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Omnivident - Book 1: A War of Souls 
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Daniel was astounded, several times in a row. He definitely needed to know this girl better. "So... Your favorite food is... People?" Daniel looked at his small form. "I don't think I'd make a good meal." He tried to find Phora, but he didn't think to look at the buffet table. "The fairy said I'm tainted. I think she'd eat me if I wasn't. Can you smell her? I sure hope you can." It was shaky, but he decided he'd trust Lotus. "What do you do for fun?"

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Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:37 pm

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Phora looked around. "Hmm... Alice said being Omnivident is a full-time job! I don't like that! I have two legs, sharp claws and I can fly! I've got this covered!" She took off into the air, and tried to pick out all the Omnivident she knew. "I don't think I see all of them. Where's Max? Everyone should be here!" She flew about the school, searching while trying to figure out where he might be. "Hmmm... Maybe that guy couldn't get a date! I'll bet he's crying to Miss Rachel, just begging her to find him one!" Phora snickered to herself, and suddenly drew massive amounts of energy from Alice, transforming into her full form. "Hahaha! Smart move, little me!" She burst through the door abruptly, hoping to surprise Rachel, mostly. "Who wants a free hug?!"

Alice felt Phora suddenly draw from her. It was enough to make her miss a step as she suddenly got scared. She fought down the fear while walking towards Evelyn. There was little time. "We need to talk about some very important matters!" She said to Evelyn, who was amongst friends.

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Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:40 pm
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OOC: Excuse sloppiness, I've been writing essays for days.

Fiona smiled, glad that Damian was actually willing to dance. She grabbed him by his hand, her leading him around the place becoming a rather regular thing, and she led him onto the dance floor where some of the other students were already assembling.

Bernice, quite shy of dancing, led Logan to one of the banquet tables, where they partook in the various sumptuous foods that were provided. She smiled shyly, "The ballroom is one of the oldest parts of the building" she blurted out, unsure of what to say "It was built once Arclight was established as a town" she quickly grabbed a virgin Shirley Temple and began to sip it, feeling quite foolish.

Artificial snow began to fall from the ceiling, gentle white flakes of sparkling confetti floating about the room magically as the music swelled inside the building. The students became even more excited at this fantastic display, clearly the school had spent a good portion of their budget this year for the Winter Ball. They cheered and danced as the confetti fluttered about them, swirling about on the ground as they moved about.

Evelyn and Damian could feel two familiar energy signatures that they had not felt in a while. Evelyn, more apt at differentiating between spiritual energies was quite shocked with who she thought had entered the room. Turning from her date, Evelyn spotted Adi and Li entering the room at the far end of the hall. Her eyes now corroborating the information that she had received from her spirit, she could not deny that they had arrived. Her eyes lit up as she went to approach the pair, though before she could go and greet them, Alice stood in front of her blocking the path.

"We need to talk about some very important matters!" said Alice much to her displeasure. Evelyn resisted the urge to stare her senior down coldly. Leader or not, Alice's erratic behaviour was quite more than she cared to endure, especially right now. Instead of being insubordinate, she took Alice by her shoulders and pointed her in the direction of the two boys.

"Those matters will have to wait," she said as Adi and Li noticed the girls and made their way to approach them.

"Senior Pearson, Junior St. Augustine," said Adi with a quick nod to either girl.

"You guys are back?" asked Evelyn, honestly quite confused. Li's departure was quite serious, and Adi's quite sudden.

"Yup!" smiled Li "I'm back to my old self" he said with a wink.

"Miss Rachel told us to attend the Winter Ball despite our absence from the school," stated Adi.

"Adi thinks Miss Rachel believes that there will be some sort of paranormal activity tonight"

"I would not be surprised if she knew something that we did not"

The snowflakes continued to fall around them. The novelty of them was quickly wearing off, they were getting in everything; in drinks, on clothes, in hair, all over the floor. At this point it was now becoming difficult to even see one person in front of the other, as if the gentle snowfall was rearing up to become a blizzard.


