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Superhuman: The Hunt. Information Topic 
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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:32 am
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Country: Canada (ca)
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Ever since the day you were born, you lived in a secret American government facility. The agents there were cold and emotionless; you were a test subject to them, and nothing more. All of this was because you were genetically enhanced as a fetus, endowing you with superhuman abilities. However you are not alone, there are many others with their own powers, living the same confined life, subjected to many tests. One night, you are awakened by Margie an agent who was kind to everyone, she hurriedly takes you out of the prison that you call your room and you are led to a secret door which opens up to a dark forest. The only source of light is the thin rays from the moon. As your eyes adjust to the light you see others standing there as well, some you have met in the facility, others who you have not, though it is clear that all of you are endowed. She shuts the door quietly, her last words “Go and live a life of your own choosing” Shortly after the door is closed there is a thump on the door followed by another, then a gunshot. Run.

This RP has no predetermined goal, there are various things that one could do in this RP. You could be part of the shady government agency, hunting down the test subjects. If you are one of the test subjects you could become some sort of vigilante, or crime fighting hero. You could try to destroy the main government research base or just attempt to live a normal life. You don’t even have to be superhuman, you could be a plain civilian who just wants to help these people in anyway or rat them out to their enemies. I’ll try to accommodate this for you.

1)Absolutely NO godmodding. No matter the power, you must always wait for the person to react in some way.(Though if the fight is dragging on I will cut in)
2)Refrain from stacking 20 different powers onto one character.

Character Profile
Please send me your character profile through private message. Any profiles posted here will be ignored. Don't be afraid to ask what your character can or cannot do if you aren't sure.

Username:(MG username)
Name: (Last name is not necessary, as the agency keeps them all secret)
Codename: (Not necessary)
Age: *note* the younger you are, the less amount of control you’ll have. Nothing under 20 for government agents. Nothing under 6 for everyone else.
Race: (Human or Superhuman)
Power(s): (How it works, how far it has developed etc.)
Bio: (Enough to explain a bit of their captivity, and the development of their powers.)
Extra: (Anything else you feel you want to add)

Green Mage wrote:
Username: Green Mage
Name: Wyatt
Codename: Agent 0685 - Slime
Age: 23
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): He can turn himself into a black-ish slime that can do and has a variety of effects (including regeneration and super-strength). It can harden into a type of armor, or a fairly sharp blade. Can seperate some of the slime, usually in the form of trench knives.
Appearance: Nothing unusual at first sight, he's 6'1, and has black hair, along with brown eyes. Usually tends to wear a non-descript black hoodie, blue jeans, and grey sneakers. Otherwise, can be found wearing a black suit not unlike ones a stereotypical secret agent would, even having a pair of shades.
Personality: He can act completely different from himself, which is to say, slightly carefree, possibly a bit bloodthirsty, and maybe off his hingles, so to speak.
Bio: A superhuman who apparently felt working for the agency was the best choice. His power was actually seen in a few subjects, better developed even, yet Wyatt was the most mentally stable of them, and whatever happened to them is a mystery, like his motivation.
Extra: N/A

Whimskull wrote:

Username: Whimskull
Name: Hammurabi (lul, Babylonian name)
Codename: "Eye for an Eye, Arm for an Arm"/"EE, AA"
Age: 32
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): Body Part Substitution (as in Terror from Terror Inc.), but the parts applied form up to his genetic coding and take shape of the limb lost exactly (that part can be taken out if too godmold-ish). Developed completely.
Appearance: An evenly built man, around the height of 6'2''. Side effects of the mutation led to each iris in his eyes have lost color, his dark brown hair constantly grows to a length of 3 feet, and a constant pain in his chest, referenced by the marks on his skin. He wears mirrored lens aviator glasses to hide his eyes, his brown faux-suede jacked, with no shirt under, and normal jeans. He has no shoes as he had no time to put them on during the escape.
Personality: Hammurabi is comparable to a normal individual, he exchanges conversation when the situation demands, is quiet when needed, and respects the authority of those above him. He would almost seem clean cut if it wasn't for the wild hair. He never wishes to fight and tries to find a way around conflict. However, his father-like bond with Lucasta is strong enough to provoke him to attack.
Bio: Hammurabi originally signed up for the program, expecting to help out with great medical achievements benefiting peaceful efforts. He was brought out to the compound, and was immediately injected with an experimental serum, which gave him his powers, rewriting his genetic code to allow any new part. He forgot his name through the many side-effects, but heard himself being called the next Hammurabi, which he took and called himself in place for his name. Over time in the compound, he met a young girl, Lucasta, who was also being experimented on in the same room, and developed a strong bond with her. As his powers grew stronger, he felt that he could take on the security and escape with Lucasta. He was caught, with both kneecaps out of commission from battle related injuries. The scientists took this time to test his true ability, attaching new legs to his body. They were impressed by the ability's possibilities, and set him up as an example to continue research for war use. That was the night before the escape...
Extra: As stated earlier, has a strong bond with Lucasta.

