Remember that obviously quite a few other attacks are much more superior than using the Brush, this was mostly just out of curiosity
SideB is actually kinda tough to interfere due to its homing property, usually hovering over the brush or hitting Chibi from below
UpB is alright to deal with near the ledge, but it's not very useful to use the brush
Piranha Plant is quickly taken care of, but is not guaranteed to work
Protects from all but 2 and 6 dice, provided the brush's hitbox overlaps with the dice'sRayman:
Since he's just Luffy 2.0 when it comes to his stretching hurtboxes, many of his attacks can be interrupted by the brush (though FAir will always be superior since it covers a much wider area, but the brush can drag him near the blast zone while at the same time interfering with his Plum, sooo..)
If you're lucky enough to hit him with the brush during UpB, he can possibly get dragged near the blast zone
Oh, and an uncharged aura sphere (at any aura level) can be clanked with the brush, but it can easily hover above the brush
Hadoken and its variants can be easily cancelled, though they easily hover over the brush if you're on ground
SideB, UpB and DownB are easily interrupted, but Ryu's falling speed makes dragging them onto a blast zone ineffective
Grenades and Sniper are unaffected
UpB and SideB can be somewhat reliably interrupted, and even if you could drag her to the blast zone, you don't even need to.
UpB is surprisingly difficult to interrupt with how quickly he swings (plus hitbox), as for interrupting the pseudo-wavedash, it can deal with it decently
Holy Water is unaffected
the Cross can be interrupted, but FTilt/FAir does a better job with that
the Axe outprioritizes the brush, however Up-Tilt and FAir takes care of it surprisingly well