with the Wii Motion Plus is VERY good. (And I'm a lefty) Imagine that sword game in Wii Sports Resort but with 20000% more action. There are some items that will start acting out of the ordinary sometimes though. Like the beetle item. Sometimes it won't go where you want it to. Which can get really annoying. And rolling bombs is even worse. I hold down sometimes and it wants to throw still. But the flying sections are really good. Like I said in Story it is really similar to Wind Waker. There are random flying islands in the sky. Imagine Angel Island from Sonic. But flying felt perfectly fine. UNTIL THAT STUPID TARGET THING IN THE AIR! That was dumb! And the temples were more than I wanted. Dat Indiana Jones part was a blast! (Jokes... you got the bombs in that part of the game) Some temple locations were really smart too. Like the one under Skyloft. But that sliding puzzle was really annoying. And the bosses. THE BOSSES! Some were bad That boat boss. The Imprisoned really that one was hard in my opinion. Some were easy fire temple boss I am looking at you! And some were really fun! The Mid-Boss for the boat. But the boss rush was annoying! You had to do it atleast twice. Once for the Hylian Shield and the second time for a Heart Piece. Music : The music really fit the theme of each area. Here is just a few songs I really enjoyed: BEST ZELDA LULLABY SONG EVAAAAR. And someone got married to this song too! No joke.Final Score : 9/10 It is worth a try. But don't quit! Soon I will be doing a The Legend Of Zelda : A Link Between Worlds review.
Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:55 pm |
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looking forward to it
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Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:30 pm |
Joined: Sat May 16, 2009 1:44 pm Posts: 6555 Location: Florida Country:
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you tell me to imagine all of these games and yet what if i never played them what if i have no interest in sonic
also you say absolutely nothing about the bosses. if they're too easy, too hard, what they feel like. what is so bad about this "target thing" what made the temples more than what you wanted
Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:46 pm |
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:16 pm Posts: 1583 Country:
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Thanks for the feedback. I will make sure I work on that in my ALBW review.
Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:46 am |
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:16 pm Posts: 1583 Country:
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I guess before I post my review I should post the logo for it.
Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:05 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:19 pm Posts: 2018 Location: Around someplace
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I'm pretty sure that's the least important part of your- Oh my god I can't breathe
Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:12 am |
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:46 pm Posts: 1883 Country:
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I was playing Skyward Sword again the other day and I feel like your review brushes over a lot of the bad things the game had. Such as Fi being worse than Navi, large amounts of repetition, especially with bosses, an empty overworld, mostly hit-or-miss dungeons and bosses, and how the menu opens up slowly every single time you get a bug or some crafting item. I am also a lefty, and I think this is just me, but the motion controls were horrendously frustrating. I spent 30% of the game re-calibrating and centering that stupid f*** pointer, only to have it drift off again in 5 minutes, Even if I didn't move the remote it would just magically drift away. Also the stealth challenges weren't fun.
I'm not saying the game wasn't good, but it was weaker as far as the Zelda titles are concerned. I'd give it an 8.2.
Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:11 pm |
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:16 pm Posts: 1583 Country:
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So A Link Between Worlds. Did it live up to all of the hype? Is it just as good as A Link To The Past? Well my answer is.... YES! Warning: These are spoilers! Don't look at them.Warning: I will not do that for small spoilers like the main villains name. Or anything like that. Story : Link is now trying to become a Blacksmith. (Really Link? First you wanted to be a Farmer in Twilight Princess but now a Blacksmith? At least it is a step up.) So your first mission is to deliver a sword to a soldier in the Sanctuary. You meet Dampe and an old woman. The old woman checks if the soldier is still inside the Sanctuary but gets locked inside. So you must find another way in. When you finally get into the Sanctuary you meet your main villain Yuga. He (yes Yuga is a guy. Deal with it.) has the power to turn people into paintings... (WHAT THE F%^&! FIRST WE HAVE SHADOW MARIO PAINTING IN SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE NOW THIS? WHAT THE ACTUAL F^&*!) So when you are done there he knocks you out by tricking you into running into a wall. Then you wake up inside your house with a guy named Ravio. He always calls you 'Mr.Hero.' And he says Yuga went to this place called Eastern Palace (yes the same exact place as in A Link To The Past) Then before you go he gives you a bracelet. So you go there and you need a bow! How do you get a bow? From Ravio of course! But we will get to that part in Gameplay. So you find Yuga in the Eastern Palace and you have to fight him! But then he traps you as a painting and runs away. But that bracelet Ravio gave you? It lets you control your powers as a painting. Then when you see Yuga next he turns all of the Sages into paintings. Even Zelda! Now you need help from Zelda's dark counter part. Hilda. (Really Nintendo? Hilda....) Gameplay : This game is very reminiscent of Zelda 1 and A Link To The Past. (Except for that bunny part) You can have two items in your inventory (By grabbing a bag in the woods) And your sword. Like in every Zelda game you get your item from temples. NOPE! You have to rent items from Ravio. Each item costs very little to rent. But you better have lots of rupees to keep them. If you have rented items and die Ravio's bird steals all of your rented items. But every item you bought you keep. There are also these small squids called Maiamais. There are 100 combined. 