Whimskull wrote:

Username: Whimskull
Name: Lucasta
Codename: N/A
Age: 6 (pushing the limit as far as I can go!)
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): Awakened ESP through a constant barrage of tests. Can use Telepathy at will. Has the ability to usePsionic Blasts, but cannot control it as well. Lastly, she can grant some power to another to increase abilities. (can be taken out if too godmold-ish)
Appearance: A frail young girl who continually has a blank face. Her eyes a a light brown, and her hair is a hazel brown. Lucasta wears the same white gown given to her during the extra-sensory testing. She also doesn't wear shoes, channeling a small amount of energy to protect her feet.
Personality: Lucasta barely speaks to anyone normally, instead relying on using telepathy to speak to others. When she does speak, it is often with Hammurabi. Through the heavy amount of testing, she no longer enjoys the company of others, expect Hammurabi, who she has a deep mental bond with.
Bio: Lucasta was an orphan brought into the compound for extra-sensory testing. Though no powers seemed to arise in the first couple months, enough testing eventually led to the first sightings of Telepathy. She was given tests in the same room Hammurabi was given his serum enhancements. Using the new found telepathy powers, she began to have one sided conversations with him. These conversations led to a bond between them. When they weren't in testing, she conversed with him on normal terms. She constantly chided his thoughts of escape, explaining that he should wait. One day, the tests became too much for her, and she snapped, releasing a psionic blast on one of the scientists. They took this event with great pride and prepared her for the war usage plan. This was also, the night before the escape.
Extra: As stated above, Lucasta has a strong bond with Hammurabi.

Blue Mage wrote:
Username: Blue Mage
Name: Terror Dynamite the World Shattering Battle-Axe of Fortitude and Brilliance (TDWSBAFB for short. Or you could call him Dynamite.)
Codename: The Scarlet Stooge. The Fix-Itself Fiend. The Soldier with a Sense of Humor.
Age: 30? He looks 30. I think... he's always hiding his face.
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): His primary power is a regenerative healing factor. The healing factor was artificially endowed by the Armament X program (as he calls it). It enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. He can regenerate whole organs and even severed limbs. He can also reanimate (that is, come back from the dead), as a direct result of his healing ability. The reason for this is unknown. However, it has the apparent effect of slowly causing him to become more insane every time he dies, to the point of psychopathy and hallucinations. As a by-product of his healing factor, he possesses enhanced strength, agility, and reflexes. The brain cells are similarly affected, rendering him immune to psychics. This constant flux may or may not be what causes his irreverent banter and ADHD-type personality.
Appearance: He wears a bright red and white jumpsuit with a head mask of the same color. The eyes have white circles surrounding them. The gloves and boots are also white. He wears twin katanas on his back and has a pistol in a holster on his right thigh.
Personality: The best words used to describe Dynamite's personality is insane, egotistical, humorous, unnecessary, comic, psychotic, ADHD, and borderline schizophrenic. That pretty much sums up everything about him.
Bio: Dynamite's name was supposed to be Wade Welsun. However, he rejected the boring title and dubbed himself something more sinister and brooding. Having never set foot outside of his room during the time he was incarcerated, Dynamite is unknown to most, if not all, of his fellow captives. The reason he did this is so that he could say his name out loud to anyone who wished to become acquainted with him, confining himself being the best way to maximize this number. Besides having too much faith in being released on his own (even though it came true), his plans have never really been worked out past the oint of meeting new people and telling them who he is. He has no drive to get revenge on anyone, not even the people that kept him locked up for so long. He does love fun, though, so he'll probably go along with almost anything that his first friend thinks up. Or they could go and eat tacos, for all he cares.
Extra: Never try to reason with him. He'll win any argument by getting distracted with some odd thought or situation while he's on top.

