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baron von jiggly wrote:
Kirb-Star wrote:
All I hope is that we get a fully-3D Kirby game some day. And not a game for portables for once.

Kirby in full 3D would to be honest be really weird. it only worked in air ride because the entire game was built around the vehicles.

Kirby's float would literally break the game unless they put a ceiling in every level. also unless they limit the jump to like to smash levels of jumping. and the combat just wouldn't fit kirby because of the nature of copy abilities. they would either have to fill the area with tons enemies or limit it in a very unfortunate way for a 3D game.

on top of it all if they tried to do say a Mario 3D world style. the gameplay would once again be weird with kirby stlye gameplay and puzzles. you would basically be playing 2D kirby but slower and clunky.

Maybe just an imposed invisible ceiling that you cant float past?


Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:08 pm
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Reset Man wrote:
baron von jiggly wrote:
Kirb-Star wrote:
All I hope is that we get a fully-3D Kirby game some day. And not a game for portables for once.

Kirby in full 3D would to be honest be really weird. it only worked in air ride because the entire game was built around the vehicles.

Kirby's float would literally break the game unless they put a ceiling in every level. also unless they limit the jump to like to smash levels of jumping. and the combat just wouldn't fit kirby because of the nature of copy abilities. they would either have to fill the area with tons enemies or limit it in a very unfortunate way for a 3D game.

on top of it all if they tried to do say a Mario 3D world style. the gameplay would once again be weird with kirby stlye gameplay and puzzles. you would basically be playing 2D kirby but slower and clunky.

Maybe just an imposed invisible ceiling that you cant float past?

Or a float limit like in 64?

Dr.Geno wrote:
Sir Raptor wrote:
I just got Kid Icarus.
And it is ridicarus.

I should warn you for that

Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:23 pm

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Round planets like super Mario Galaxy?

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Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:25 am
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Term wrote:
I have no idea what you're saying. Why would the float break a 3D game when it didn't break the 2D games? Why wouldn't the copy abilities be redesigned to work in a 3D space? Baron I don't even know what you're talking about in that last sentence

You're gonna have to break that down a little more

ok so it it's an 3D game (3D mario games are the closest thing i can think of kirby becoming if it was an actual 3D game.)

the float would have to be limited because you can float anywhere and dodge anything with ease. on top of this adding the Z-axis every enemy would basically need some sort of attack that basically hits the whole area because you could just float out of the area completely.
in 2D games your limit to floating while fighting big enemies is the screen. but in a 3D game that limit can be endless basically unless your in a room fighting an enemy. this also applies to regular areas. outside of big battles. in 2D kirby you can only go left and right when floating. so unless they limited the floating to a few jumps you would be invincible most of the game.

and if it's levels are as open as say kirby air rides City mode. than things would be even weirder. the city mode in air ride was built around vehicles running around it on foot was awkward and imagining them filling it with enemies seems even weirder to me because they would be everywhere almost randomly strewn about.

copy abilities would basically become like the were in air ride and would devolve back into the old style of them being 1 move attacks. because knowing how Hal/Nintendo likes to make things pretty simple in their games. giving them multiple moves would be a no no when up and down aren't just float and crouch like in the 2D games.

and the last thing was me being stupid and not explaining. 3D world's style of camera and level design but tweaked would be the only thing kirby could work in but it still would gimp the s*** out of Kirby's Float and copy abilities which is why i said it would be clunkier and slower. sure the maps would world well for kirby since they are more linear than what comes to mind when i think of when you 3D kirby comes to mind (City mode). but at the same time would still be a limited game with things kirby can do in his current 2D games taken away. (unless they added some special thing like the robot or super specials in it to add more variety)

edit: most copy abilities would basically have to be shooting attacks (fire, plasma, & beam). while i can see them all working it still is all going to be the same move over and over like the old games. unless they add gimmicks like combining moves again to add some variety.




Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:11 pm
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You're not being open enough to the idea.
As Rapty mentioned, a float limit like in Kirby 64 would fix the floating problem pretty easily (Kirby had a maximum of 7 seconds of floating I believe). Oh, and abilities wouldn't have to be limited to one move attacks if switched to a 3D enviroment, they would still let Kirby use multiple attacks and moves, with different controls and way of activating the attacks, of course. Take Ocarina of Time as an example: In the first Zelda games, Link could only use two moves with his sword: a slice on front, and a Spin-Attack. In Ocarina, Link could now jump while slashing forwards, a basic combo attack with his sword, etc.
Besides, there's plenty of possibilities for the levels aside from a 3D Land style, a Mario 64-style is the only thing that comes to my mind now, though. There's already plenty of item searching for the 100% completion in straightforward Kirby games, and a 3D environment would open for a whole new lot of puzzles and even more creative level design.
Also, I don't think Air Ride is a fair comparison since the whole game was centered around racing, so of course walking and moving normally is the least recommended form of travelling in that game, plus the game wasn't designed around walking normally, it was designed around fast-paced races so of course City Trial feels weird and off-scale without the vehicles, the stage was made for the vehicles. themselves, not normal exploration.
If Hal made a fully 3D Kirby game, of course it'd have to be totally different from the regular 2D games. Remember how different Super Mario World and Super Mario 64 feel next to each other? Mario 64, needed to deviate itself from the established Mario genre if it wanted to make a fully unique game. The same applies to Kirby, they'de have to throw most of the stuff from the 2D games and adapt it into a whole new game, rather than staying in their soft zone.

tl:dr: If a 3D Kirby game comes out, it'd have to be totally different from the established 2D games.

Although, I wish we get a good Kirby game for the Wii U soon (Rainbow Curse was eh, not really that good in comparison to Canvas Curse but it still had lots of charm so I can't call it a bad game).


Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:20 pm
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the Zelda thing would have to mean kirby could lock onto enemies. because that's how Zelda added more attacks. you lock onto an enemy and your locked into 1v1 combat with them.

and the main reason Air Ride comes to mind is because it's already an example of 3D kirby so it''s the first thing i think of. i already know 3D kirby would be vastly different from 2D kirby. but you don't wanna completely change everything altogether. while mario world to 64 was a big change it's still the same jumping on stuff gameplay. but now with new movement abilities.

the main reason i think 3D world stlye is the best compromise is because putting the camera behind kirby at all times like mario 64 or something like that. would just end up like Air ride but faster ground movement.




Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:00 pm
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Game is already out on japan, it has a proper english translation on its data yet we aren't getting the game until june.
I also spoiled myself the final bosses, I'm not gonna reveal anything but they really got me hyped.

Alright, I'm just gonna reveal ONE thing, read at your own risk:

Meta Knight fights Dark Matter in Meta Knightmare Returns.


Fri Apr 29, 2016 10:36 pm
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I got it. Really fun, but some of the collectables are annoying to get.

A few thoughts:
They went full Star Fox for the final boss battle lol. You can even barrel roll. It was epic, but really easy for a final boss. Haltmann's a pimp tho.

Mecha Knight+ was a cool design and fight. Seeing his mask break in 3D was amazing.

Poison and archer are my favorite abilities.

Link to my Sprite Stream. Schedule will return soon...

Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:08 pm
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I feel like they really dropped the ball with the ESP ability; it's one of the strongest abilities in the game, but it's just less fun to use. It only has two moves, and one of them functions like a slightly weaker Flare Beam, while the Doctor and Poison abilities both have seven different moves available. Most abilities have a bunch of situational moves for tackling enemies from any angle, and so it becomes a game of meta strategy to decide what's the best way to tackle each moment, but ESP has one move for everything, and so it gets boring much faster.
Poison, conversely, is insanely good against bosses while still having a diverse moveset, because the moves leave poisonous traces that deal constant damage.
Every time a new Kirby game comes out I feel disappointed that we got rid of the expansion forums, because figuring out which characters would give what powers and how the new powers would be shown was always fun. Especially now that we've got one that's just made for Dr. Mario.

Dr.Geno wrote:
Sir Raptor wrote:
I just got Kid Icarus.
And it is ridicarus.

I should warn you for that

Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:49 pm
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idk so far ESP has been my favorite of the new abilities. i also find doctor and poison great. i know ESP is limited but i still like it alot for some reason

it might have to do with the fact that i like the original games the most back when they only had 1 button moves so it doesn't bother me nearly as much.




Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:57 pm
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(I was going to post this rant at the lounge, but I thought it would be more fitting in this topic. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with Planet Robobot, that game is perfect.)

