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Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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that was a terrible review
you just told us what happens in the game
not if we should buy it or not
despite what nerds who cry over opinions might tell you, reviews should not be objective
Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:53 pm |
Joined: Thu May 07, 2009 7:00 pm Posts: 5446 Location: Toronto Country:
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ideally you want some objective facts to back up your subjective opinion
Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:30 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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yeah but you want to actually express a f*** opinion in the first place
Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:38 pm |
Joined: Thu May 07, 2009 7:00 pm Posts: 5446 Location: Toronto Country:
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did I say his review was good?
no, I was talking about the ideal review
Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:40 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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but we weren't talking about the "ideal review", we were talking about his review
do me a favour and shut the f*** up before this even starts please
Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:42 pm |
Joined: Thu May 07, 2009 7:00 pm Posts: 5446 Location: Toronto Country:
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I was just going off of what you said as supportive advice for TheRealHeroOfWinds, calm down
Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:44 pm |
Joined: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:02 pm Posts: 7283 Location: Australia Country:
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donkey kong 64 review brilliant game, big fun worlds to explore, fantastic soundtrack, lots and lots of lanky kong i rate it: lanky kong out of 10, definitely play it.
_________________Ask me anything!!! Special thanks to Steven for my beautiful Deep avatar! <3
Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:43 am |
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:46 pm Posts: 3231 Location: Chicago / NY Country:
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| | | | TheRealHeroOfWinds wrote: Skyward Review Logo: show SPOILERS WILL HAVE SPOILERS! What is a spoiler? This: this is a spoiler guysI finished Skyward Sword awhile ago. It is actually much better than I expected. It is in my Top Five for sure. Probably Number Two or Number One. But I guess I should explain why I love it so much. Story : The story is actually really well thought out. It does start the Zelda timeline for a reason. There is are two main villains. Ghirahim and Demise. Ghirahim's main mission is to resurrect Demise. What will Demise do? Try to get the triforce of course! But in the SKKY! Yes the story in the sky. But it was used really well. Sorta the Wind Waker feel. But we will get there soon in Gameplay. Gameplay : The gameplay with the Wii Motion Plus is VERY good. (And I'm a lefty) Imagine that sword game in Wii Sports Resort but with 20000% more action. There are some items that will start acting out of the ordinary sometimes though. Like the beetle item. Sometimes it won't go where you want it to. Which can get really annoying. And rolling bombs is even worse. I hold down sometimes and it wants to throw still. But the flying sections are really good. Like I said in Story it is really similar to Wind Waker. There are random flying islands in the sky. Imagine Angel Island from Sonic. But flying felt perfectly fine. UNTIL THAT STUPID TARGET THING IN THE AIR! That was dumb! And the temples were more than I wanted. Dat Indiana Jones part was a blast! (Jokes... you got the bombs in that part of the game) Some temple locations were really smart too. Like the one under Skyloft. But that sliding puzzle was really annoying. And the bosses. THE BOSSES! Some were bad That boat boss. The Imprisoned really that one was hard in my opinion. Some were easy fire temple boss I am looking at you! And some were really fun! The Mid-Boss for the boat. But the boss rush was annoying! You had to do it atleast twice. Once for the Hylian Shield and the second time for a Heart Piece. Music : The music really fit the theme of each area. Here is just a few songs I really enjoyed: [ ] [ ] BEST ZELDA LULLABY SONG EVAAAAR. And someone got married to this song too! No joke.Final Score : 9/10 It is worth a try. But don't quit! Soon I will be doing a The Legend Of Zelda : A Link Between Worlds review. | | | | |
No offense but this is a pretty poor review. You shouldn't make references like "that Indiana Jones part" with no further explanation. I played the game before and I don't even remember what you're referencing. I just started the new game + (I beat it when it came out and haven't played it since) so I figured why not write a short review. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword seems to be a hit or miss title. You either love it, or hate it. I belong in the former, and can't really understand people who belong in the latter. I'll explain why. Why I loved Skyward SwordSkyward Sword introduced a lot of new gameplay elements never before seen in a Zelda game. From right off the bat it's not difficult to see why so many people dislike it; some people don't like change. (Why they would rather play the same game being rehashed over and over is beyond me, but I digress). Let's look at some of those new elements though. Motion controls - Hear me out. The motion controls got a lot of hate, and was one of the reasons people didn't like the game. I don't understand why though. I never had a problem with them, they were pretty much always accurate, (albeit they take some getting used to when you first start, but it shouldn't be a problem for long). The way you had to think about what direction you swing your sword added depth