50 in Hyrule. 50 in Lorule. What is so special about these guys? Collect 10 and bring them to the Maiamais Mom to get an upgrade on an item. (But only on items you have bought.) Some sidequests are interesting. Some are plain dumb. And some make me just make me plain mad! One interesting sidequest is called the Treacherous Tower. There are three levels to it. Easy, Intermediate, and Hard. Just to say (this thing is way too easy.) But one really fun sidequest/minigame was this Cucco minigame. You had to dodge a lot of Cuccos! Hit one and you are out. It is really fun to mess around in. One of the really dumb ones is the Golden Bee quest. (BUT ALL OF THE RUPEES ARE WORTH IT!) Just to say these Bees are really rare. I saw one once and I killed it. But the one that made me really mad was the race! Let's just say. Good luck finding the right route. And the painting mechanic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Temples : The temples in this game are really interesting. Like the Dark Temple (I honestly forgot the name of this temple.) It had a lot of light puzzles and they were very interesting puzzles. And this temple had the Wall Masters. But honestly they weren't that bad in this game. Also I really enjoyed the Fire and Ice temples. Even the Thieves hideout. It was a rescue mission but it was really fun. But one of the easiest/dumbest ones was the Sand Temple. The sand puzzles were pathetic. You could say... it was really dusty! (yeah bad sand puns) more likes punes! get it... dunes. hey don't be prickly! HA! Cactus puns. Final Boss : Time to put your spoiler shades on. Let's just say Hilda was evil the whole time. (Figures.) And now she wants to steal your triforce. She talks all about how Lorules triforce was taken over and BLAH BLAH STORY STORY. And now you fight Yuga/Ganon (Fuuuuuuuuuuusion HA! Yanon.) So Yanon was a pretty pathetic boss. Zelda gives you the Sacred Bow but you can only use it as a painting. Then when you beat Yanon Hilda comes to talk to you again but who is that in the distance? Ravio! Wait... Ravio? Then you find out he is Lorule Link. (Honestly I could tell Ravio was Dark Link the whole time) Then he talks to Hilda about how he guarded Hilda then left and BLAH BLAH STORY STORY. But then Hilda takes Link's bracelet and uses it so Link and Zelda can go back to Hyrule. And they are face to face with their triforce. But Link and Zelda are really nice and make the best wish they could. They wished for Lorule to get their triforce back. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Music : OMG THE MUSIC! THAT MUSIC! Honestly I love this theme more.As you can see my favorite songs from this game are remixes of past songs. Misc : Here is just something funny I found. It is about what Ravio does in his shop. If you ever go by his bag of rupees he says something along the lines of: "Mr.Hero! Don't touch that bag! That has something in their more important than life!" That just shows how greedy he is! Now time to talk about what everyone wants. MAJORAS MASK REFERENCES. 1. The mask in Ravio's Shop. 2. If you go to Lorule Ravio's Shop in the back of the house there is a journal about three days. 3. This one is a bit bigger. When you rescue all of the Maiamais the Mom will say: "Well I have to go to my dimension." And what was the game with squid like enemies? Majoras Mask with Octoroks. And Termina was another Dimension. But when you leave the cave there is a light behind you. And when you enter the room there is the 72nd Maiamai. (Which was the number of hours in Majoras Mask before the moon crashed down. Final Score : 9.5/10 A really good game for the people who played A Link To The Past.
Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:02 pm |
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Can you please learn what a paragraph is?
Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:36 pm |
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Hi. Just updated my Wonderful 101 post with this. Thought it was worth bumping the thread for. | | | | TerminX wrote: Addendum: It's been a little over a week since I posted this, and I've been thinking a lot about the depth of the combat system. I've played the game a few times since then and watched some high level gameplay videos and analysis videos on the Internet, and I've come to this conclusion: It's a lot deeper than I gave it credit for. Typically, when I think of "depth" in a hack n slash, what comes to mind are a wide variety of possible combos built into the game, frame-perfect guards, million hit juggles, etc. But what I've come to realize is that judging the system's depth by simply comparing it to Devil May Cry is kind of a stupid thing to do.
The player is presented with a wide variety of options in battle. Gigantic juggles are A Thing That Exists, and they're extremely impressive to watch and unsurprisingly very difficult to pull off. There are a lot of little features in the game, such as different ways to combat some enemies or bosses, that I didn't notice at all in my playthrough. When certain mechanics, such as climb attacks and team unite morphs are properly utilized, they make the gameplay unbelievably fast and hectic.
I underestimated the "depth" of the system a lot. Saying that it "isn't super deep or complicated" is probably the stupidest thing I've said this year. The skill ceiling seems to be very high, and it's honestly much closer to Bayonetta than it is Metal Gear Rising. That said I'm no expert on this genre, so those are just my impressions.
