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How was your childhood? 
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From age 0-12 life was fairly simple. I grew up in an older suburbs, so there weren't a lot of kids on my street, but I had my brother and sister so that didn't really matter. I was always that dreamer type girl. My Mom's family is until I was around 7 I believed I was royalty. >.> I was the creative force behind all the imaginary adventures my brother, sister and cousins had when we played together. Our family was incredibly mixed, though more predominately black, so for the longest time I thought we were the weird ones, though we were all raised to generally see beyond that because we didn't really talk about it all, except for the fact that Papa, my great grandfather, was chinese-jamaican.

My parents were incredibly loving. I think my Mom must've secretly been a feminist or something, she instilled my sister and I with a lot of values regarding self-respect and independence, likewise my brother was raised to respect women, which is definitely why he's such a great guy today. (Still watched a boat load of Disney, though Belle was my favourite princess) My Dad was a bit protective, though it wasn't until I was 12ish and beyond that he went into overdrive. I feel like he's really sensitive for a man, so he expressed how much he cared about us quite often. I definitely should have listened to him when he told me I wasn't ready for boys.

There was a bit of tension between my parents, my father thought that for some reason we loved my Mom's side of the family more than my Father's side of the family. Which, as kids, we didn't really even understand, we just loved seeing our family whoever it was. He also had this habit of remembering everything FOREVER. Whether it was bad, or good, and would bring it up in arguments, though this didn't really start happening until I was a teenager.

Age 12-17 life went cray. I got my first boyfriend, he broke my heart. (I dated him without letting my parents know) My sister and I started fighting A LOT, I honestly don't know what ignited her, but she was definitely going through her own things. It definitely hurt me emotionally that my sister always made my life hell. I became a lot more reserved going into high school. My brother and I got really close, though he started picking up my father's protective habits. It was definitely a period of self-discovery; I dated a few more guys (I was very much a hopeless romantic), had horrible things nearly happen to me (long story), joined cheerleading, left cheerleading, started songwriting. I joined MG as an escape from the drama of high school, also because I had discovered the wonders of RPing on the Darkfall Forums, and then stumbled upon these forums which had RPing and fellow girls! (Little did I know...>.>) MG definitely helped in me dealing with bullies and what not in the real life as I sassed guys who bothered me on the forums, being a girl on the internet was not easy... In my last two years of high school I came out of my shell again, and had a lot of the confidence and spark I had as a kid return.

I left home, went to university, my sister and I patched up whatever issues we had, and we are now roommates, while my brother went to university back home. Life has generally settled as I entered adulthood.


Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:40 pm
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My childhood was awesome but that 6087 years ago :|

I got laid a few months ago...

Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:41 pm
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Hey geno when does your album drop anyway

Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:45 pm
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Looks like everyone here had some hard times

alright im just 13 but I guess im not a kid anymore, so here's a little something about me:

I lived in Bs. As. until, 7-8 ish. Things were ok as that, except from my sisters. My bigger Sister hated my other sister until this date. I never could really understand if that hate was just jealousness, or actual hate. My parents are both good persons, my mom is really good and made a lot of efforts for us, and I love her just for that. I'm still trying to understand my dad, but it's not that easy.

She really had some reasons to hate her back then, but now it's just ridiculous. She usually made both mental and fisical abuse to my other sister all the time, most of those times without a concrete reason. We moved out to Córdoba, and my other sister began to grow naturally, making friends, having good grades, and things as that. While my biggest sister didn't make any friends until now, hated everything, got terrible notes and had depressing problems, wich she has until now.

Now I am here, with 13 years old and a normal life in a relatively big house. My dad has some strange hate to my middle sister, I don't know, he thinks she's the reason of my big sister's problem. He has abused her fisically several times, and every time I wanted to stop him I got carried away by his fury. Now my sister hates the whole family except me, found a boyfriend who's actually pretty great and she's almost never in the house. She's also planning on leaving alone when she has enough money. My other sister gets fatter and fatter with the days, she's also a neet and a pretty lame person, She STILL hates my sister and treats her like s***. She has still no friends, and she's actually 25. I never really liked my big sister like I love my middle sister, I just... never liked her. Her talking subjects are limited to TV programs, and nothing else.

Up to this date i'm forced to live granting all of my big sister's wishes, and I need them done, or else my father will use the violence with me. Things like rejecting to play table tennis with her can be a huge deal later with my father, and that's one of the reasons I dislike so much my big sister. My dad isn't a great person neither, he has cheated on my mom a lot of times, with ugly womans. He also pretends to be good and caring, while his true side is violent and hostile. Right now I think that my only happiness is my middle sister, my friends and maybe MG a bit. Other than that I don't really like my life too much, I get depressed really often for x reason and I had some pretty bad times, but well, compared to geno this isn't anything.