Kiki wrote:
Username: Kiki
Name: Sabrina
Codename: Fortress
Age: 18
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): Sabrina is capable of producing solidified energy walls, commonly known as force fields. She has been trained so that it can be manipulated into various different shapes such as, spheres, domes, walls, etc. She uses it as a means of flight, either walking on force field platforms in the air or floating in her conjured force spheres around her entire body or just her hands.
Appearance: Her body is at an average height for her age though her muscles are slightly toned from being sent to the training facility frequently. Her eyes are blue-green and she has pale pink lips. Her hair is dirty blonde and goes a bit past her shoulders. Currently she is wearing a greyish blue jumpsuit provided by the facility.
Personality: Sabrina is a self-driven young woman. She has a great sense of righteousness; she will not hesitate to fight those who threaten what she believes to be the greater good. She always looks for the good in people before the bad, though if she knows someone to have a bad sense of morals it will take her a while to trust said person. She’s constantly trying to develop her powers to further understand herself as well as her powers. If she could be described with one word it would be overachiever.
Bio: Sabrina was born solely for the Superhuman Project. She doesn’t know who are parents are or if they are still alive. Her powers manifested themselves when she was six months old, while asleep a defensive force field would form around her. Ever since, the agents have been training her shielding abilities, constantly testing the strength of her powers, usually beyond what she could handle. Sabrina always did all that was required of her and more, she was expected to grow up into a top class agent, it was her dream. Her eyes would be opened to the plans of the Superhuman Program by a fellow superhuman Terrance whom she befriended. Feeling betrayed and left in the dark by those who had trained her she wanted to get out of the facility and her chance would come with the light knocking on her door late at night.
Extra: N/A

Kiki wrote:
Username: Kiki
Name: Terrence
Codename: Wild Thing (more commonly just Wild)
Age: 19
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): He has the ability absorb the DNA of other animals, through blood, hair, or saliva. Using their DNA he can morph into other creatures. He has developed the skill so that the transition between human and animal is rather quick, he can leap into the air as human and land on someone as a wolf. Currently he can transform into a wolf, a dog, and a guinea pig.
Appearance: He’s of average height and build, though he slouches when standing or sitting, so he appears to be shorter than he appears at first glance. His hair is a dark brown, almost black and he has slightly long bangs though their usually brushed away to the side. His eyes are amber, a by-product of his powers. He usually wears a dark green tracksuit with a hood.
Personality: Terrence is usually quiet, and keeps to himself. He doesn’t trust the Superhuman Program at all, and is not very trusting of most people in general. He can be a slacker and doesn’t always listen to the agents. He is very loyal to his friends and is very protective of those he cares about.
Bio: Terrence was forcibly taken away from his family at the age of 8 years old. His powers are the result of the facility’s test serum “accidentally” getting into the water system that belonged to his family. His first transformation was into a Labrador, a result of coming into contact with the family dog. At the facility he was taught how to control his involuntary transformations. They introduced him to the wolf so that he could be used to fight. It was a success but Terrence despised the idea of being used as a weapon. When he was introduced to Sabrina, the plan was for her good qualities to rub off onto him however it was the other way around. They quickly became friends but, he destroyed her love for the Superhuman Program in the process. She began to plot for an escape, the time unknowingly came when Margie knocked on his door in the middle of the night.
Extra: N/A

Thaiberium wrote:
Username: Thaiberium
Name: Mieville Emmetovich
Codename: Agent 0719 - "FUNGUS" (Fsck U New Guy U Suck)
Age: 20
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): Injected with a strange substance as part of the program, he found it possible change his body in to shapes and forms as long as he could visualise and focus on it. For example, he could change his hand to a mono-molecular blade. Or his hair could be turned in to spines like that of a porcupine. All power has a price. It is physically taxing and the transformations can only be retained for mere minutes to an hour depending on the complexity of the change. A full body transformation could last only a few seconds and leave him on the brink of exhaustion for days.
Appearance: Mieville wears black business attire, usually to blend in, though his youthful face may shine through. He grew his hair long to be able to use it as a weapon. Both the colour of his eyes and hair are dark, matching his attire. And except when indoors he wears a brown overcoat. There is nothing outstanding of his build either, but that is not to say he does not have some muscle on him. To the untrained, he could pass for a typical Law/Business University Graduate.
Personality: Loyal is one word to describe Mieville. Though he may question orders and superiors, if he does not see any harm in following such an order, he will carry it out. That is not to say that he would not rebel against unsavoury orders by adding coming up with his own interpretation of it, something which he called the Zeroth Law Rebellion. Another one of his defining traits is his emotional control being hard to provoke and merciful; giving even half dead foes the chance to surrender. Should his ultimatum be defied however, he does not hesitate in annihilating the fool who did. Not though not very independent, he can manage things on his own if it is necessary.
Bio: Mieville was a test-tube baby born in the Facility; destined to serve the whims of the administrators as an agent. The only parent he had was his handler, a man named Emmet. Emmet was someone Mieville looked up to, and as he grew up, came to learn of the world through Emmet. Ever since his first transformation, Emmet demanded perfection, and Mieville tried his best to attain it. Such a life was fraught with peril as his first full body transformation at the age of 10 almost left him in a coma. Still, he never let up on the pace. At age 16 he started working on integrating his transformations as he learned Krav Maga. In effect, he was now now only able to turn an opponent's armament against themselves, he could also lop off limbs and bludgeon the blighter. He came of age and completed mastery over his power at age 20 as most hunters did. Emmet only said goodbye afterwards and disappeared in to the machine known as the Facility. Mieville was not sad, nor did he grieve. It was only natural; Emmet taught him that. Now stlyed with the patronymic of Emmetovich (son of Emmet), Mieville does the bidding of the Facility as Agent 0719 and jokingly referred to by his seniors as FUNGUS.
Extra: Doesn't sit well with anarchists.

