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[MP] Make your own Smash Move-set! 
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So I'm guessing the huge majority of people here have played at least one of the Smash game. There are many characters to choose from, each with their own attacks, and sometimes they even have certain special traits, such as multiple jumps.

Have you ever wanted to design your own Smash character? Feel free to post your ideas here! You can add as much detail as you'd like: basic outline, or a very detailed post with data on every single attack, both are fine.

For ease of reference for readers, please limit yourself to 1 character per post (unless a character has muptiple forms) and make the character's name big and obvious.

Have fun!

Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:17 pm
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Good idea :P

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
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Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:19 pm
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Toon Link (not the stupid version that Brawl has which is bologna)
From- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Hero's Bow- Link shoots an arrow, (press up or down to change to ice or fire arrow). An ice arrow would have the possibility of freezing a foe, while a fire arrow would cause slightly more damage. The latter would travel slower in the air than ice arrow, both of which would travel in more of an arc than the regular arrow. (No bomb-arrow like SSF2 Link.)

Deku Leaf- Link flings the Deku leaf over-head to send a ball of air at his foes which may knock back items as well. This could be useful for recovering if shooting himself backwards in the air, or preventing ground items like Bombombs, Double- Fang, or Bombchu attacks from hitting him.

Bomb/Bombchu- This differs from normal Link's bomb in that it can be placed on the ground as a bombchu and crawl forward. Compared to Lloyd's Double Fang technique, the bombchu travels slower but deals more damage. It also has a greater explosive radius than the Bombomb.

Deku Leaf- Link jumps up smacking foes in front of him and floats holding the Deku Leaf. He is able to drift forward more so than he is able to recover height.

Slice- Link slices upward with his sword to cause more damage than knockback which could be used for combos.

Spin Attack/ Hurricane Spin- Link charges up a quick Spin Attack. After a while, he releases the Hurricane Spin which allows him to travel forwards and backwards, though he becomes dizzy afterwards.

Skull Hammer- Link does some smashing with a sledge hammer that probably weighs more than he does in order to cause great damage (although it would have to be a laggy attack).

Grapling Hook- Link throws his grappling hook so he can snag items as well as stun enemies by hitting them in the face (or genitals :P ) and grab them when they are close by.

Final Smash:
Light Arrow- A light arrow is shot towards Link, who then reflects it with his mirror shield into a designated location. This causes a large amount of damage but minimal knockback compared to that of Zelda/Shiek's Final Smash.
(Alternatively, Toon Link could use this Final Smash:
Wind's Requiem- Using the Wind Waker, Link plays the Wind's Requiem which summons massive winds to knockback enemies and cause great knock-back to the foes in he air. The direction of said winds can be controlled.)

Toon Link.JPG
Toon Link.JPG [ 36.7 KiB | Viewed 4277 times ]

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein

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Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:49 pm
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I had this idea long ago, wishing i could make this as a PSA for Brawl:

Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy IX) She uses a Lance as a weapon.
Moveset: show
A Combo - A 2 hit slash combo
Dash - Turn Slash

FTilt - Foward Stab
UTilt - Upward Stab
DTilt - Low Sweep

FSmash - Slash followed by Turn Slash
USmash - Turnaround Backwards Up Slash
DSmash - 3 Stage Stab

NAir - Side Sweep
FAir - Axe Swing
UAir - Upward Swing
DAir - Downward Swing
BAir - Backwards Up Swing

NSpec - Cherry Blossom [A push attack that does minor damage]
FSpec - Lancer [Dashing stab that deals set damage, and recovers same damage to self (referencing Lancet (FFX))]
USpec - Jump [Jump upwards, followed by a downward stab descent]
Dspec - Luna [Attacks do double damage for 20 secs, causes 20% self damage on use]

Final - Trance Jump [Stun foe with Crest (Dragon's Crest), then leap above and rain down spears followed by final downward thrusting descent]

Her portrait: show

Freya is my favorite character in FFIX

Nintendo Network ID: Myke07
3DS Code: 5413-0416-6597

Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:04 am
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So, wait, why isn't this in the SSB or in the general topic?


Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:53 am
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From: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Energy Ball(s)- charges up a purple energy ball (when fully charged fires multiple and the direction can be changed)

Telekinesis- after a few seconds, he grabs the nearest item or person which his hand is aimed at and then the item/ character can be flung in any direction (hard to control)

Portal- sets a portal, and then when pressed again, teleports to portal

Teleportation- teleports in selected direction and punches downard upon arriving at destination (initial movement does no damage or knockback)

Punch- does high damage but mediocre knockback

Portal// Phantom Zant- sets portals on both sides of him so that enemies pass through him and then Phantom Zant smashes them upon exiting the portal

Phantom Zant- holds enemies above him while he punches them upward

Uses his hands, but has wide range since he can use telekenesis

Final Smash
Shadow Beasts- he summons a variety of Shadow Beasts which attack everything, meanwhile, he teleports to the top of the screen and randomly changes the stage every 3 seconds (last 12 seconds)

Other Abilities: can float

Zant.jpg [ 39.12 KiB | Viewed 4279 times ]

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein
Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:26 am
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From: Baten Kaitos, Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean

Blue Wind/ Energy Wave- charges up energy at the tip of his sword and then lashes out a swirling wind that sucks enemies in or explosive wind that deals more damage depending on charge

Chaotic Illusion- slashes forward four times w his sword w flashing light and then the enemy freezes and is struck with a more powerful blow

Shadow Wings- swings his sword forward and a dark ball of purple energy containing bats are quickly launched forward

Fangs of Light- such a sick move, anyways, it is simlar to Link's UB but he spins mulitple times, on angle angle upwards, and deals great damage but minimal knockback- he heals some percentage of the damage he deals

Dream Blade- the enemy above Kalas is frozen in time and then hit with a glowing green sword from all angles

Splash Explosion- flame erupts from the earth infront of him

Water Blade- shoots a wave a water forward which does less damage and knockback the further it travels


Final Smash
Lord of the Wind and then Spirit Attacks- Kalas launches himself forward and once coming in contact with one or more enemies, he launches them forward and then performs on of these four randomly:
Sacred Spring- the enemy is engulfed in bubbles for huge damage but minimal knockback
Hellfire- the enemy is engulfed in flames for decent damage and decent knckback
Lingering Time- foe is frozen in time and is then launched with enormous knockback
Distorting Wind- the enemy is slashed with wind for average damage and knockback

Other Abilities: just to note- although he has wings, he cannot fly

Kalas.jpg [ 71.2 KiB | Viewed 4270 times ]

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:55 pm
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Inb4 someone posts a movelist from Flash 2 onto here thinking they're clever.

Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:10 pm
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thegreataphish wrote:
Toon Link (not the stupid version that Brawl has which is BS)
From- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Hero's Bow- shoots an arrow, (press up or down to change to ice or fire arrow)

Deku Leaf- flings a ball of air at his foes

Bombchus- he drops a Bombchu that crawls forward once touching the ground

Deku Leaf- jumps up and floats holding the Deku Leaf

Deku Stick- smashes upwards with a Deku Stick
Skull Hammer- does some smashing w a sledge hammer that probably weighs mre than he does

Master Sword- pretty self explanatory

Grapling Hook- throws his grappling hook so he can snag items and stuff as well as stun enemies by hitting them in the face or genitals

Final Smash:
Light Arrow/ Princess Zelda ravaging stuff- Zelda comes out and then Link is all like "let me use my mirror shield" and Zelda is all like "damn dude good idea I'm gonna shoot this arrow right at you". So, yeah, they pretty much just annihilate people with light and then Link gets to stab people and turn them to stone. Or, if you prefer a more fair treatment, you play as Link and Zelda and just shoot light arrows at people.

what's wrong with TL in brawl? just curious

SasukeSharingan wrote:
go jerk off somewhere else gook

Adopted by Shounic

Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:20 pm
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link and toon link have similar animations so obviously toon link is just a clone duh

Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:23 pm
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You know who was a clone?