Kirby Air Rant: show
I enjoyed Kirby Air Ride like everybody else but it's definitely not the kirby racing game I was promised.
I'm perfectly fine with the Top Ride and City Trial modes, but the main mode Air Ride is just completely worthless in comparison to the other two. I mean, only 4-players per race (instead of the usual 8 that was already a standard in most racing games of its time) that 8 racetracks and 1 only unlockable after racing a total of 100 laps.
I know there is a huge Checklist which works the same as Brawl's Challenges; but that one is completely worthless since barely any of the challenges even give out any reward, and those who give rewards only provide you with more palette swaps for Kirby, machines and Sound Test songs that shouldn't even be unlockable in first place (although this is an issue with the entire game, though). It doesn't help most of them are hard to find and literally have no reward into beating them.
You can also unlock different vehicles, and they're all really fun to use, but those are already unlocked in City Trial, so it's completely redundant to have to unlock every machine if you can already use them and have full control of them in another mode.
It also doesn't help that you can only use Kirby, Meta Knight and Dedede, but the latter two have to be unlocked so you're stuck with Kirby and his recolors like 98% of the mode. And even then, there aren't even any items for Meta Knight and Dedede, so all of their races are super boring because the developers only thought on Kirby when designing the game's tracks.
It also bothers me the fact you can't use items in this mode, despite them having prominent appearances in the other 2 modes: Top Ride and City Trial. Yeah, there are the copy abilities Kirby can use, but those are fully dependant on if the enemies (which in most racing games are obstacles you have to avoid) cross paths with you. And even then, there's nowhere near any part of the game that explains you what does each Copy Ability do. (I was legitimately confused the first time I grabbed Super Star's Plasma ability, since I assumed it was Adventure's/Dream Land 2&3's Spark and tried to approach the enemies to attack them until I realized I had to charge the move first, which I had no idea how to do it back then).
Also, as I mentioned before, the only 2 unlockables characters you had to spend an entire life unlocking end up being extremelly boring because they're both stuck with only one ability (Sword and Hammer respectively) and have barely any replay value because of how monotonous both are just because there are no items in the game.
It also kinda bothers me there were zero tracks based in any of the previous Kirby games, or barely any non-musical reference to any previous Kirby game (unlike Mario Kart, which takes various elements and locations from several of the main Mario games and reimagines them into fantasious racetracks), while Kirby Air Ride didn't have any track take place in any of the locations found in the previous Kirby games, such as Bubbly Clouds, Orange Ocean, Iceberg, Float Islands, Mt. Dedede, Halberd, Dark Star, etc. (Although you could argue Fantasy Meadows, Frozen Hillside and Sky Sands take place in Green Greens, Iceberg and Sand Canyon respectively).
I know back then, in 2003,

Still, while the main Air Ride mode is pretty lackluster in contrast to the other modes of the game, it still has some awesome and fun gameplay, pretty fun and enjoyable tracks, and plenty of the most kickass music in the franchise.
So, in a nutshell, Air Ride mode can definitely be fun and enjoyable, it lacked a lot in content; which is a shame, because this game had plenty of great potential for a fully fledged racing game. Heck, there were plenty of unused ideas while the game was being developed for the N64, such as more playable characters like Mr. Frosty, Poppy Bros Sr, etc, that I'd had loved to see in the final game.
If Hal Laboratory ever releases a sequel to this game (which I hope), I hope they don't do the same dumb decisions Sakurai did when developing this game and actually give us a fully fledged racing game with items, more playable characters and race tracks, all while keeping the same awesome gameplay the game had. With both improved Top Ride and City Trial included, of course.

I still love this game, btw.

Whew, must catch my breath. Anyways, since there is barely any discussion in this thread, I might as well bring some into the air:
What characters, racetracks, Top Ride tracks, etc, would you like to have in a suppossed sequel to this game?

I honestly would like that Kirby Derby track from that two part episode of the Kirby anime (Episode 31-32 The Kirby Derby) where the racers had to go on a race around Cappy Town, then a forest, then a canyon and then back to Cappy Town. Would be a pretty neat reference in my opinion, kinda like how one of the final tracks in Star Wars Episode I racer was actually the same track seen in the movie. It would have Strong Star Warrior (from the anime) and Warp Star (from the anime) as an alternate song.

Sorry for bumping this thread btw.


Last edited by Kirb-Star on Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:24 pm
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Holy moly I disagree with so much of what you said. Did you just play the whole game by yourself? You're doing it wrong.

Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:56 pm
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Geno wrote:
Holy moly I disagree with so much of what you said. Did you just play the whole game by yourself? You're doing it wrong.

How is that possible, everyone loves air ride (at least here)

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Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:34 pm
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At the end I said I still loved the game because the gameplay was still fun and the soundtrack was top notch.
I was just saying it had a lot of wasted potential in terms of roster and number of racetracks.

Edit: Another racetrack I'd like to see would be Mt. Dedede, a track were you start at the outside of Dedede's Castle, enter and the place and go through the castle's different floors and corridors, with the center having the players go around the Dedede Stadium from Super Star with plenty of the audience watching the race. It would have King Dedede's Theme (Kirby Fighters Deluxe ver.) and Masked Dedede as an alternate song.


Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:51 pm
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Kirb-Star wrote:
and Masked Dedede as an alternate song.
Just gonna tell you friend I think you've got your timelines mixed up here


Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:31 am
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