"No," replied the ghost while fiddling with her glasses in front of Johnny "You don't know me...and I don't know you" The edges of her spectral form fizzled as she was silent momentarily "But I do know you" she continued.

"You're the one!" she exclaimed "The anomaly! The glitch! The miracle! Oh how I would love to study you! You're such an interesting specimen!" she sat cross-legged in the air with a pensive expression. "Who would have thought, maybe a Spiritorum, or a Vitrii...They're always getting into things they shouldn't be...But a Notatorum. ONE OF US! Oh me! Oh my! What a day! What a night! I can't remember the last time I've seen the sunlight!" she rolled back in the air floating and squirming as she spoke confusingly. Suddenly she stopped, and held onto her knees, slapping herself in the face multiple times and stood on the ground.

"You'll have to forgive me" she said while pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose "I have not spoken with someone living in so long. I've been lost in the realm. The other side. There are people looking for me and my friends...very dark people. You know who they are. They touched you. I can see it."


Name: Helena Elizabeth St. Augustine
Status: Graduated
Arte: Naturae – Silvae
Closing Notes:
Helena arrived in my first year of teaching at Arclight Academy. Having dealt with various St. Augustines in my past, I was expecting a difficult and condescending young woman, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Helena was a gentle and kind student, who's loved for nature (as expected of a Naturae) was only outmatched by the love she had for those around her. Unsurprisingly, her mastery over her arte was well beyond those who had joined her in the first year, but she used her knowledge to help others. Even then, she continued to train in her abilities, truly becoming a demi-goddess in her own right as told of the Naturae in the legends, her presence alone was enough to revive a wilted flower, or cause an oak desk to suddenly sprout roots and leaves. It was no surprise to me that she graciously led the club as its leader in her senior year. – J. Albright

Name: Julian Ortega
Status: Deceased
Arte: De Totem – Phoenix
I never had the opportunity to meet Julian, though from James' writings he seems to have been an excellent student and leader. He trained Alice, who is now our leader of the club, explaining much of the control that Alice has over her spirit energy, allowing Phora to function to the fullness of her capacity. Julian however seems to have had much more stability over his totem in comparison to Alice. I would say it is the one thing she still must master if she desires to continue upon this path. I've realised that Julian was incredibly dedicated to this club, as he has gifted his phoenix, through reincarnation, to Alice. This is quite astounding, as I have never heard of such a thing, though it makes sense, considering that it was phoenix. – R. Dawn

Name: Maria Di Falco
Status: Deceased
Arte: Vitri
It was quite useful for me to be Maria's mentor. Vitrii and Spiritorum, though quite different in our workings are incredibly sensitive spiritually. Thus, I was able to support her as her ability to sense the intricacies of spiritual activity around her, and prevent her from overwhelming herself. I did note that as she grew older, she became much more subdued, this is often common of those gifted with foresight. She did reveal to me that she could see glimpses of the future in glass, and her senses have become quite heightened. Her levelheadedness, and clear-sightedness is what led me to choose her and Byron to become the co-presidents in their final year at Arclight Academy. I respect her wholeheartedly, and I am glad that she has decided to attend a university with Omnivident services, her abilities are those which should not go to waste. – J. Albright

Name: Byron Steel
Status: Deceased
Arte: Naturae – Terrae
Byron was a born leader from the moment he stepped into the classroom. As Naturae he showed incredibly growth and control over his abilities. As expected of a Terrae, he is not as rebellious as other Naturae disciples, such as Ignis, and as such, he was able to become quite powerful in his own right. In his final year he has such precise control over the earth he can create localised earthquakes without the neighbouring buildings being the slightest aware. He has become a confident for many of the younger students, and they entire team looks up to him. I am glad that he has accepted the position of co-president of the club this year. Unlike Maria however, he intends to study law, which is an honourable pursuit, I wish him the best, and look forward to the successes in his life. – J. Albright