Yeah okay I'll leave now.


(you can now tweet mean things at me on Twitter @StevenEggplant)

Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:02 pm
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This reminds me of the creating a perfect brawl character topic. Where you used different charcter moves to make the best character.

I was thought of myself as a Charmander. LOL

Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:24 pm
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Basics: Omnimon is a large character whose size is between that of Captain Falcon and DK. He also weighs around the same as Captain Falcon. When not attacking, both hands are closed.

Jab: Punch, spinning backhand smack. 2 hits.

Dash Attack: Shoulder slam.

F-Tilt: Extends Grey Sword, then does a simple forward slash.
U-Tilt: Swings sword in an arc above his head.
D-Tilt: Slashes twice near the ground, making an "X" pattern.

F-Smash: Extends Garuru hand, then snaps shut the jaws for 1 powerful hit.
U-Smash: Vertical split kick, similar to Naruto's.
D-Smash: Sweeping kick; hits on both sides.

N-Air: Standard aerial spin kick.
F-Air: Horizontal drill kick.
U-Air: Aerial high kick.
D-Air: Extends Gerymon hand down, then produces from it a small blast of fire.
B-Air: Backwards spin kick, followed by a second spin kick from the other leg.

N-Special: Grey Sword. This attack works like a Jab, in the sense that it can do from 1 to 3 hits, depending on whether the button is pressed. Omnimon extends the Grey Sword, and it bursts into flames. The first 2 hits are stabs, and the third is a powerful slash with KO power. Each stab knocks the opponent forward a bit, but Omnimon also moves forward to keep up.

S-Special: Garuru Blast. Omnimon fires a medium-sized energy blast from his Garurumon hand. 10% damage, but rather slow.

U-Special: Double Shot. This attack is similar to Captain Falcon's Side-B, in that it only performs an attack if an opponent is within range. Omnimon jumps upwards, with a bit of a twirl and a cool trail of fading afterimages. If there is an opponent right above him at the peak of his jump, and ONLY at the peak of his jump, Omnimon fires a burst of ice with his Garurumon hand, freezing them. Quickly, he performs a second hit using his Grey Sword, which is on fire. Each hit does 11% damage, and the second hit starts to KO at 75%.

D-Special: Garurumon Cannon. He shoots a missile diagonally downwards and forwards using his Garurumon hand. When the missile hits a surface or opponent, it explodes into a blast of ice, freezing the opponents within range. On flat ground, it has about as much range as his sword. It can go over the edge of a platform or stage, in which case it will continue its trajectory.

Final Smash: DNA De-Digivolution. Omnimon splits apart into Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon. Metal Garurumon fires around 10-15 fast, homing, freezing missiles while Wargreymon charges up Tera Force. The attack finishes charging just around the time the last few missiles are launched. Wargreymon tosses the fireball in the direction of the opponent the opponent for one last, strong hit. They merge back together afterwards.

Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:23 pm
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Up B- Catch psynergy
B- Random Djinn (power-ups)
Down B- Ragnarok/ Earthquake
Side B - move
FS - Judgement


Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:27 pm
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Paper Mario

From: Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

Partner Ability- each partner has a (unique attack) as well as ability which it uses automatically:
Koops- (flings himself forward in his shell and returns quickly) and automatically protects Mario from attacks from behind with his shell, decreasing damage by 50%
Madame Flurry- (blows wind which may freeze or stun enemies) and has a 25% chance of allowing items and enemies to travel through Mario
Admiral Bobbery- (throws three bombs which explode on contact and then takes a while to recharge) automatically explodes when hit by enemies, causing damage only to them

Tube Mode- rolls into barrel-like tube and spins at enemies

Airplane Mode- jumps up and then turns into paper airplane and flies forward (great for recovery)

Switch Partner

Hammer- launches enemies upward with his hammer

Quake Hammer- smashes the ground which sends a quake to knock over enemies and mess up ground items

Hammer Smash- smashes downward, stunning the enemy

Final Smash
Shooting Stars- shooting stars fly everywhere


“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein

Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:34 pm
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