Mad Hatter wrote:
Username: Mad Hatter
Name: Edmund
Codename: N/A
Age: 29
Race: Human
Power(s): N/A
Appearance: A shaggy young man in his late twenties. Of a fair complexion, his body is tall and lanky. Flourishes light brown hair cut at the brow, lightly combed to the side. Light bristles scatter his lower face. His irises are a deep brown. Edmund often wears a beige jacket over a half buttoned cream dress shirt. The sleeves reach his wrists, ending in rolled cuffs. His dark dockers are now worn and frayed, from frequent use over the past couple of years.
Personality: Although he is usually a fairly upbeat person, small matters can get Edmund into a slump. He is easily moved by dramatic moments and sad occurrences, so these are often a factor in his mood. Tends to try everything at least once, and is not difficult to get along with. His sense of humor may be in bad taste at some points, but overall Edmund makes an effort to be kind and considerate, especially to those he does not know well. In his young age, he still fantasizes of having superpowers, instantly jealous of the ones who do have them.
Bio: Grew up in an urban setting with 2 parents. His family was far from dysfunctional, giving the boy plenty of time to read comics and enjoy television shows. He was quite the delusional child, his dreams often getting him into trouble. After his youth of jumping off buildings and rampaging through yards, he came to his senses during his teenage years. Going through high school, he began to drift away from his superhero dream. Upon reaching adulthood, he was a pretty average adult. With a pretty average job. And a pretty average life. Somewhere inside him, he wants to be far more than average.
Extra: N/A

Not Sayonara wrote:
Username: Not Sayonara
Name: King Everard
Codename: Crowning (Hahaha, get it?!)
Age: 19
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): King has developed senses far beyond anything evolution can achieve, his main "power" is being able to sense the "presence" of all things:
An amazing ability of his is analyzing what has happened in a certain area up to seventy two hours afterward by merely inspecting it, though it takes a few moments. However, he can only "see" the chronological movement of carbon-based beings, sensing moving objects and such are beyond his abilities.
An example of this use would be chasing a criminal, as soon as he has any hint to where the criminal was, he can immediately track all of his movements and quickly discover where he is located.
King gravitates a very fearsome air, an animal with basic cognitive abilities would dare not even touch him, animals with more remarkable cognitive abilities, such as humans, go into immediate fear just being near him or thinking of him; just staring into his eyes for a few moments causes a weak person to faint. This aura grows "stronger" depending on King's emotions. A few indirect results of this, ordinary humans cannot lie to him, weak ones cannot disobey him to a certain degree and several cannot hate, love, or befriend him.
The agents who originally tested him decided to leave him alone many times.
King can take advantage of his aura, with just his willpower, he can put himself into such a furious state that every weak organism within his area falls unconscious, and immediately cancel it out before it would get out of hand. He used to play around with the agents using this ability, seeing how they would react for the only entertainment he could find in the lonesome facility. Eventually, he had used this too many times, and developed a conscious three-way split-personality which switched depending on his positive and negative emotions. He is very aware of it, but it was uncontrollable. He is particularly embarrassed about his "sad" persona.
A last feat, King recently discovered a way to "alter" an organism's presence, A.K.A. inducing illusions and uncontrolled thoughts into them; being very new, it's unstable and King can only make something such as false memories and small hallucinations. People with stronger auras can differentiate King's fakes and reality.
He had quite a bit of fun with this on the agents in the facility before he was broken out.
Appearance: Standing at 5' 8", King has blond hair which falls down to the top of his eyes and enough to cover his ears, and look frazzled at their ends. He has a strange, rare gene which causes his eyes to have no color, thus reflecting his blood vessels and becoming a glowing red, similar to albinism. He was born with tan-like skin, but it faded to a snowy white after a life in the facility. His lips are pale, nearly matching his skin. He also has a sharp, slightly small nose. He is relatively thin, but not muscular. His eyes are rectangular-like upon close inspection.
Personality: As much of a personality as a person could develop locked up in a government facility, King always sees things in a realistic manner, constantly deducing that there is always a cause or explanation for an event or phenomenon.
He is quite confident with his thoughts and conclusions, usually denying any other, though he will admit it if there is enough evidence. His social behavior, he is outwardly c***, arrogant and overall a jerk, but he'll be serious and accept everyone's thoughts if the situation calls.
King becomes even more of a jerk, he will not accept any opinions, he takes advantage of his powers in several ways for his own entertainment and temporarily despises anyone who argues with him. Any friends or allies he has made become common people for his s**** to him. Happens after he uses his knock-out technique a few times in 24 hours.
Very negative:
King loses all of his confidence, he starts to realize what rubbish his ideas were, constantly apologizes for his existence and all he has done and despises himself. He loses all will to fight, argue, play, talk, or live for that matter. After sleeping for at least 3 hours after a day, he will revert to his normal persona and grow ashamed. Happens after he uses his knock-out technique about 7 times in 24 hours. Since he basically loses the will to live, he cannot use the technique any further until the end of the day.
Bio: King hasn't received much interaction with others since he was taken captive by the Superhuman Project at quite an early age, but the little time was enough. He received his "education" from a few years of normality when his abilities were still dormant, the rest being from observation and intelligent deduction, which he had quite a lot of time for. Upon hearing he had powers, he experimented. Amazingly, he could remember exactly what happened outside of his cell three days before. More experimentation led to more control over his abilities. Eventually, the agents left him alone, but the few that came by became his test subjects - ironic. He treats the time in the facility as an experience, rather than an imprisonment.
Extra: He sounds like a total jerk when he laughs.