Name: Basil Petran
Status: Alive
Arte: Notatorum
Basil is quite interesting for a Notatorum, and I am quite surprised that he did not become a Notatorum Liberae or Crystallorum. He is quite rebellious for a Notatorum, though his thirst for knowledge surpasses all of his rebellion. Hanging out with Mark, Basil has taken on the idea of inscribing sigils onto his body as tattoos. This is not uncommon, as it has been done before, and in ancient history, but it is generally much more taxing on the spirit and the body. I believe this is what led to his desertion of the group. Furthermore, I believe that he has taken up with some sorcerers, for his aura feels as if it has been greatly affected by magics. An eye should be kept on him. – R. Dawn

Name: Carter Gram
Status: Uncertain
Arte: Alchemia
I had high hopes for Carter, he had a very strong sense of justice and only sought to do what was right. However his thirst for strength and power at the expense of his own soul cost the team heavily and put many lives in danger. I would have thought such things as making deals with the dark ones would have been an easy enough task to avoid, but within the first term he had managed to do so. Fortunately, the students were able to put down the demon behind this wretched deal, but at a very steep price. Carter's whereabouts continue to be unknown until now. Firsthand accounts seem to imply that he was taken into some level of the heavenlies. The Order has been contacted, and they have been tirelessly working to recover the boy, even a body would be preferable to whatever the child is currently going through. As far as we know however, a mortal may not enter the realm of the heavenlies unless they have been invited. My hopes are not high, but I have not given up entirely. There have been many signs of angelic activity taking place within the last few months, while even I do not quite know what this means, I hope that it may be an opportunity to retrieve Carter. – R. Dawn.

Just as Maximilian was about to read through another file, Phora burst through the door, finding the boy quite obviously snooping in the office.


"This is not natural," said Adi ominously as the snow began to fall thicker around them. A noticeable cool breeze blew through the ballroom and it soon became impossible for anyone to see one another as the wind howled within. Immediately, Adi grabbed Alice's hand, while Li grabbed Evelyn's hand as the snow began to rise up around them and the wind screeched like a banshee. And then, just as suddenly, it stopped. Snow ceased falling, and the wind had died down, but they no longer stood in the room that they were before.

They stood in a forest, silent and cold, dusted with snow that reached up to their ankles. There they stood, each member of the SDU, suddenly together, alone in an unforgiving forest. There was no sign of life around them. Where were they now?


Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:05 pm

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"Hey!" Alice began. "Let go of my hand!" But before she could shake her hand free, the group was suddenly in a forest. "Oh, great. Happy winter, everybody. Here's to hoping my totem doesn't go on a killing spree without me there." She downed the rest of her sparkling wine, and tossed the glass aside in frustration. "I never get to go to the ball..."
She couldn't sense Lloyd or Phora. The snow crunched under her boots as she explored the immediate area. "You should all reach out in spirit. Try to find something alive."

Phora looked at Max with a confused expression. "You're here... alone? Why did Rachel leave the door unlocked?" She fiddled with her hair as she processed this. "Beware, Max. Rachel's weird, and she knew you were coming. Whatever you found in here is just what she wanted you to see. You're playing right into her hands." As she looked towards the files, she suddenly grew excited. "Let me see the papers! I want to see Lloyd's!" She snickered. "I'm going to learn stuff Alice doesn't know!"

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Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:33 am
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Lotus was about to respond to Daniel when the snow began to fall. She smiled and allowed it to stick in her hair. She held her hand out to Daniel but before he took it she appeared in a forest full of snow. Lotus looked around at the beautiful landscape. She was taken in by pure awe of how the snow looked on the trees. Shortly after admiring the outdoors beauty she began to become unbelievably cold. She realized standing ankle deep in snow while wearing a sleeveless dress wasn't an ideal plan. Lotus trying to think of a way to become warm without help from others or a fire could only think of one way. Lotus summoned Dot. The tiger was almost unable to be seen in the snow. "Dot....I nee- need a way to warm up. I need fu- fur. H-how d-do I fu-fuse with you?" Lotus was beginning to shiver now. Dot stared at Lotus not having a clue how to fuse or even initiate one. The two stood there staring at each other trying varies ways to fuse.