to the battle system. If you just swung away, you'd pay the consequences. It made the fights more enjoyable for me. Impatient players who don't want to think about their movements disliked the battle system, because they would constantly swing, get electrocuted by a Technoblin, then complain about how the motion controls are terrible. <- Speaking from experience here, I have a friend who constantly hates on skyward sword, and that's how he plays. Granted it did get difficult sometimes in the heat of a match. It was a challenge when being attacked by a swarm of enemies and having to constantly think before you attack, but that just immersed you even more into the game. It comes closer to simulating real combat than any previous zelda game. The fighting took skill. All this being said, if motion controls do return in the next Zelda game I would like to see an improvement. In the Zelda Nintendo Land attraction they were even more accurate, i'd even say perfect. I wouldn't mind the return of motion controls, but some players would cringe at the thought of it. Upgrading weapons - Skyward Sword introduced some RPG elements that are very different from previous games in the franchise. Traditionally all weapons and tools would be found in treasure chests in dungeons. You could sometimes improve your sword by taking on a side quest, but that was pretty much the extent of improving your weapons. In Skyward Sword you can upgrade Links weapons if you have the prerequisite materials, similar to synthesizing in Kingdom Hearts You have access to this from the beginning of the game in a shop in Skyloft. You choose what you want to upgrade, it tells you what materials you need and how much it will cost. Pretty much all of your weapons and tools could be upgraded, more then once even. Even your shield Especially your shield. Another new feature introduced in Skyward Sword is that your shield has a damage bar. Every time you use your shield the bar depletes, and if it completely depletes, your shield breaks. Obviously a better shield can take a bigger beating, so upgrading your shield is very helpful (ESPECIALLY IN NEW GAME +). Upgrading weapons is never required, but it makes the game easier and more enjoyable if you do upgrade your weapons. It also just gave you another objective. Through out the game you keep an eye out for any collectibles you might need. Stamina meter -This game introduces a stamina meter for Link. The most notable thing about this is that it gives link the ability to dash for the first time! If the stamina meter is depleted, Link will get tired out and you have to wait for it to regenerate. The meter gets used when doing things like dashing, climbing anything, spin attacks, that's all I can think of atm. There are plants that regenerate your meter for you, so sometimes you can continuously dash by collecting this plant every time Links stamina is almost depleted. Not much to say about it, but it was a nice touch. Purchasable items - There are so many things to spend your rupees on, not like other Zelda games where my wallet seems to always be maxed out. Upgrading your weapons, buying potions, buying items/shields from the bazaar, the items from Beedle's shop (which are all pretty expensive), etc. New game +/Hero Mode - I'll talk briefly about this since I just started it. It's pretty much the same as the OoT master quest, and Wind Waker HD Hero mode, but IT'S HARD. Enemies do double damage (that's 2 hearts from the very first enemies in the game), and you never find recovery hearts. Because of this you really need to take advantage of potions, life medals and upgrading your weapons. Your shield will break in a couple hits, so I find myself always carrying a revitalizing potion, which I really never used in the normal quest. All your collectibles/bugs carry over to the new game +, so that's really nice. It's a real challenge, and gives the game replayability. The soundtrack and graphics were both beautiful. I loved the water color style, especially in the artwork for the game. I really liked some of the new characters (Groose, Ghirahim), it was nice to see actual character development for Groose. I also loved that for the first time we got to see Link and Zelda in a romantic light. (For the first time in a cinematic 3D way, anyway.) Why I dislike Skyward SwordWhy people dislike Skyward SwordLinear gameplay - This is a big one, probably the biggest reason a lot of people dislike the game. There isn't a big open world to explore like in previous games. It's pretty limited, you only set foot where your supposed to be, and as you progress more areas open up. I didn't have a huge problem with this, but totally understand why some people did. Backtracking - You end up returning to areas you've already been to a few times instead of gaining access to all new areas. There were new parts to explore, so it wasn't as if you were exploring the exact same area. When you revisit the woods they're completely flooded, so even though you're revisiting the woods, it's a completely different experience. Fi - She is constantly stating the obvious in an unnecessarily lengthy way and rarely gives useful information. Bosses - Skyward Sword has a lack of epic bosses. They are all at least decent, some better than others, but the character designs for some of them are just terrible. I'm of course referring to the Tentacle thing from Monsters Inc. Lack of things to do in the sky - The sky is presented in a way similar to the ocean in Wind Waker. The big difference is in Wind Waker there were so many unique islands worth your time. In Skyward Sword there aren't many islands and the majority of them are boring, and getting to them is boring too. There's not much to do when flying aside from the occasional enemy. I glanced over a few of the cons, but this has gotten way longer then I intended. My conclusion is this; Skyward Sword is a great game, and although it does have it's flaws, that's no reason to dismiss the entire game. If you contrast the good with the bad, you'll realize there's way more good.
