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2 vs 2 battle 
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Tekun began to approach slowly but steadily, like a cat playing with it's food. He twirled the blade, ignoring the boy's comment.

"Maybe I will. But your first." He said grinning almost laughing. "Say your prayers boy, your going to hell."

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:23 pm
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"If I'm going, You're coming with me." He says, Walking closer to Tekun."This'll only hurt a little..."
...."I lied." "It'll hurt a lot" He yells, Lunging at Tekun's heart with the dagger and stabbing himself with a new one.

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:27 pm
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OOC: Goes out on a limb here and does it anyway.

As Kevin lunged Tekun moved to the side furthest away from Kevin as he swung and cleaved off part of his forearm, removing the chance he would attempt another lunge. He saw that the boy stabbed himself as well.

"So, do we take the cowards way out." Tekun said realizing the dagger had cut acorss his arm, ignoring it, with a smile.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:31 pm
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"You've not seen the last of me." He says slowly."F-f..." He coughs and stops talking. He lays there still, Not breathing.

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:35 pm
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OOC: You know you could have complained if you thought i was being a bit much with what i was doing.

Tekun took the blade and shoved it into Kevin's corpse and the removed the heat blade and grabbed his head and shoved it in his eye. Keeping his promise. He then got up and then looked to Althea. The battle was over but he was not done, he wanted more, and could't control himself.

"Ladies and gentle men! We have our win- wait! Whats this!" The announcer shouter over the microphone.

Tekun drew his blade and took a few steps towards Althea.

"Draw your weapon. Make me feel alive!" He said fully feral, his iris red. He intended on a fight to the death. He was covered in head to toe in blood almost, he had a few wounds, but ignored them. He grinned wickedly. He was no longer the Tekun Althea knew.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:39 pm
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OoC: I was hoping you'd die too :wee: , I knew I'd lose :P

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:42 pm
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Ooc: Im not going to let you auto hit me and one shot me like that, I wouldn't mind if the death would be due to built up injury substained and overall the situation turning gravely ill. But a one shot in the battle. O.o

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:47 pm
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Currently Playing: playerunknown battlegrounds
OoC: 'Kay then, I hope Nini destroys you. :wee:

Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:50 pm
Legendary Ghost
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OoC: Home from class and ready to boogie!

"I feared this much.. " she said silently to herself as her blade would slowly be brought back into the light of day. "This battle..has gone too far out of hand" she continued, pointing her weapon at him in conviction. eyes narrowed upon her target. Goddess give me strength....

It was as if she was reliving times past. The ferocious gaze he gave her, the lust for blood and battle; the skill to back those malicious desires..she had seen it before, and from that, she knew she was about to engage in a battle for her very life. Her weapon enveloped in majestic energies, giving off its own potent aura; she was preparing for him, and though she may prefer not to do so, she would have to beckon the deities themselves to thwart this danger; she would try though, but once more, to calm him to his senses..

"Tekun, we need not shed more blood this day, by the goddess, stand down.." her voice reasonable though lined with her ever present stern and proficient tone. She didn't want this, that much was for true, but she would if she had to, by the order of the Valkyrie knights; she could not rescind when a threat presented itself; already feeling guilt for not stopping him when she first eyed his growing instability. Perhaps she could've prevented the unnecessary loss of life..

Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:55 pm
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Tekun continued to approach.

"You'll put up a better fight, the thirst is not yet satisfied." Tekun said grinned yet. "Now, either you will kill me, or I will kill you. It makes no difference." He said and then began a charge towards Althea.

His rage grew by the minute, as it grew he would become stronger and more malevolent, fueled only by the desire to fight.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:03 pm
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Raising her kite shield in front of her defensively, feet firmly planted upon the ground, readying for the strike. "Very well then.." she'd state calmly before stabbing her blade within the soil and sending pillars of frigged ice swarming towards him in an effort to slow his stampede. Quick to pull her blade back out with a jerk of her arm; sending only that one wave of frost towards him. She knew from the get-go it would be ineffectual, and so chose to conserve the surmounting force in her weapon, which still glistened in holy power.