Id was about to enjoy some cake when the blizzard hit. Pissed that she appeared in the middle of a forest, she looked around for something to burn. Surrounded by wood Id realized a loud laugh. A bright flashed happened as she summoned Ego. The giant bird watched Id waiting for her command. Id snapped then held up three fingers and made a circle followed by a motion to herself. With a swift nod Ego zipped off. Idelia began to clear away some snow after having a clear spot she turned to see Ego. He had obeyed his master and collected a large pile of dead dry sticks ready to burn. After a short time Id had a fire going she sat down by the warmth and pulled out her s'more ingredients and began to enjoy the glorious effects of fire.


Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:37 am

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Daniel was entranced by the moment and at first didn't notice the forest around him. When he snapped out of it he was taken by surprise. Did Alice do this, or was it Rachel? He looked towards Lotus. "You look cold. Watch this!" He held out both of his hands and targeted a fallen tree. Kakenda locus, ti kowosum. The log caught fire, melting snow. "Magic is so useful. I bet you'd be really good at it!" He said while huddling up next to the fire.

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Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:33 am

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For a moment, he was enjoying himself. When the snow cleared, he was left dumbfounded, shivering, and even upset. His respite from anything related to the club or supernatural was over. Alice's voice in the vicinity shook him out of his angry thoughts, suggesting to reach out in spirit. He looked around, seeing most of the club members and feeling a bit more secure with them. He shut his eyes, not even thinking about the snow, and sought out anything that wasn't one of them.


Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:26 am
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Maximilian was quite unamused by Phora's sudden entrance and though it did cause his heart to skip a beat he remained calm and relatively stone faced whilst the pixie warned him of Rachel's duplicitous actions and conduct.

"I'll be sure to tread carefu-"

"Let me see the papers! I want to see Lloyd's! I'm going to learn stuff Alice doesn't know!"

Apparently this isn't so dangerous then after all Maximilian released an inaudible scoff as he dug through a few more folders and files before he found Lloyd Caesar's.

"All yours." He spread open the document in front of the pixie before excusing himself to the opposite side of the desk where he could sit down on a chair and relax.

"Where's Alice?" Maximilian inquired while ignoring Phora's earlier questions. "And why exactly did you come here looking like that?" He added to his earlier inquiry as he crossed his legs and rested his right hand upon the side of his head.


Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:40 pm

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"Alice is at the ball right now, with everyone else," Phora said. "I came here to bring you to the ball! Something important is bound to happen at the ball!" She nodded as the file opened before her.

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Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:14 pm
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"I have no intention of attending the ball. Whether or not something 'important' happens isn't really of concern to me..." Maximilian's eyes wandered away from Phora's figure as he spoke. "...and besides, I'm sure if something goes wrong at the ball Rachel and the rest of the staff will know and handle it accordingly." He tried his best to correct his earlier mistake of being so verbally aggressive about his non-attendance by reminding Phora that people much more competent and powerful than him were watching over the students.

"Anyway, if you were really concerned about everyone's safety you'd still be with Alice right now instead of here with me in that absurd form." He couldn't help but worry a bit about Evelyn as he spoke. If something really did happen at the ball he wasn't quite sure about her state of mind and how it might effect her ability to cope in battle.


Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:52 am
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Johnathan's shoulders eased up with less tension and his eyebrows lowered to standard height. He took a deep breath and came back with a slight smile on his face. Another Notatorum. Basil disappeared shortly after his first mission, or at the very least Johnathan hasn't seen him, and Tsubaki had different conditions for her Arte, though he had to admit they had bonded greatly because of that.

