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Nixter wrote:
k-bizzle wrote:
Go be an edgy f#%$& somewhere else, Nixter.

Yeah starving kids, gangs, pollution, war, rape, shootouts, famine, sickness, and a whole bunch of other s#%$& like that is totally awesome! Earth is great!

The fact we have to lock our doors at night is proof enough.



Kittenpuncher wrote:
imagine having sex with a clown though
instead of a dick he just has one of those flowers that shoots water out

Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:04 pm

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k-bizzle wrote:
Nixter wrote:
k-bizzle wrote:
Go be an edgy f*** somewhere else, Nixter.

Yeah starving kids, gangs, pollution, war, rape, shootouts, famine, sickness, and a whole bunch of other s*** like that is totally awesome! Earth is great!

The fact we have to lock our doors at night is proof enough.

Did I not just tell you to go be an edgy f*** somewhere else?

I guess you can add "people who can't read" to your list of problems to whine about when you're sitting in the dark and staring at your computer screen.

Oh, I could read it just fine, but I just chose not to carry out your wish.

Now I'm not going to reply to anything else you have to say here because I don't want to ruin this thread.


Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:05 pm

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the fact that locking your door at night actually keeps you somewhat safe is proof that your life isn't all that bad

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:38 pm

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My life is good, I'm privileged but for a lot of people it's bad, really bad.


Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:39 pm
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Nixter wrote:
k-bizzle wrote:
Go be an edgy f#%$& somewhere else, Nixter.

Yeah starving kids, gangs, pollution, war, rape, shootouts, famine, sickness, and a whole bunch of other s#%$& like that is totally awesome! Earth is great!

The fact we have to lock our doors at night is proof enough.

Don't go "The Earth sucks" on me :l

Starving kids has been happening since the beginning of time.
No planet with life will be able to dodge this.

Gangs has also been going on since the beginning of life,

Pollution is humans fault.

War , again is natural

famine and sickness can't be helped no matter what planet with life you go to.

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for ssf2
Lukepi wrote:
read my post in your thread after i locked it.

i'm done. if you send me another PM with a sarcastic s#%$& attitude i'm banning you for 3 days.

go ahead and test me. see what happens.


Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:27 pm
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Mr.Voyeur wrote:
Nixter wrote:
k-bizzle wrote:
Go be an edgy f#%$& somewhere else, Nixter.

Yeah starving kids, gangs, pollution, war, rape, shootouts, famine, sickness, and a whole bunch of other s#%$& like that is totally awesome! Earth is great!

The fact we have to lock our doors at night is proof enough.

Don't go "The Earth sucks" on me :l

Starving kids has been happening since the beginning of time.
No planet with life will be able to dodge this.

Gangs has also been going on since the beginning of life,

Pollution is humans fault.

War , again is natural

famine and sickness can't be helped no matter what planet with life you go to.

War, gangs and pollution aren't natural, it's human's way of thinking too.

so maybe in another planet people is different


Kittenpuncher wrote:
imagine having sex with a clown though
instead of a dick he just has one of those flowers that shoots water out

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:35 pm

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Also, starving kids can't have existed since the beginning of time because man hasn't existed that long.

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:44 pm
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Pochiman wrote:
War, gangs and pollution aren't natural, it's human's way of thinking too.

so maybe in another planet people is different

Gangs are formed and wars are started because of animal nature. Other animals hunt in packs and fight other animals. Humans are no different.

I'm doing sociology for some reason at college trust me man I know this s***

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:47 pm
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k-bizzle wrote:
Pochiman wrote:
War, gangs and pollution aren't natural, it's human's way of thinking too.

so maybe in another planet people is different

Gangs are formed and wars are started because of animal nature. Other animals hunt in packs and fight other animals. Humans are no different.

I'm doing sociology for some reason at college trust me man I know this s#%$&

maybe, but god you don't see a mole firing nuclear missiles to a bird...

with humans is different. While two rhinos fighting can break some trees and blow some dust, humans fighting can make giant explosions and lots of contamination.


Kittenpuncher wrote:
imagine having sex with a clown though
instead of a dick he just has one of those flowers that shoots water out

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:51 pm
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It's because a lot of humans are unwise and use terror to gain.

Also to speedy, baby animals have been starving since life began.
It can't be helped.

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for ssf2
Lukepi wrote:
read my post in your thread after i locked it.

i'm done. if you send me another PM with a sarcastic s#%$& attitude i'm banning you for 3 days.

go ahead and test me. see what happens.


Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:09 pm
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Nixter wrote:
k-bizzle wrote:
Go be an edgy f*** somewhere else, Nixter.

Yeah starving kids, gangs, pollution, war, rape, shootouts, famine, sickness, and a whole bunch of other s*** like that is totally awesome! Earth is great!

The fact we have to lock our doors at night is proof enough.

What you don't seem to understand is that all that s*** would happen anyway on whatever other planet you went to

You gigantic silly-head

I know that's basically already been said but I felt the need to say it anyway


Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:29 pm
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TerminX wrote:
Nixter wrote:
k-bizzle wrote:
Go be an edgy f#%$& somewhere else, Nixter.

Yeah starving kids, gangs, pollution, war, rape, shootouts, famine, sickness, and a whole bunch of other s#%$& like that is totally awesome! Earth is great!

The fact we have to lock our doors at night is proof enough.

What you don't seem to understand is that all that s#%$& would happen anyway on whatever other planet you went to

You gigantic silly-head

I know that's basically already been said but I felt the need to say it anyway

Thumbs up, Like , Subscribed.

Join the official anime club today!
for ssf2
Lukepi wrote:
read my post in your thread after i locked it.

i'm done. if you send me another PM with a sarcastic s#%$& attitude i'm banning you for 3 days.

go ahead and test me. see what happens.


Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:38 pm

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TerminX wrote:
Nixter wrote:
k-bizzle wrote:
Go be an edgy f*** somewhere else, Nixter.

Yeah starving kids, gangs, pollution, war, rape, shootouts, famine, sickness, and a whole bunch of other s*** like that is totally awesome! Earth is great!

The fact we have to lock our doors at night is proof enough.

What you don't seem to understand is that all that s*** would happen anyway on whatever other planet you went to

You gigantic silly-head

I know that's basically already been said but I felt the need to say it anyway

What about a planet without humans? What if there are other species that would always be passive and are totally unlike anything here on Earth?


Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:41 pm
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Nixter wrote:
What about a planet without humans? What if there are other species that would always be passive and are totally unlike anything here on Earth?

Starvation, violence (war/gang/shootout), rape, and sickness/famine would likely still occur, even if the whole population was non-sentient creatures. You could make the argument that "OH THE WHOLE POPULATION IS PHOTOSYNTHETIC PLANTS DURR" but that's really pushing it. Most societies. Pollution would likely occur anyway as well.

"But I said totally passive!"
Animals eat other animals to survive (violence). An entire ecosystem of only herbivores wouldn't be possible except for some very specific cases, and even those would still be vulnerable to many other things on your list


Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:52 pm

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Now there is an entire universe out there, so that means there could be beings or entities that survive on totally different means.

Some may thrive off of radiation and it stimulates them, who knows, the requirements for life on Earth could just apply to the things on Earth alone.


Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:54 pm
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