Helmic wrote:
For Superhuman: The Hunt

Username: Helmic
Name: Whatever is most convenient, people like to name their imaginary cats. Margie called me Luther.
Codename: Ghost
Age: If I am who I think I am, I'm almost 80.
Race: I don't even know if I'm real
Power(s): I am a master of illusions. I've danced in dreams, inspired poets, and perhaps drove one or more murderers into committing suicide. I've made walls melt, demons rise from the earth, and possessed weaker-minded fools. However, I can only influence the mind. I cannot directly cause physical harm. (Help me fiddle with his power level)
Appearance: I make myself known however I want. I typically take the guise of an old, well-groomed gray cat, his eyes more human than natural.
Personality: Maybe I'm a bit nosy. But how can I focus on myself when I don't exist?
Bio: I've always had out of body experiences - even in the womb. But whose womb was I in? Whose body is mine? Was it that stillbirth that wasn't quite dead? It only made sense, he did nothing much. I doubt the agency would have any use for him had he been simply human. He never cried out, never spoke, never opened his eyes. Perhaps I am him, but I can't tell. I don't even know if the agency created me.

The child's since grown old. I've stayed by his motionless body, wanting to take control of him like I have so many others. Yet his flesh refuses my spirit. Perhaps I've wasted all these years trying to reach into him, while my real body rots somewhere far away.

I've heard about another body. Margie told me about it, how it fidgited in sync with my activities. But they've moved it, they're hiding it.

I've been a spirit long enough. They aren't stopping me.
Extra: None

Dragon fang wrote:
Username: Dragon fang
Name: Ray
Codename: Raiden
Age: 16
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): The electric charges that run up and down his nervous system have been amplified, whether it was synthetic or not he did not know, nor did his mother reveal anything. Since he is in the state of constantly being charged he usually experiences an underlying pain, though through training he has managed to ignore it..which could lead to the overuse of his powers potentially killing himself. Currently he is able to have the electricity cover certain parts of his body and even use it as a projectile but the power hasn't been full developed due to being placed in a room of plastic. The longer the time he uses it the weaker he gets until the point that he can barely move or is unconscious. He can in a sense "recharge" himself as he can absorb electricity, though this is also dangerous because he could absorb too much for his body to manage.
Appearance: Black short hair, Light brown eyes, He has a small scar on his left cheek, Black hoodie, Dark blue jeans, Black/White sneakers.
Personality: Due to his experiences in childhood, he feels that he cannot trust anyone. This hinders him because now he is not much of a team player and will keep things to himself. He also has the habit of finishing the easiest and the fastest way, which could lead to trouble because as most people know just because it is done quickly does not mean it is done well.
Bio: His house was located at the edge of the forest somewhat near to a town. His father would usually be away travelling a lot, his mother explaining them as "business trips" though Ray felt it was something else. After a few weeks of his powers manifesting themselves, his house was frequently visited by people who looked like the typical government agent on tv. It was clear that they were watching them for reasons unknown to himself. He would train his newfound abilities in the back of his house in the forest, where the agents wouldn't see him, but it felt like he was always being watched. His father went on a trip but never return one day, it was then that the true personality of the agents were revealed. He was 12 at the time when the agents came and raided his house, asking his mother many questions, many of them she could not answer. They were rough with her and smacked her against the wall, her head bleeding, it was then that Ray was knocked out as well, he presumed she was dead. He woke up in a room all by himself, alone and afraid. Margie set him free so that he wouldn't have to be confined anymore.
Extra: Nice RP.