Rearing her sword back behind her, fingers tight, she set up for her next move. A pure white aura grew from her heals upwards across her legs and soon overtook her body. Shield held at a slight angle. A certain distortion in the air would form around her lime colored tiara; a sign of its charging vigor; she was readying for her transformation...

Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:27 pm
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Tekun moved around the the ice pillars still charging towards Althea, gaining speed by the minute, as he did he took his blade and started hacking and slashing at the nearby ice with his blade. As he did this, the blade began to gather energy off of his opponents attack. His sword was special, Tekun and it shared a bound, almost like the blade was alive. With this, he could occassionally do things such as an elemental attack or even create a shockwave to injure. As he approached nearer, he gained enough energy from the ice to launch his own attack at her a combination of a shock wave and ice pillar from Althea's ice brand, but more concentrated, but not nearly as much. He stopped for a moment and slammed his blade into the ground and unleashed the attack. directing it right towards his former ally.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:37 pm
Legendary Ghost
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"Avunt!" she'd shout; The seal upon her shield would ignite vividly; spreading a field out over the the shield's surface that expanded past the very metal. With a grunt she took the incredible impact of the attack; feet skidding back in the dirt as she was pushed back some; her arm shaking as it did its best to keep the blast at bay; the field would soon flicker off however, sending the remnants of the wave slamming into her shield, making for a deep crack in its adamantine shell before it fully dispersed in a sudden shock which pushed her out of her stance and almost off her feet.

"Such might.." she said aloud. I really will have to afterall.., regaining her equanimity, and just in time to make to a hasty counter offensive as he closed in. she'd spin herself about on one leg and abruptly stop, as if the graceful turn had been to focus energy from the world around her. In an elegant slice of the air in his direction, A gust of icy wind blew harshly, icicles laden within the furious gales; almost as if it were a small hail storm formed out of nowhere.

Stamping down her other foot; she had attempted to buy time, just enough to begin her process...

Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:09 am
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Tekun did not slow his charge still, despite the gale and the hail blowing hard. Some of the ice went as far as to cut Tekun's skin as he pressed on throught the mighty winds Althea had conjured in an effort to stall. As he gained more ground, he grinned and the anticipation built. He was eager to fight her.

"Why do you stall!" He shouted grinning, his tone almost mocking, insane. "Fight me Althea! Show me how strong you are!"

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:19 am
Legendary Ghost
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Gender: Anime Girl
"Wish granted.." She'd murmur as the gem within her tiara sparkled brightly, her figure cast in a translucent pure white glare. A Shining radiance few would see in their lifetime would break from the skies; pulling clouds apart in its wake; it engulfed her in its divinity. Her body would rise from off the ground but a few feet. "Chosen by the Celestial spirit, To reap justice upon the wicked.." she'd shouted, her form curling up in its levitation. "You shall meet judgment!" she'd spread out from her state; two sets of wings sprouting out from her back, stretching their full length to a flurry of feathers floating through the air. Taking a mighty flap, the lush grass upon the ground would sway to a heavy gust. The blinding light hiding her image wasting away to reveal her once more. Armor a deep emerald color; pauldrons thick over her shoulders, body pieces of swirling refined design. Shield renewed in its splendor, now floating just off her arm, remaining stationary as if she still had it tight within her grasp; her sword had thickened about an inch at either side, growing ridged at its finely tuned edges. Ancient Symbols as alive as ever. Red hair flowing against the breeze.

She'd drop from her airborne position and heavily onto her booted feet. pillowing up dirt at the impact. Eyes glowing in grandiose luminosity. She'd poise her weapon at him yet again, anew. The fierce unforgiving look of destruction a constant reminder of her sibling; and the conflict that transpired. Her left hand, now free of having to clutch its shield, curled at its fingers and produced a sphere of heavenly current; having a sky blue tint to it as it began to orbit around her wrist. "I'm ready for you now tekun, show me what you've got.." Her voice had an un-ignorable divine echo within it, she had truly changed into something otherworldly, and was fully ready..

Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:48 am
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