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[MP] Marvel vs Capcom 3 
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Capcom did listen. Explain why Strider, Frank West, Phoenix Wright, Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Vergil, Ghost rider is in the game... Better yet... EXPLAIN WHY IS THERE AN ULTIMATE EDITION!!!

Its not your call... You don't want to buy the game, don't be interested... You wanted mega man... Go use Zero and Tron...
You don't like it, don't whine about it here... And chill your a** man... This isn't the end of MVC3 just yet... Last thing you'll see is an arcade edition with megaman in it...

Marvel and Capcom both wanted to try something new... Don't get pissed at them because you don't like She-Hulk and MODOK... Just stfu and enjoy MVC3 like you always wanted to... Nuff said...

Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:32 pm
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You're right, I will admit it, the new roster looks great, the racoon and the 2 generic guys suck, but Strange is cool. Capcom's roster is sick and I love balance.

But still.... after cancelling Legends blaming it on the fans and not adding Megaman, I don't care, they pissed me off so freaking much I don't care anymore.

Now bored of being a trolling a******, let's talk some games gents.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:37 pm
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talesoffan wrote:
You're right, I will admit it, the new roster looks great, the racoon and the 2 generic guys suck, but Strange is cool. Capcom's roster is sick and I love balance.

But still.... after cancelling Legends blaming it on the fans and not adding Megaman, I don't care, they pissed me off so freaking much I don't care anymore.

They never once blamed it on the fans. they said it didn't match criteria, which makes perfect sense. Just because users on the website fawn over it, does in no way mean the game will sell amazingly around the world. If it didn't make it through, they must have a good reason. They didn't dis-confirm there ever being a MML3, but they said the current project was yes, dropped. Can you blame them? The head honcho for Mega Man left. Of course that would effect them, regardless of how much the deny it.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:43 pm
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They blamed it on the fans.

Now bored of being a trolling a******, let's talk some games gents.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:49 pm
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talesoffan wrote:!/CapcomEuro

They blamed it on the fans.

Mmm, seeing this is saddening, but I still wouldn't quite say that. It takes a fanbase to want a game to come out. You think, if BlazBlue didn't have fans, they would have made a part two? The fanbase on Capcom Unity may have been convincing, to say the least, but all of the other fans of Capcom, who do not log on were taken into consideration as well, I'm sure. They aren't necessarily blaming the people who did or did not participate in the Devroom.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:57 pm
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Kyuubit wrote:
really though

if you buy UMvC3, you're just as bad as the people who buy CoD every year

Well that is your opinion, and that's fine. There are people who enjoy CoD.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:15 pm
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Kyuubit wrote:
really though

if you buy UMvC3, you're just as bad as the people who buy CoD every year

Kyuubit, I agree completely. If this was the first version, I would love it, but the fact they released a half assed game only to make a better version which was announced
less than half a year later is what pisses me off. This is the s*** that Capcom pulls all the time. The fact they cancelled TWO Mega Man games and kept him out of MvC3 while all they do is churn out fighting games every month is what aggravates me.

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Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:21 pm
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Kyuubit wrote:
no, you're missing my point

people who are willing to buy a game again with some minor changes and a few new characters are the reason the industry is so s*** now

i mean, it hasn't even been a full f*** year and they're already pulling this s***

I believe it isn't for minor changes and money. That might be a reason, but it isn't the whole shebang. I think they're trying to fix the screw up that was MvC3, by fixing all of the errors.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:27 pm
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Kyuubit wrote:
and don't forget about how UMvC3 will probably also have DLC on top of that

Thats 5 bucks for each character

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Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:30 pm
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UVMC3 is why I didnt buy MVC3 :3 Future Sight sucess.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:26 pm

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Remember those popularity polls that popped up on Unity a while ago?

