Hello everyone! How many times have I done this now? Quite too often I'm sure.
That aside, I'd like to[re] introduce myself as for the 100th time and try to actually get something going from now on.
For those of you who remember me, I hope you've been doing well. I've thought about most, if not ALL, of you.(Totally homo)
And to those of you I'm meeting for the first time, hello!
I'm Thomas, originally known as Riku/Sora Master/Para_Dox0 and still can't decide on a name. c:
I was having a hard time with my account as my old email is amazing and doesn't work anymore?
I joined McLeod Gaming WAY back in about 2005/2006? I was one of the genuis 13 year olds who decided to take it upon myself to recreate a
Super Smash Flash clone and make my own games. That has not gone so well since.
In the past I've tried creating a plethora of machinima, helping with SSF2's devolpment(which didn't help too much unfortunately) and tons of
other things. It's been about 6 or 7 years, but I'm in college now, and I'm going in for non other than game design.
Even though I don't have to much to "brag" about if anything, but over the last weekend I have helped devolp a game for Global Game Jam.
It's a 2 day proccess to make a game from scratch, and through all the yelling, pizza, chips, soda, and STANK, we managed to devolp 2 out of 5
levels we planned for. I did some voice acting for the young, high pitched demon. Off course I've always been higher pitched so I used my talents.
Here it is if you'd like to check it out:
Anyway, I'm learning a lot in college, and although I'm not doing as well as I'd like to be, I'm getting involved in SO much and I'm really
starting to become what I've been hoping to do for almost a decade now. I hope I can help somewhat with SSF2 or at least give my support
and I'm so SO proud in the progress we've made.
SSF2 is becoming such an incredible title and the hard work is shown indefientley. I'm so proud that I was able to be a part of that team at some
point. I'd love to catch up with everyone after lurking for the past year, and I want to meet more and learn more.
Have a good one everyone.