_________________ 3DS FC: 1633-4280-9596 NNID: Ness_Success
Last edited by Ness_Success on Sun May 10, 2015 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:34 pm |
Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:00 pm Posts: 808 Country:
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Alright, so I've recently (or more like finally) finished Persona 3 Portable for the PSP, and man, was it awesome!
STORY Alright, I won't cover this much, since it's all the same stuff. The story is still the same as the past games P3 and P3: FES, where you are an orphan who attends Gekkoukan High and resides in the Iwatodai Dorm. Rather than demons like past Persona games, you fight "Shadows"; beings that prey on the human mind. These Shadows usually appear at night, during the Dark Hour. The Shadows usually dwell around Tartarus, their "nest", so to speak - which also happens to be a multi-level dungeon where most of the leveling happens. The characters within the story itself are what makes the it so great, and it's pretty amazing how much they develop. Although they're all teens, you won't encounter any of the general angsty characters that are so common in JRPGs. They all have so much emotion and depth, dealing with loss and insecurities in a eerily human way. The only thing that changes with the story this time around is some situations changed obviously because of the gender you picked. These are minor, and not plot relevant. There is also the fact that ALL cutscenes are now scrapped. This was a major gripe for a lot of people, but not me (mainly because I never played the past iterations).
GAMEPLAY This is another fine point of the game. Persona 3 is still the traditional turn based in battle but it adds a little tweak to the battle system that works wonders. By exploiting enemy weaknesses, you can gain another turn. After hitting said enemy weakness, they will be "downed", and can't act the next turn. From here, you can either choose to hit the same enemy, making them dizzy and thus resulting in even more future turns lost, or hitting a different one. Once all enemies are downed, you and your party members will execute an "All-Out Attack", which is...well, exactly what it sounds like. It's big, loud (seriously), and awesome. You can also switch your "Persona" around, demons and gods that come with their own special attacks, elemental resistances, and elemental weaknesses. This can help you in exploiting weaknesses as soon as the battle begins, most times wiping out enemies on the first turn, and feeling extremely badass as a result. Outside of battling, there's exploring Tartarus and maxing Social Links. Tartarus is still set up the same way as in the past, being a multi floor dungeon containing enemies, treasures, and...a lot of staircases. All leveling will take place here. The only thing that's changed is that there's no "unlimited stamina" trick here a day before the full moon (which I believe was also in P3: FES), so grinding a little at a time over days is the key. There's also Social Links, which are still the same in their functions. They simply boost a Persona of the same Arcana (think "category") as the Social Link's level. This is done by pretty much hanging out with the person of the S. Link. The concept for these still haven't changed, but S.Links get obvious switch-ups depending on the gender you pick (i.e. boyfriends instead of girlfriends if you play as a girl).
GRAPHICS You know what? As far as PSP graphics go, they aren't that bad. Everything looks like it should. The only gripe is that cutscenes for the game were completely scrapped, and everything is now a more visual novel fare outside of battle. Not bad, but...not entirely good.
SOUND I'll group the sound effects, VA's, and music into this one category. First of all,the sound effects themselves are fine. Everything sounds like it should. Punches sound like punches, slashes like slashes, etc. The voice acting is also pretty good, although some voices are a bit overdone (Akihiko's voice still makes me cringe every time). But this voice cast seems to have a lot of emotion behind it, moreso than other JRPGs. There's no voice that is...extremely annoying, which happens way too often in JRPGs. The music may or may not be a turn off to people. The soundtrack is definitely different from most JRPGs, to say the least. Rather than dramatic orchestras that sound like something out of a Final Fantasy game, Persona sticks with it's J-Pop traditon. Lots of hip-hop beats and J-Pop is used, and to be honest, I loved it. The soundtrack simply fits like a glove for this game; it knows it's something different.