Doromac wrote:
Name: Nicolas Jean
Codename: Kuru
Race:Super Human
Power(s): Control over all mechanical devices, x-ray vision, and a judgment ray (using it will cause him to pass out for 3 days straight .) All of his powers are fully developed except the judgment ray.
Appearance: He wears a white lab coat, black shoes, and always have gloves on. He wears mirrored goggles and has a creepy smile on his face most of the time. No one inside the agency has every seen what is under his clothing, and it appears he does everything in those clothes, even bathing and laundry!
Personality: He is a evil man. He likes to do random acts of violence and has a thing for dissecting things. His only reason for working for the agency is that he gets to dissect, study, and experiment on human subjects. His true goal is to rule the world, but no one knows o this.
Bio: Kuru grew up in a house where domestic disputes between his parents occurred daily. His father was a drunken lunatic and his mother adored her son, but Kuru despised her. He professed in his studies in school, but he did the oddest things, such as drawing pictures of disassembled bodies and such. He then graduated high school as the Valor Victorian of his class. In college, he continued to profess in his studies, but he started to end up missing some of his classes. Later on, other students started to come up missing also. Long story short, he was found in a hidden room in the college with dissected and mutated miscolored bodies. He was sentence to jail for life, until a secret organization bailed them out. They made a deal with each other; Kuru would come to work for them, and they release Kuru from prison. He agreed to the offer. He then began to experiment on bodies that were provided by the government, and create these humans with abnormal abilities and powers. Jealous of what he had created, he started to experiment on himself in secret, thus gaining his powers.
Extra: He has used his ability to shoot a massive life draining beam which he called the judgment ray only once, and it was by accident. It is his ultimate weapon.

<[^Deux^]> wrote:
Username: Deux
Name: Jona Daniels Wasp
Codename: Black Stinger (Special Agent)
Age: 22
Race: Super-Human
Power(s): Jona has the a variety of numerous powers that help with his job as a Government hired hunter of superhuman or regular test subject, His Skin has been replaced by strong insect-like shell, able to withstand shots from small firearms.
His hands are replaced by sharp Claws, which he can fire from his fingers or extend up to 2 feet long; these nails are sharper than the armor on a tank. He keeps four other appendages hidden (2 near his shoulders); however they are 3 feet long and can fire sharp stingers at speeds of 90 mph into objects. He also carries superhuman agility, and super senses, that allow him to stalk his prey like night vision, and a sense of super insect-like smell.
Appearance: Jona’s stands a good 6.4 feet, his skin/shell is not fully black, but a shade of darkish grey, He also looks more like something alien then anything human to begin with, however he still is to say the least. His body is very insect or Reptilian-like. His head is not shaped like an oval, but has is shaped like a lizards infused with heavy armor-plated and what appears to be horns on each end. (Best way I could have described him sorry...)
He has 4 toes each with claws attached to them. The whites of his eyes are black, with his pupils being a deep–amber color.
He wears a large brown trench-coat and a fedora hat to hide his inhuman body.
Personality: His personality is cold, almost emotionless, he is silent rarely ever talks, and shows no remorse for his targets or those he is commanded to go after.
Bio: Jonas was a heavy test subject from birth, the government scientist’s working on his DNA structure, tried infuse his DNA with DNA from many different Insects, to make a super-soldier for political assassination’s/espionage missions. After many, many tiring and difficult days of study, they finally transformed the baby Jonas into a creature that looked barely even looked human, and from then on in his life. He was separated from the other test subjects to go intense physical and mental training to turn him into a super-assassin.
Things like love and compassion are foreign and useless to him. His entire live was to hunt and either return or kill. After hearing that the former test subjects had escaped from the government facility, and was commanded to bring all the subjects back, Dead or alive
As long are their bodies were left in tact and the damage was minor.
Extra: Nothing, More than what I can think of…

Ray fletcher wrote:

Username: Ray Fletcher
Name: Ira
Codename: Tree spirit
Age: 16
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): Ira's possesses the power to manipulate the water around him (including ice)
He can't actually produce anything from his finger tips but pulls the elements from around him to use to his hearts desire. He also has A great understanding of what
living things are feeling around him.
Appearance: standing at 5'10" Ira has short brown messy hair and piercing pale blue eyes
Personality: Ira has always been, since his birth, Quiet and of few words.
When he does get the courage to speak, the words seem soothing to others
Bio: Ira was taken to the institute with only little memory of a past home. His parents(Doctors) sent
him away at first sign of super abnormalities.

