Finally got this crap started!
as a suggestion from Nac and the go along with this topic.
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6421if anybody here has any expierance with Fighter Factory I will send one our finished characters to this topic.
If you wanna help, sign in and I'll put a list here.
-Basic Stance
-Crouch to Stand [Interchangable, with stand to crouch]
-Crouch Turning
-Stand Attack Weak Punch
-Stand Attack Medium Punch
-Stand Attack Strong Punch
-Crouch Attack Weak Punch
-Crouch Attack Medium Punch
-Crouch Attack Strong Punch
-Air Attack Weak Punch
-Air Attack Medium Punch
-Air Attack Strong Punch
-Stand Attack Weak Kick
-Stand Attack Medium Kick
-Stand Attack Strong Kick
-Crouch Attack Weak Kick
-Crouch Attack Medium Kick
-Crouch Attack Strong Kick
-Air Attack Weak Kick
-Air Attack Medium Kick
-Air Attack Strong Kick
-Grab/Throw Attempt
-Projectiles, Hit Sparks, and other Non-Connected SFX
-Pre Jump [Crouch can substitute for this]
-Start Directional Jump [Crouch can substitute for this]
-Jump Forward
-Jump Back
-Walk Forward
-Walk Backward
-Run Forward
-Jump/Hop Back
-Standing hit Weak
-Standing hit Medium
-Standing hit Strong
-Air hit Weak
-Air hit Medium
-Air hit Strong
-Crouching hit Weak
-Crouching hit Medium
-Crouching hit Strong
-Lose [Time out loss]
-Lose [HP loss]
-Knocked Down
-Bounce Into Air [Off of collision with ground]
-Air Fall [Hit into the air and falling, involuntarily]
-Air Guard [Include start and end of guard]
-Crouch Guard [Include start and end of guard]
-Standing Guard [Include start and end of guard]
-Knocked Back While Guarding [Include Air, Ground and Stand]
-Stand Recover [getting up from being knocked down]