If she was a ghost, and had the uniform on, would that mean this was someone that was lost on that day? And these dark people, possibly the source of this trouble? "May I have your name? Mine is Johnathan." He paused to wait for her response and his eyes went to the floor for a couple of seconds before looking back up. His smile had gone away and had been replaced with a serious undertone. She knew his secret. Well, no point in hiding it. "I know I'm not pure anymore. Part of my soul has been contaminated and... I lost a friend. And I was almost dragged into Hell because of it. So I have to know, if you know anything else about these dark people who are targeting us. That way I could save my friend and get my revenge."


Grayson had swooped down and perched himself on his master's shoulder. "Now I'm starting to think Alice is psychic, too." Lloyd said as his familiar came down.

"It appears we're in a forest. And we've been separated from the rest of the group." Grayson replied as they both looked around. Grayson in particular was in a much better mood than a few moments ago.

"I also sensed two strange energy sources right before this happened. They were strong, but I couldn't find any evil that belonged to either of them. I wonder who they could be? One of them seemed familiar..."

"Well let's hope they are on our side. I'm going to fly back up and try to locate the rest of our group."

Lloyd nodded and raised an eyebrow. "And I'll stay down here and look in case you miss something."

"I know you won't miss something." Grayson said purposely vague.

"I'm not so sure about that." Lloyd responded with the same tone and an indistinct smile.

Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:43 pm
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Derrek had decided to go to the dance. Well, go to the room the dance was in, not attend the dance itself (though he still planned to mooch all the free stuff). After all, what better place to see (or cause) some wardrobe malfunctions? Though that mentality didn't last long as the ball quickly got crowded and boring. Picking a seat at a table as away from others as possible, he started looking for potential 'candidates' for his scheme. Quickly, however, he managed to lean his chair back just right, using his feet on the table to provide balance, and fall into a quick nap.

It was soon after that when Tsubaki found that same table to hide. Sanjeeta had talked her into coming, sure, but once she had gotten to the dance, her nerves quickly began to fray, and after a single group dance, too many people began to pay attention to her for her liking. So she did what she does, and retreated. She just hoped Derrek wouldn't mind.

So the two sat away from the crowd for a time, until Tsubaki noticed a fair number of the other club members gathering around the entrance as fake snow(!) began to drop from the ceiling. It appeared that Adi and Li had returned! Tsubaki let out a sigh of relief for Alice, seeing the news. It would be nice for her to have help leading again. But then the fake snow(?) began coming down harder and harder, causing Tsubaki to look up to try and see where it all was coming from, but it was too dense by that point to tell, and seconds later she wasn't staring at the ceiling of a building, but that of a forest.

The sudden transportation didn't go by Derrek unnoticed, despite his condition. In fact, without the table to support him, he was awoken violently as his chair fell backwards, and he smashed into the ground.

"Oh god, I'm been asleep so long that nature has reclaimed the school!" He shouted from the ground.

This caused Tsubaki to scurry over to him and try to calm him down, "No, no, no, you're okay! We were just displaced from the ballroom seconds ago. Everything's genki! Well, relatively..."

"Uh huh," Derrek began to sit up before adding anything of note. "So, how do we get back? I was doing something really important."

For a moment Tsubaki gave the boy an disbelieving stare before softening her gaze once more and offering an answer, "I'm not sure? Maybe if we find someone else they'll have an idea?" And answering the question already starting to leave Derrek's mouth, she added, "And, yes, I do know how to do that!" Making a few quick motions with her hands she scribe a sigil to help the two out. "Iter, guide my way! Now come on, it's picking someone up!"

So Tsubaki began walking with compass in front of her in outstretched hands, while Derrek dragged behind her... Dragging his chair behind him.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:27 pm
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OOC: Changed my mind KP for the forest lol -__- Think of this as the mid-book/season finale everyone.