1)Venom 2243 +233 (30.94%)
2)Gambit 2010 +566 (27.72%)
3)Carnage 1444 +64 (19.92%)
4)Ghost Rider 1380 +150 (19.03%)
5)Ms. Marvel 1230 +5 (16.96%)
6)Psylocke 1225 +158 (16.90%)
7)Cyclops 1067 +11 (14.72%)
8)Dr. Strange 1056 +18 (14.56%)
9)Nightcrawler 1038 +143 (14.32%)
10)Squirrel Girl 895 +72 (12.34%)
11)Blade 823 +125 (11.35%)
12)Green Goblin 698 +41 (09.62%)
13)Silver Surfer 657 +30 (09.06%)
14)Rogue 627 +8 (08.65%)
15)Dr. Octopus 619 +27 (08.54%)
16)Juggernaut 592 +25 (08.17%)
17)Emma Frost 567 +11 (07.82%)
18)Iron Fist 556 +39 (07.67%)
19)Cable 517 +7 (07.13%)
20)Punisher 510 +13 (07.03%)
21)Daredevil 497 +0 (06.85%)
21)Black Panther 497 +87 (06.85%)
23)Moon Knight 410 +58 (05.65%)
24)Thanos 352 +111 (04.85%)
25)Elektra 241 +0 (03.32%)

1)Mega Man X 2568 +542 (34.07%)
2)Phoenix Wright 2116 +251 (28.07%)
3)Strider 1865 +671 (24.74%)
4)Gene 1194 +82 (15.84%)
5)Frank West 1112 +2 (14.75%)
6)Vergil 1110 +38 (14.73%)
7)Juri 1062 +69 (14.09%)
8)B.B Hood 993 +26 (13.17%)
9)Classic Mega Man 967 +78 (12.83%)
10)Bass.EXE 889 +2 (11.79%)
11)Jon Talbain 887 +96 (11.77%)
12)Ryu (BoF) 791 +1 (10.49%)
13)Sigma 790 +12 (10.48%)
14)Captain Commando 778 +36 (10.32%)
15)Leon Kennedy 742 +61 (09.84%)
16)Cammy 681 +14 (09.03%)
17)M. Bison 667 +54 (08.85%)
18)Jin Saotome 613 +65 (08.13%)
19)Mega Man EXE 548 +52 (07.27%)
20)Date Masamune 496 +32 (06.58%)
21)Ken 464 +85 (06.16%)
22)Batsu 379 +46 (05.03%)
23)Guile 333 +12 (04.41%)
24)Chuck Greene 321 +74 (04.26%)
25)Edward Falcon 247 +0 (03.28%)

Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:15 pm
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Capcom listened... mainly, Marvel didn't.

We already know this.

Now bored of being a trolling a******, let's talk some games gents.

Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:20 pm
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8)B.B Hood 993 +26 (13.17%)

4)Gene 1194 +82 (15.84%)

10)Squirrel Girl 895 +72 (12.34%)



Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:24 pm
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Well I haven't bought MvC3(currently playing two)but if UMvC3comes out I might buy it


sorry, I only listen to freshest jams from the youngest leans

Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:56 am
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Kyuubit wrote:
no, you're missing my point

people who are willing to buy a game again with some minor changes and a few new characters are the reason the industry is so s*** now

i mean, it hasn't even been a full f*** year and they're already pulling this s***

You can blame the fans that made them release this crap. When MVC3 got released, people had a major b**** fit on the roster, controls, characters, and gameplay. Capcom tried to do as told. They wanted DLC so they gave character, costume, and shadow battle DLC. They wanted to try something new so Capcom made an Event and Shadow Battle Mode. Spectator mode was supposed to be free DLC but Capcom wanted to finish all the issues people complained about. This includes the characters, costumes, modes, stages and other un-needed s*** Capcom had to eat from their fans.

Its like when you play CoD and you're shooting (Capcom) one zombie down one by one (Haters on MVC3) but then you go "f*** this!" and you pick up that powerup (Ultimate MVC3) where all the zombies are ignited in flames and die? Thats Ultimate MVC3 in a nutshell

Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:02 am
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