Extra: at Six Ira was mentally alone when his parents caught him talking to a tree palm pressed against it.
Startled he closed his hand in responsive fear and combusted the water inside the tree raining it upon him.
Their frightened eyes are all he can remember of his guardians as the plant's falling life hid his tears.

Username: Tifa
Name: Yuri
Codename: The creator
Age: 15
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): Has the ability to create animated objects by simply drawing them
Appearance: Despite his age Yuri stands around 3'5" with whit spikey hair and green eyes
Personality: Constantly changing mood Really happy one minute and sullen the next but never the less still cute. Mood swings as if a young child and is a Boy-Lolita type
Bio: Born at the institute Yuri has no understanding of what real life or what family is. He is fascinated with, and clings to Ira for his stories of an outside world.
Extra: Takes pride in being the only one to take Ira from his silent states

Deciton_Reven wrote:
Name: Fel
Codename: N/A
Age: 16
Race: Superhuman
Power(s): Fel's powers rely heavily on her emotional state. When experiencing emotions that slow the heart (depression,sorrow,tranquility) her body temperature drops (below freezing in most cases) and the heat around her rushes to her to balance the temperatures, this results in an "aura of cold", a field around her that also is freezing. On the other hand, when she experiences emotions that speed the heart (hate,fear,love), her body becomes an inferno, and because of the escaping heat, so does the area around her. Both her internal temperature and external temperatures, except in the most extreme cases, don't have any effect on her.
Appearance: Do to a specific heavily enforced, thought not always eaten diet, she has very little meat on her. She stands 5'4", but normally slouches lower depending on her mood. She is very plain, with no freckles, beauty marks, or blemishes. Her eyes, when not covered by hair, are a neutral blue, and she has a small button nose. Her hair may be the only thing that really sticks out about her, as it's pitch black at the root, but grays as it goes down. It would be safe to assume that it would be snow white by the time it passed her knee, but she has never let it pass mid-back. As for attire, she has a black body-suit with a white summer dress over it.(Both made specificity to resist her powers.)
Personality: Not much of one. Normally she is distant, partly because she has to be, and partly because she doesn't know how to react around others. She changes emotions as a normal person would, but only seems to display the extreme side of them.
Bio:Like most Fel's childhood was spent in "the facility", with only minimal human contact. She was taught maths and sciences, but rarely about human rights or free thought. Her powers weren't much as a baby, but as she grew and developed more emotions, her powers grew too. When she was four, close to five, when upset her heat was hot enough to ignite her clothes, hence the body suit for everyday wear and dress for when she needed to look nice for inspection. If Fel managed to control her emotions better, and without this escape, she would have no doubt became one of the more heartless agents.
Extra: While super chilled or heated, ice crystal and heat mirages can be a common "aura" that appear in the area affected by Fel's powers.

I figured I'd get this in sooner than later, even though I might not be on for a while.


Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:37 pm
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Agent 0674 - Huntress: A woman solely devoted in promoting the research that is conducted in the agency. She herself is a superhuman granted the abilities of heightened senses, as well as abnormal speed, though nowhere near the level of someone with super speed. She is a master of jujitsu, karate, and taekwondo. She will not hesitate to attack mercilessly.

Agent 0034 - Margie: A long time serving agent of Project Superhuman. She has raised many of the children who are currently agents as her own. She is usually in charge of the emotional state of the superhumans and the control they have over their powers. Times have changed however and Project Superhuman has become a war driven project, the children are now treated as test subjects instead of people. This angered Margie which eventually led to her setting free a small group of superhumans. It is currently unknown what has happened to her.

Gerick Powerson: A lumberjack who lives deep within a set of woods assumed to be hunted. His wife left him a long time ago, leaving him alone with his son, but his son mysteriously disappeared never to be seen again. He usually keeps to himself and knows that something strange is occurring in the forest, but doesn't want to put himself in danger by putting his nose in places that it doesn't belong.

Agent 0498 - Diamonte Spirited young man, who will do anything to support the Superhuman Project. His determination and strength has helped to raise his rank quickly. He finds superhumans who detest to being used as weapons as weak and pathetic. He trains many of the students who have energy based powers or super strength because of his super power. He has the ability to immediately grow diamond shards on all parts of his body, even to the point of covering his eyes with a translucent screen of diamond. Despite his rigorous training it still takes a large amount of energy to completely cover his body with the diamonds. He prefers to cover his head and his arms. He tends to be quite the brute and usually believes superhumans to be more competent then humans.

Agent 0084 - Vision A cruel man, known for his uncanny ability to read other people so well, one would assume that he was a telepath of some sort. Though it has been confirmed that he has no powers, and does not intend to get any, nor does he want them. He would never want to become one of the test subjects and as such he despises most superhumans, seeing them only as tools. He respects a few amount of people, though despises compassion, seeing it as weakness. He is an accomplished fighter, having mastered various styles, and has a keen eye which aids him with the various guns he uses.