Kittenpuncher wrote:
imagine having sex with a clown though
instead of a dick he just has one of those flowers that shoots water out

Last edited by Pochiman on Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:59 pm
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Bravo Geno, I admire your strength.

Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:01 pm
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Hey guys I was born as a cyborg for more than 6087 years that's means I went through B.C and A.D that's like freakin awesome :wee:

I got laid a few months ago...

Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:45 pm
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I understand that you're trying to be funny


you're not


Kittenpuncher wrote:
imagine having sex with a clown though
instead of a dick he just has one of those flowers that shoots water out

Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:45 pm
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Pochiman wrote:
I understand that you're trying to be funny


you're not

I know :( meanie, I'm gonna report u to the meanie no beanie police punk!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool:

I got laid a few months ago...

Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:47 pm
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please stop

BTW Geno, I have to say, reading that about you has given me so much more respect for you, man
From being a kid that grew up around those kinds of problems to the mod/SSF2 dev that everyone loves...
That's a big transformation right there, and you didn't even need Dr. Phil

I admire you for that.


Image Image Image

early 2k nostalgia mode

Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:30 pm

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i watched dr. phil in my childhood

and house


Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:41 pm
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[quote="Psycho"]please stop

Who moi

I got laid a few months ago...

Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:11 pm

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Wow, even my life in New York wasn't that bad. In fact, that's where it was the best! I knew nothing bad in New York at all! The only annoyance there was really me myself. A huge nusience to everyone around me, but other than that, New York seemed like the most perfect place on Earth, which was weird because I've lived in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and I believe Manhattan. Man, so happy that I didn't find out about 9/11 until 5th grade. Actually saw my first clip of it in 7th. It was so traumatizing that I had a small fear of planes for a while. So happy that we can all vent out our emotions and childhoods here and be sensitive to others about it.

Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:25 pm
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Damn, Geno. It's amazing that you not only come out of that as a super dude but also go into the medical field

I respect that a lot. Really.

Pretty rough on your end too, Pochi. You'll pull out of it, man. Keep your head high.

I don't have any similar stories to tell, fortunately. My grandfather was physically abusive to my father for years, until my grandmother got a divorce and took my dad and aunt. She was a saint. She got excommunicated from her family for that, for most of her life. They didn't understand. She didn't reconcile with her sister until her father died. She didn't have much money, but she worked to support herself and her two kids. It was rough. She was incredibly selfless and I wish she'd stayed with us a little longer so I could've got to know her better. Grandfather on that side married dad's babysitter as soon as she turned 18. Went on to molest a little girl too. Piece of s*** to the end, I mean. Died a couple of months ago.

On mom's side, my grandmother was bipolar for her whole childhood (something I've come in contact with myself recently..). She didn't acknowledge her problem and seek medication for it until after I was born, so mom lived with this her whole childhood. During her manic phases she was evidently loud, angry, swearing. Extremely abusive to my mom and grandfather, verbally. Her depressive phases would leave her in her room for a week at a time, not speaking to anyone but my grandfather when he brought her food. My grandfather tried, but it was difficult. He was a very old fashioned person, mom told me once that he refused to let one of her male friends sleep on the couch, making him instead walk several miles home during a snowstorm (because "boys don't spend the night with girls"). Grandma, during one of her depressive phases, evidently got bad enough to be in the hospital. My grandfather told my mother that she had been asking where mom was all day, and crying constantly about it. He said to her, "If she kills herself, it'll be your fault." So, yeah, verbally abusive. But I can't f*** imagine hearing that.

So the both of them sort of turned everything around. Focused on treating their kids better than their parents had treated them. Mom stayed on unnecessary medication for years, just in case she was bipolar as well.

That's kind of my point for typing this up: I think s*** parents tend to create good ones. Do good parents create s*** ones, making a cycle? I dunno, but that worries me a lot.

I also felt like I should type that up in some more detail after how open everyone else has been. You are all my brothers and girl-brothers


Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:28 pm
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It depends on the person imo. Persons who understand they parents are s*** get a different mentality from them, while persons with s*** parents that doesn't notice they have s*** parents tend to end with similar tendences.


Kittenpuncher wrote:
imagine having sex with a clown though
instead of a dick he just has one of those flowers that shoots water out

Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:44 pm

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It kinda sucks how bad some of our childhoods were because that's usually what people believe to be the most important part of your life. It starts the basics and you usually want to remember all the goos times and joy that it brogiht you. This all kinda seems depressing though.

Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:54 pm
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