A disembodied shriek pierced through the stillness of the eerie winter forest as the students tried to piece together what had just happened. Daniel's use of magic, while useful, had a very distinct marker - as all magic does. Evelyn and Damian were the first to pick up a fluctuation of energy within the atmosphere as the fire was lit.

"We're not alone" said Evelyn grimly to Alice, Adi and Li. The girl however, had no idea just how right she was. As Damian meditated, focusing his powers on finding something that was not one of the energy signatures he had grown accustomed to, he realized that there were two unfamiliar auras, as well as two powerful ones he had not sensed in a long while. His powers had definitely developed since the beginning of the year, and he could immediately tell that Adi and Li were both in the forest with them as well. Before he could get excited about their return however, he realized that there were multiple dark entities in the woods with them.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Derrek and Tsubaki were about to walk right into one of them. As Tsubaki followed her compass which led her to the closest Omnivident individual, she realized that she could hear a distinct jingling of metal. It reminded her of chains when she thought about it. With no one to talk to, Derrek still very much asleep, it was quite a frightening experience. She could only hope that she would find whoever her compass was pointing her to.

A clear ping let her know that she had found what she was looking for, and the compass disappeared in a shower of sparkles. However, when Tsubaki looked around, she could not see anyone. Had her compass led her astray? The sound of rattling chains had grown louder and was no coming from all around them, but she couldn't see anything. Why couldn't she see anything? She heard a mischievous laugh come from behind her and saw Fiona standing in the snow. The girl stood with her body slouched over like a marionette, though it was quite odd that the girl was there with them. She had thought that only those who were omnivident had been snatched away to this alternate realm.

The girl's back slowly straightened and she looked up at Tsubaki with a c*** head. Her eyes were completely blackened, as if they were blotted out, and there was a twisted smile on the girl's face. Raising her arm awkward she snapped her wrist, and a series of chains burst forth from the snow beneath them.

From where Idelia sat in the clearing she could see moving lights in the darkness beyond the light of the fire. As the lights got closer however, she realized that they were not glowing eyes, but were in fact glowing blue eyes. She could hear growling as the creatures walked from the forest. They looked like hellhounds, except the lacked much of the distinguishing traits of hellfire, rather they were much more skeletal and had white bristling fur. Saliva dripped excessively from their mouths as a pack of twelve of the frozen hellhounds approached the girl's fire.

Even from where Logan stood, he could hear the large pack of animals. Their growls echoed in the woods around them, though he could not specifically pinpoint their location. All he knew was that there was some sort of fire nearby. Surely if Idelia made any sort of noise he would hear her.

"What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Basil as he burst through from a bunch of trees, surprising Daniel and Lotus, "Everyone, no everything, within a mile's perimeter has been alerted of your presence. He kicked snow onto the log to put out the fire. "Damn kids. Of course Ashley didn't teach you anything about this, she barely understands this world. None of them do." He sighed and lit a cigarette, and began walking out of the clearing that they were in. He turned back at the children and snarled "Come on, keep up. There's only one way we're getting out of here" he spat on the ground "Looks like Alice and I will have that chat after all."

The ghost pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and smiled warily.

"I'm Monica" she frowned as she listened to Johnny, taking off her glasses to wipe them against her sleeve absentmindedly as he spoke. "I'd say you were lucky; most Omnivident people don't live after being possessed, and none are left with their powers. You are quite the anomaly."

"As I am sure you have deduced, the dark creatures which beleaguered us were demons. It was quite strange really, everything from that moment is so hazy. We were on a bus, and going to head somewhere to purge it of some powerful dark entities that were amassing there. However, when the doors of the bus closed, there was this man standing in the aisle." Her ghostly form began to become hazy and difficult to see as various items in the vicinity began to shake.