Thalia Verthousheh Owner of the Thal's Diner. She knows everyone in the town, and all their secrets, since most of them come to her for advice. She specializes in flapjacks and her special gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. She's friendly to strangers though is very wary of them, as strangers usually mean that somethings going on. She's helped many people down on their luck but her upbeat and caring attitude is usually the cure.

Sheriff Laterfer A kindhearted policeman who's always on the prowl for any danger...despite their usually being none. He does things by the book though he can be perceived as gullible because he still believes in aliens and magic. He's not always the sharpest tool in the box but everyone can grow to love him.

Esther One of the superhumans who escaped from the facility. She has the ability to change her appearance so that she identically resembles anyone. She has used this trick to fool the agents many times though they soon developed a device in order to see through her shape shifting. She can be quite the snob and usually wants to lead instead of follow.

Jason - FogoA top class flame manipulator who trained alongside Sabrina. He too also was expected to become a well accomplished agent but he did not want to serve an agency that kept him bound forever. Currently, he can cause things to combust, raise the temperature in his vicinity to levels of perspiration, and of course spontaneously create and manipulate fire.

Alexander - Gale A quiet superhuman who usually keeps to himself. He is polite, though very shy and will not talk until spoken to. Not exceptionally talented, though adept at manipulating the wind. Usually he creates gusts or blasts of air, he doesn't have enough control to create windstorms or tornadoes though with the use of his baggy clothing he can fly by manipulating the air into all of the crevices of his attire.

Agent 0097 - Fissure An agent known for getting the job done well. He doesn't speak to a lot of the other agents though many see that as a bonus to his personality. Loyal to the Faculty he will do anything for it. He has the ability to control various stones, rocks, and minerals, though he has a bit of trouble with dirt or sand because he feels it is too soft. He is a serious and hardened man.


Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:37 pm
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Nice, is there a limit on characters I'm allowed to use in the RP?
I'm thinking of about just two.

spring break go shove it troll

Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:42 pm
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I'm thinking of limiting it to maybe 3 characters?


Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:43 pm
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Kiki wrote:
I'm thinking of limiting it to maybe 3 characters?

seems good enough for me,

also when I said two, I meant I'll be thinking about using two. :D

spring break go shove it troll

Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:45 pm
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Whimskull wrote:
Kiki wrote:
I'm thinking of limiting it to maybe 3 characters?

seems good enough for me,

also when I said two, I meant I'll be thinking about using two. :D

lol Yeah I figured you probably meant that.


Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:03 pm
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I wanna be Deadpool! Can I? I love comic relief characters. I'll even make a character bio on him.

"What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." ~Phil Conners, Channel 9 Pittsburgh Weather Man~

Jin wrote:
I support the bombing of Israel.

Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:53 pm
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Blue Mage wrote:
I wanna be Deadpool! Can I? I love comic relief characters. I'll even make a character bio on him.

You can be a blatant rip off, but not exactly Deadpool himself.


Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:56 pm
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Kiki wrote:
Blue Mage wrote:
I wanna be Deadpool! Can I? I love comic relief characters. I'll even make a character bio on him.

You can be a blatant rip off, but not exactly Deadpool himself.

K, I'll be Deadpewl.

"What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." ~Phil Conners, Channel 9 Pittsburgh Weather Man~

Jin wrote:
I support the bombing of Israel.

Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:01 pm
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Blue Mage wrote:
Kiki wrote:
Blue Mage wrote:
I wanna be Deadpool! Can I? I love comic relief characters. I'll even make a character bio on him.

You can be a blatant rip off, but not exactly Deadpool himself.

K, I'll be Deadpewl.

How about a completely different name that has nothing related to any other superhero known to the masses? You're the king of originality you can do it! ^.^


Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:06 pm
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Ok, I'll be the Unliving Puddle. That's not remotely close to anyone's name.

"What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." ~Phil Conners, Channel 9 Pittsburgh Weather Man~

Jin wrote:
I support the bombing of Israel.

Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:09 pm
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Blue Mage wrote:
Ok, I'll be the Unliving Puddle. That's not remotely close to anyone's name.

lol sure ^.^


Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:14 pm
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Never mind, I thought of a way better name. I hope I get accepted. I'm so gonna beat the system.

"What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." ~Phil Conners, Channel 9 Pittsburgh Weather Man~

Jin wrote:
I support the bombing of Israel.

Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:16 am

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Can you reserve a spot for me? I'll be gone for ten days, but I have a good idea for a character.

゙(゚、 。 7
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:57 pm
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There are no solid number of spots, and don't worry I should be able to integrate your character.


Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:44 pm
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