The skill ceiling is at least high enough that I didn't realize how f*** high it was in my playthrough, and I needed to see some other people show me how to actually play in order to realize how complicated the game can get. It's extremely impressive. | | | | |
It's not like I didn't expect the game to have some crazy high level action, but I was amazed by the sheer amount of things I'd underestimated about it or just completely missed within it. It would be worth another playthrough just to experiment with these kinds of features, if I didn't feel compelled to finish my backlog instead
Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:09 pm |
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gotta say im with you on the w101 depth. at first i had a couple issues where i was just getting smashed and feeling like the controls were bad or i was doing something wrong or something, but it's one of those things that just clicks after a little while and suddenly it's like the coolest thing ever.
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Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:17 am |
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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of liberty
this has been, for a long time, considered to be the most controversial game in the whole MGS franchise, as well as in history. i happen to possess one, so i decided to review, since thats what this forum is for.
there are great things, there are terrible things, and there are WTF???!! things.
the great things: the graphics are absolutely insane, for a game of its time. all models are excelent, and you can find tiny tiny details everywhere - for instance, every single door has the name of its destination written as signalization lettering, and some lockers have pictures of naked models hidden inside them. the sunsets are beautifull, the seagulls crap in your face, every bullet shell has its own distinct PING when they hit the floor.
Design: gorgeous. absolutely gorgeous, both in characters and in scenery and level. people seem alive, not just models. they move very swiftly. the character designs are very unique. the original weapons that show up are quite believable, in a military point of view. the whole map feels conected.
Gameplay: absolutely out of this world... if you are in 2003. it is surpassed by now. but still, it has flawless programing, very few bugs, and interesting possibilities. almost all weapons can be used in ways you didnt think about. you think that pistol is there for you to kill people? WRONG! it also serves to destroy bomb-regulating devices, defusing the bombs. think your gun being empty means you are dead? WRONG! you can sneak on a guy and point him the gun! they will almost s*** in their pants. then you can grab them, use them as human shields, knock them out cold or kill them, steal ammo from them... not to mention that the enemies are quite cleverer than your average guard in other games. if they suspect something, OH BOY, they wount let go. they will hear you breath, follow your footsteps, figure out where your shots came from, check EVERY box in the room... yeah, i know, "nowadays, any enemy does that", you will say. it is true. except it wasnt true in 2003. in fact, i think it only got actualy surpassed by its successor, MGS3.
Easter Eggs: they come by the thousands. enemy guards headbanging because they are listening to music while on guard duty; the computers you hack into will display "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" if you log onto them during the birth date you selected to your profile,, hidden conversations that you can pick up with the directional microphone, and many many other things. there are even unlockables. (FFFFFFFF good luck getting them!)
the terrible things: the length and amount of the cutscenes. they all are very good - make no mystake about that - but sometimes they just break the action too much. some of them are kinda boring or repetitive. Otacon's sister dies? get ready for about 40 minutes of non-stop family drama and snif snif bouhouhou.
the soundtracks. they dont suck. they are not bad. they have good quality. they are simply... not memorable. these could have been better, something like the ones from Metal Gear Solid 3, where the main theme sounds like a soundtrack straight out of a james bond movie.
the lack of extras. the main thing i hate in this game, is the fact that you ONLY have the campaign. oh, have you finished it? good! now play it again, since theres nothing else to do. this is really lacking and limitative. there is no boss run, there are no secret modes... meh. the "substance" and the "HD" revamps have extra VR missions, but those are not really that impressive.
finaly on to the WTF???!?!?! part... the PLOT.
it is extremely hard to say if the plot is a) the most ingeniously well written script in the history of gaming; or b) whoever wrote this was going paranoid. it has plot twists every ten minutes. nothing is what it seems. this is a spoiler, read only if you want to. but it explains the situation pretty clearly. US president has been kidnapped by terrorists and is being held in an offshore facility. then, the SEALS come in. then, YOU go in. but wait, there is ANOTHER agent in there. who could it be? but wait, now theres this woman who apparently deflects bullets, and kills all the SEALS. and that vampire, too. but then, they have a nuclear weapon. but then, you are told to defuse bombs? ... ok. BUT THEN, the president is working for the terroristts and inserted the launch code? but then, there is no real niclear bomb? BUT THEN, there is something hidden under the facility? and a little later, it comes down to: your commanding officer is a computer program inside ARSENAL, a weird UFO-like fortress hidden under the facility; and the main antagonist is your father (bet you didnt see that coming) but then he is not, hes just a murderer; and then raiden is a ninja out of the blue, and soon as you know it, you crash right into Manhattan with the ARSENAL on tow, ending that rampage with an insanely firce sword duel with your "father" conclusion? my brain hurts... most people never even get close to understand what is going on until they play the game 3 or 4 times.
overall rating? for its time, 5/5. for today, 3/5. it is simply a relic that you will either ABSOLUTELY fall in love and get adicted to, or a weird-ass game written by a japanese fanatist for conspiracy theorists.
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Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:48 am |
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