"For some reason...." she said, her eyes going blank as her expression faded "I can't remember that man....Why can I not remember him? I remember everything...I'VE ALWAYS REMEMBERED EVERYTHING! WHHHHYY HOWWWW COULD YOUUUUU!!" Monica's pitch started to go higher as the lights in the s**** began to flicker. "WEEEEEEE TRUST YOU!!" She began to float off of the ground and things began to swirl around her as she screamed. "DARREN TRUSTS YOU! HOW COULD YOU! HOW COULD YOU!"

The lights were flickering throughout the entire school, Maximilian's sense were triggered by the sense of foreboding that were being emanated from Monica in the s****, though he did not recognize the ghostly presence.


Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:08 pm

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OOC still waiting on lloyd's file, i was looking forward to what you had planned too

ic: Alice looked at Evelyn before using her spiritual senses. "You're right. I think someone's using magic, probably Daniel. That shriek can't be good either. Everyone! Eyes open! Keep your senses peeled. We move forward through the forest! Get in formation. I want Grayson scouting ahead, I'll take the lead, with Evelyn and Lloyd to my left and right, and Li and Adi to the left and right of them. It's good to see you two again, but we'll have to catch up later." She nodded her head. "Move out!" As they set out, the senior felt a pang of regret that Phora was not by her side.

Daniel jumped as Basil burst through the trees. "You're thinking of confronting her?!" He said. "We'll be killed!" Still, the older mage claimed to know how to escape the forest, so he followed. Nervously he remembered the laser pointer in his pocket, and gave Lotus an uneasy smile. "Let's be careful, okay?"

Phora was annoyed by the interruption. "You ghosts always pop up when I'm busy!" She said. The lights flickered on and off, further annoying her. "Calm down before you get forcibly exorcised!" The Totem shouted.

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Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:10 pm
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Location: In a candy coated heart of darkness. (free hugs!)
Country: United States (us)
Was the forest haunted? Tsubaki had heard that ghosts like to make noises like chains, but it really seemed ridiculous. After all, how many chains died with unfinished business anyways? Well anyways, she was soon to meet up with someone else, with any luck, so the the positive was about to get a lead on the nega- BEEP! Tsubaki's Iter dissipated in a shower of sparkles, letting her know she had found her destination.

That was discerning, though, as no one appeared to be around. And Tsubaki checked. Left, right, panic, left and right again. Maybe it was Evelyn, up? All the time the clinking of chains grew, then, the hair on Tsubaki's neck stood on end as a laugh sounded out behind her. Turning on her heel, she was surprised to see one of the other, non-archive club, students from Arclight, but then where was the individual Iter led her to? Then she remembered her, the freshman that was with her during the sparring match with Phora. The spunky spiritorum with the chains. What was her name?

She echoed the question under her breathe, "Oh, I've forgotten, I'm sorry. What was her name?"

At this the oblivious Derrek stopped walking and looked in the same direction as Tsubaki, with much less shock. "Oh, that's Fiona, she's in that one class I sleep through. Freshman class. Smile looks the same, think she might have changed her eyes, though? Ah, it's probably my imagination."

"Oh, no, she's possessed..."

And it proved so as Fiona attacked. Tsubaki was surprised, sure, but it wasn't unanticipated, those quick movements of her hand was how she summoned chains before, though less jerky. Not knowing until the last second that the attack was coming from all around and not straight from Fiona's hands, did, however, turn what was supposed to be a graceful dodge roll into more of a frantic face dive in an attempt to dodge. Derrek, having no clue at what could possibly happen was easily ensnared by the chains, which did finally phase him.

"Oh hey, did not know your could do crazy things like- ack! Looking for a fight then? Then how 'bout this? Chair, I choose you!" He managed to get out while feebly tossing his former companion, only for it to travel a foot and land on it's side. "Damn. Should've... evolved it into... Sofa."

Tsubaki, although she couldn't be heard over Derrek's randomness, had summoned her dress and slingshot in that time, however small, and was already preparing to fire on Fiona, if an opening was present.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:58 pm
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