DIFFICULTY This game will be a challenge to newcomers to the Persona series, even on normal mode. You will die. A lot. Luckily, just about every mechanic is well explained, and the wide range of difficulties can offer an easier (or harder) experience. This is also one of the more approachable games in the Persona series, as some archaic JRPG mechanics, like random encounters, are completely nonexistant. The game may be hard to get into at first, but once you grasp everything there is to learn, you'll be surprised at how rewarding it feels in the end. If you're like me, you'll gain the confidence to eventually try harder difficulties on future playthroughs.
SUMMARY All in all, this game was fun, edgy, and a completely unique JRPG experience. The story in this game is one of the best, even today, as is the solid character development and addictive combat. The New Game + mode after beating the game once and female character oppurtunities are just icing on this Tartarus-sized cake. If you haven't played Persona 3 Portable yet, it's alright to be late to this party. So as long as you still attend it. With everything said prior, I'll gladly give this game a 5/5.
Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:36 pm |
Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:16 pm Posts: 1583 Country:
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Kid Icarus Uprising STORY OF KID ICARUS UPRISING(I won't be covering too many major plot points since I want you guys to experience some great points of this game, but that doesn't mean I won't talk spoilers. So watch out for those black boxes!) The story of Kid Icarus Uprising is a pretty nice one you follow your main character, Pit the guardian angel of the goddess Palutena. You have survived the wrath of Medusa once before, but she has been resurrected so your main task is to take her down again! She attacks a town called 'The First Town.' You go in and clear out the underworld troops then you come face to face with Twinbellows and you take them down. This process continues for awhile. Clear out underworld troops take down a giant bad guy. When you finally run across Medusa you take her down! But there seems to be a problem. She wasn't the one in charge of the underworld troops. If you know your lore you would know the real ruler of the underworld is no one other than Hades. You go through your credits and Hades just rips them down. I could talk more about the main story but we would be here for a long time, and again you should get to experience the great moments of this game.Humor is also thrown into the mix. You can easily find some of these moments on YouTube, but it is better off to experience them yourself. GAME PLAYGame play of Kid Icarus Uprising feels really smooth and nice (for righties anyways. I feel bad for the lefties myself included.) It mixes in elements of an FPS and the fun of Nintendo. So it is a nice fit. You have your standard weapon that is split into 9 categories. Arms, Blades, Bows, Cannons, Claws, Clubs, Orbitars, Palms, and Staffs. Each has unique attributes that effect Pit. For example Clubs make you run pretty slow while they have great power. Claws make you run really fast, while they are really weak. You can also fuse weapons in the weapon area of the menu. You also have attributes on your weapons that can carry over to fused items. Say you have +1 Health and +1 Speed on a bow, and - 1 Speed on a Club. You could fuse those two items to make a Orbitar and say the + 1 Health and - 1 Speed attributes carry over to the Orbitar. You really very rarely see items that are exactly the same. You also have some powers that will help you in the heat of battle. You set them up in a Dr. Mario and Tetris fashion. You have a selected space to place these powers. Once you finish setting up your powers it is time to go into battle. You can have powers that range from huge lasers to small health recoveries. MUSICThe music of Kid Icarus Uprising. Now that is something beautiful. This soundtrack really must've taken awhile to get these songs just right. You can easily just search these songs on YouTube. I would post links myself but that would be mostly the whole soundtrack. DEM GRAPHICSThe graphics of Kid Icarus Uprising are just beautiful. This game was meant to be for the Wii at first, and if you look at that beta and compare those graphics to the final product. They look near identical. (Except for the crappy voice acting in the Wii version.) These graphics oppose almost everything on the 3DS. Almost even the Wii's graphics. FINAL GRADEThis game is near perfect. There are many things I haven't talked about yet. Spot Pass, Online (which is actually good), the Vault, and more. This game gets my final rating of: 9/10
Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:26 am |
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Reviewing Sonic Lost World in 5 words: It is a piece of s***.
Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:10 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am Posts: 23226 Country:
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That's six words you f*** idiot
Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:54 pm |
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Glad you picked up on that. To be honest it was on purpose, but if you want to think of it as a f*** up then go for it. My point is simply that it straight up is not a good game.
Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:18 am |
Pope Krillin VI
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Not intending to derail, but in one post could you please explain what purpose it served? Curiosity speaking.
Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:21 pm |
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:46 pm Posts: 3231 Location: Chicago / NY Country:
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So in the last month I got a few new 3DS games, i'll give a brief review of all of them. Like I said I just got them, so I haven't beaten any of them yet.
Game: Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Time played: 6:25 I got this game as my platinum club nintendo reward. It's a high quality platformer and I really enjoy it. What I love most about it is that the platforming is actually challenging. Every world has a secret stage that is very difficult. It took me a long time to complete the first secret stage, and this is without collecting everything. The collectible give each stage replayability if you're a completionist like me, or you could just casually play through each stage. The one thing I think it's missing is online multiplayer. At the very least I wish it could have download play multiplayer, but the only multiplayer is local with 2 cartridges. Oh well, not a big deal. Anyway this game really does feel just like the old Donkey Kong Country. Verdict: 9/10
Game: Bravely Default Time played: 14:54 Square Enix has returned to it's roots with Bravely Default. It's the first JRPG i've played on my 3DS, and it's long overdue. The world is immersive, the voice acting really brings the characters to life, and the game looks great. The Brave and Default twist on the classic turn based combat works nicely. The feature to be able to fast foward fights is also really nice. They've added so many options in the difficulty config menu, it's kind of strange, but i'm sure many players find it very convenient. You can turn off random encounters, which I find strange.. you can also change the difficulty at any time. I'm guessing they've done all these things to make the game more approachable by more casual players. There are also microtransactions (S drinks) which I found really stupid, but not a big deal at all. I've just done my first side quest, and it was pretty lengthy, had unique characters, and even 2 boss fights. I can tell there's an extremely extensive amount of content in Bravely Default. I've been loving every minute of it. Oh, and jobs are back. Jobs are awesome. Verdict: 9/10
Game: Yoshi's New Island Time played: 13:27 I was pleasantly surprised with Yoshi's New Island, because after watching several reviews, I expected to be disappointed. It's true that there really isn't anything new about Yoshi's NEW Island, but what ever f***, it's still a really fun relaxing, and even challenging platformer. Just like DKCR:3D, the collectibles give each level replayability. I find the vehicle transformation mini games really fun. I've read about people complaining about the controls, but I don't get it, they work fine for me. The game is only challenging if you are trying to collect everything. Just running through the level is easy, but completing a level while maintaining 30 stars, and collecting all 20 red coins and 5 flowers is difficult as hell a lot of the time. What makes it a real pain in the a** is that every time you get hit your stars decrease. If that happens and there are no more stars to collect, you just have to re do the level. But imo a challenge is what makes a game satisfying, when you finally finish what it is your trying to do. Verdict: 8/10
Game: Mario Golf World Tour Time played: 12:30 So this was kind of an impulse purchase, but i'm glad I got it. I just received it in the mail about 2 days ago, and i've already played it almost as much as the other 3. It takes some practice, but once you know what you're doing, f*** is this game addicting. The castle club is an awesome feature where you play as your mii and explore the castle club, an exclusive golf club. Here you can sign up for tournaments, play in championships, practice, etc. There's also a shop where you can completely customize your mii with different clothes, golf equipment, etc. There is so much to buy and unlock, I was actually pretty impressed. You get money from playing golf, then use it at the shop. Everything is pretty expensive which is nice too. This way you actually have to work to buy something you want, and it will take a while before you collect everything. The castle club is also just very well designed, there's a lot of different rooms, and even a VIP room where Mario and his friends hang out. Lastly there's the online feature. You can play anyone around the world with any rule set you want. It's kind of annoying that there are 4 characters you can only get by purchasing them through DLC, but whatever. Verdict: 9/10
All these games are pretty great. Oh i'd almost forgotten! There's one more game I got this month....
Game: Steel Diver Time played: 0:32 Lol so I was at the mall and saw this was on sale for $ I bought it. I barely played it, it seems okay. I heard it actually wasn't bad, there doesn't seem like there's much to do though. It was worth it for the club nintendo points though. I did just receive Steel Diver Sub Wars via spot pass, and I definitely enjoy that game much more. I like the first person gameplay over the platformer-esque gameplay that Steel Diver has. I'll play it more eventually. Verdict: idrk... 5/10?
_________________ 3DS FC: 1633-4280-9596 NNID: Ness_Success
Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:24 pm |
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